Just like those famous combat trainers have their own unique styles, coordination trainers also have their own different practices and styles on how to show their gorgeous performances with elves.

World champion, Mikoli, has a recognized title by the outside world, "Prince of Water".

This is not only a praise for his noble and elegant performance style like a prince, but also because Mikoli himself is a master of cultivating water elves. All the water elves under his command have fully utilized the characteristics of the softness of water.

As for Mikoli's apprentice, Ruby, he has a completely different style from his master.

People call Ruby a "gorgeous gem" because Ruby can discover the most shining and dazzling characteristics of any elf, and then perfectly combine the seemingly different characteristics to create a grand performance.

This unique style of discovering shining points is like finding gems in the surging sand, hence the name.

As for other well-known coordination trainers, as long as they have certain achievements, they must have developed their own gorgeous style.

Why did he mention this? It was because Mikoli seemed to see a rising star with a unique and strong personal style.

"A long time ago..."

The ethereal voice sounded, and the tone of the storytelling immediately focused the audience's attention.

What was even more surprising was that the package left on the stage was inexplicably opened, and a cute Pachirisu doll was revealed.

"Ah, this is..."

A low cry sounded in the audience.

Pachirisu turned his "head" vividly, looked around, and then ran happily on the stage with all four limbs.

"Isn't this a doll? Why is it moving?"

Questions emerged from the audience's minds one after another.

"...It was a peaceful place, where the elves lived happily and played every day..."

The story was still being told, and more elf dolls in the package also moved, surrounding Pachirisu in the middle, forming a circle and dancing happily.

This is not the end. The speakers on both sides of the stage rang with cheerful songs.

"Boom", a small "sun" made of energy suddenly appeared above the stage. The soft sunlight shone on the green grass stage, exuding the fragrance of nature.

The sharp-eyed guests immediately saw that it was a combination of the two moves [Sunny Day] and [Green Grass Field].

On the stage, the carefree happiness of the elf dolls and the warm stories they told were all infecting the audience, making them smile unconsciously.

"... But!"

As the turning words fell heavily, the music instantly changed from light to heavy.

"... Darkness suddenly came..."

The energy sun was annihilated, and the bright stage suddenly darkened.

The elf dolls ran around in panic, and what surged on the stage was the ominous dark purple stinking venom.

"Wow, be careful!"

The audience was distressed and couldn't help worrying about the fate of the dolls.

The venom splashed wantonly, and the elf dolls had no way to avoid it and were attacked one after another.

The originally neat appearance was corroded into a dark purple, and these dolls also "twitched" and fell on the stage, unable to move anymore.

[Toxic] The eruption of venom symbolizes the coming of darkness.

"...Running, begging for help, wailing... All of this can't save their fate... Just because this is the evil side of God, a disaster that has been brought to the world..."

The girl lowered her voice to a very low level, and an extremely desperate depression seemed to penetrate the hearts of the audience.

As the elf dolls fell one by one, the venom on the ground surged arrogantly, as if to occupy the entire stage.

Until the end, only the last elf doll was left.

"...The elf prayed to the sky: Who, who will save us..."

Pachirisu raised his head and knelt on the ground. Although there was no expression change on the doll's face, it made people sad with the music.

"Hurry up and save her."

Some children in the audience couldn't help shouting.

For a while, the voices rose and fell. Even though everyone knew that the scene in front of them was fake and just a performance, they couldn't help but empathize.

As if hearing everyone's calls, the heavy music stopped.

The last doll lying in the package slowly stood up. He had a human-like appearance, but the doll's body exuded bursts ofLight.

"Ah, what kind of elf is this?"

Most people couldn't recognize the last elf doll that stood up.

Only Leo wanted to shove his head into the hole in the ground - if there was such a hole - because the doll was created based on him, which was too embarrassing.

The story continued.

"...This is the 'king' of the elves, and the last hope..."

The Lucario doll took the Pachirisu doll and walked to the front of the undulating venom.

The shining [Light Wall] protected in front of him, and then he waved his right hand, and the [Energy Ball] containing life energy purified the venom one by one.

"...The 'king' used his power of hope to gradually repel the darkness and save the true peace for the elves..."

The whole audience cheered.

Under the illumination of the [Energy Ball], the dolls that were originally dark purple regained their original cleanliness, were able to stand up again, and danced happily again.

"...Peace has come again..."

The dolls formed a circle again and danced, while the Lucario doll walked to another corner of the stage and watched everything quietly.

"...'The King' also disappeared in the end..."

The Lucario doll left the stage with the audience's reluctance

The story ends.

And Feng Ling's performance officially ended.

"Pa pa pa pa pa", warm applause without reservation, dedicated to this extraordinary performance.

Feng Ling returned to the front of the stage with the Vine Snake.

Only then did people realize that the dolls just now were like living things, and they were all controlled by the vines stretched out by the Vine Snake. Some people who know the business were even secretly surprised. After all, they had to operate so many vines, and each vine was used to control the dolls' every move. In the process of operating the vines, they also used various moves from time to time to increase the sense of stage performance. This requires such an excellent operating talent to make such a wonderful performance.

Not only did the audience enjoy this unique performance, but even some of the guests showed appreciation.

"Very good seedlings, such an ingenious performance style in the first competition."

The guests from Middle West District have always been known for their open and innovative performance styles. In their eyes, the stereotyped performance style of coordination trainers and elves collaborating with moves is traditional, but too old-fashioned. For these guests with high vision, it is really not very appealing.

"Yeah, I can imagine that in the future, if this girl can carry forward this style, there should be many coordination trainers who will imitate this performance style."

New factions and new trends often attract many people to imitate and pursue. Unlike the traditional performance style that appears on the stage, it is not surprising that this hidden but eye-catching way is liked by some coordination trainers.

However, some people like it, while others do not approve.

An older coordination trainer who has achieved good results all over the world frowned.

"How can this kind of performance highlight the splendor of the elves?"

"A performance that hides its head and tail is really contrary to the purpose of the gorgeous competition."

"It's just nonsense."

This is a bit harsh, and the guests who love this kind of performance are a little unswerving.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't think that you are too arrogant to define the gorgeous competition just because you have been in the industry for two years."

"What are you talking about..."

"That's right, no matter what form it is, the use of vines and the combination of various moves are enough to show that this vine snake has been well cultivated, and the trainer himself is very eloquent. When he was telling the story, even I couldn't help but listen carefully, and the elves can perform well without anyone's command, as if they were in sync with each other. Isn't this another interesting performance?"

"What's wrong with this!"


When it comes to the dispute of ideas, no trainer will be easily convinced.

What I never expected was that there was already a quarrel among the guests.

Feng Ling was somewhat at a loss on the stage, and the audience who were looking for fun were even more happy to see such a scene. After all, watching these well-known big stars swearing at each other was not a show that could be seen even if you had money.

However, despite their quarrels, in the end, they all turned their eyes to Mikoli who was sitting steadily in the middle.

Although she could not understand what the humans were saying, the tense atmosphere at the scene was also sensed by the vine snake. She quietly stretched out a vine and held Feng Ling's hand comfortingly.

Mikoli noticed this scene and smiled unnoticed.

Everyone wasLooking forward to Mikoli's opinion.

Mikoli nodded slightly and said only four words.

"I am looking forward to it."

Warm applause rang out again.

Those guests who supported Fengling looked at the other guests complacently and deliberately clapped louder.

The other guests pouted, but they could only sit in their seats helplessly, with a cold face and no expression.

After all, the opinion of the world champion is enough to represent the purpose of the gorgeous competition itself.

Fengling bowed, and then led Fujinto Snake back to the back of the stage.


"It is estimated that tomorrow's newspaper will publish rumors that Master Mikoli favors novice trainers and Ruby may have a new junior sister."

The enthusiastic discussion of the audience around him made Asuka Aya smile as if he felt the same way.

"It seems that our support plan is a great success!"

Asuka Aya, Lulu, and Ibrahimovic hugged each other to celebrate.

Ah, actually I think it has nothing to do with this cheering sign.

Leo opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

He shrugged and looked at the stage.

"I don't know why, but I always have a strange feeling."

Feng Ling's performance script is said to be written by her herself, and this story makes Leo feel indescribable.

So familiar, just like... I have seen it before...

An indescribable confusion flashed across Lucario's eyes.

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