After flying over Fuquan Town, this inland town did not seem to be disturbed too much. Apart from the reduction of some tourists, most residents were still going about their daily lives, and at most they would chat with each other about the current situation when they met.

Seeing that there was no need for special assistance in Fuquan Town, Latias, Asuka and Leo flew over Fuquan Town and flew towards Zidian City.

As they flew closer and closer, the rain from the sky gradually became denser.

Positive and negative, life and death, time and space, these are mysterious areas that are difficult to touch with human technology at present.

Leo looked at the object in his palm that looked like a small diamond, and his usually stable hand could not help but tremble slightly.

The name and description of the item were displayed on the screen.

"Time-space shuttle gem: a gift from Celebi, it seals the power of time-space shuttle, can go back to any time or travel to any space, return after the power disappears, and can be used 'only once'."

According to Leo's understanding, apart from the creator god Arceus, the only ones who have this ability of time-space shuttle are the twin gods of time and space and Celebi.

What is the concept of time-space shuttle? That means that Leo can go back to any period of time in modern times, ancient times, or even super ancient times, or travel to any space, or even travel back to the earth in his previous life!

However, this idea was quickly abandoned by Leo.

After the journey of self-examination before evolution, Leo decided to live in the elf world with his new body. Moreover, according to the description of the "Time and Space Shuttle Gem", this shuttle is also a one-time one, and it can only stay for a short period of time. After that, it can only return to the modern world. So, traveling to the earth, except for seeing the familiar scenery again, seems to be of little significance. After all, for Leo, his parents in the previous life are no longer in the world, and there are no friends and relatives who must be seen. It would be a pity to waste an opportunity in vain.

Therefore, Leo's more thoughts are to travel back to ancient times, or even more distant times.

The purpose is to explore the reason why he is the last Lucario in the world today, and to trace the traces of the existence of this race.

The task of "tracing the past" that has been bothering Leo for a long time seems to have some clues now that he has obtained this gem.

"Wow, what a beautiful gem! Leo, let me see it!"

Asuhiro blinked his big eyes, looking at the gem in Leo's hand with shining eyes.

It seems that girls can't avoid liking such shiny things.

However, for Leo, this thing is a treasure that cannot be lost, so he slapped away the paw of the dog that stretched out to touch the gem, and then put the gem back into the [backpack] for safekeeping.


The girl pouted, but the next second, she seemed to see something, and hurriedly patted Latias gently.

"Xiao Ya, wait, there seems to be something going on down there."


The rain continued, and there was no sign of stopping.

Zidian City, shrouded in the rain, lost its usual bustle and vitality. The road that was usually busy was now empty, just because all kinds of electromagnetic trains stopped running under special circumstances. The big screen that used to play a variety of video advertisements was also dark. On the roadside, on the top of the building, on the street, all kinds of colorful and gorgeous neon lights were turned off to ensure the power supply of the entire area, so as not to waste electricity.

The bustling commercial street was no longer filled with the energetic shouting of the shopkeepers and the various goods on the stalls. Everywhere you looked, the doors of the shops were locked, and only a few supermarkets that ensured the normal supply of daily necessities were still open.

Citizens who went out wearing raincoats or holding umbrellas were no longer leisurely. They came and went in a hurry, carrying a large bag of supplies, lowering their heads to go to the supermarket, and then returned to their homes in a short time, closing the door and ending their trip.

In addition to the citizens who bought supplies on the street, there were more trainers wearing alliance uniforms, patrolling with a vigilant look on their faces.

The heavy rain affected the normal operation of various facilities, and also affected the travel and activities of the people.

However, the biggest impact on the normal operation of this town was the riot caused by the excessive energy leaked with the revival of Kyogre, which caused the elves to run away.

"Report, a large group of poisonous jellyfish appeared on East 8th Street and are causing damage. Support teams please go immediately."

The voice of the command center came from the communicator. After receiving the order, the alliance trainers, even though their faces were full ofAlthough they were tired, they had to cheer up and go to the destination to drive away the runaway elves.

In a remote narrow alley somewhere in the city.

Several thin figures sneaked into the alley, avoiding the sight of the patrol personnel.

"Xiaotian, is it okay for us to do this?"

Under the illumination of the few street lights, it can be seen that these figures are several children, among which a little boy with a timid face asked timidly.

Although the older boy who led the group was a little scared, he still said it in front of his companions.

"No problem, those trainers have cleaned up all the invading bad elves, so there is nothing to be afraid of. And..."

Several children turned left and right and came to a place where debris was piled in the alley very skillfully.

"I haven't fed it for a few days. Aren't you worried?"

The big boy turned over the cardboard covering the pile of debris and called softly.

"Xiaoliang, Xiaoliang, come out, we brought delicious food..."

After a while, a small elf with a round head and yellow body like a small lizard poked its head out.

After the children searched the school library and repeatedly asked the teacher, they knew that this elf was "Umbrella Electric Lizard", an elf with both electric and general attributes, but this kind of elf was supposed to live in the wild of another continent "Flot Continent", but they didn't know why the children picked it up near the power generation park, and because the children were not old enough to capture elves, they would be scolded by their parents if they took it home without permission, so they built a small nest for the Umbrella Electric Lizard with cardboard and usually secretly brought food to feed this little lizard without telling their family.

Because the body of the Umbrella Electric Lizard felt cool, the children decided to call it "Xiaoliang".

When the Umbrella Electric Lizard saw the children, it called out happily.

"Here, take your time."

The other children took out the food hidden in their arms and placed it in front of the Umbrella Lizard, and the elf, who had been hungry for a long time, couldn't wait to eat it.

The elf's cute eating appearance made the children squatting beside them laugh happily.

However, what they didn't notice was that in the depths of the alley, several dangerous auras gradually emerged.


The Umbrella Lizard, who was eating, was startled and stopped eating instantly. He raised his head alertly, and even the frills on both sides of his head stood up high.

"What's wrong, Xiaoliang, is the food bad and can't be eaten?"

The big boy Xiaotian who found the abnormality of the Umbrella Lizard was a little confused.

The Umbrella Lizard called out anxiously a few times, and seeing that the children were still curious and didn't react at all, he immediately used his little hands to pull the children's clothes and tried to drag them out of the alley.

The hissing sound, accompanied by several black shadows, appeared in front of the children.

"Ahhh! It's a grouper! How come it's here!"

The big boy Xiaotian immediately recognized what these sea snake-like Pokémons were.

Grouper, a Pokémon that originally lived in the deep sea, was now infected by Kyogre, making its already irritable character even more agitated. And because of the continuous heavy rain brought by Kyogre, these Pokémons that can only rely on the marine environment can also rush to the land freely.

As for how these grouper came to Zidian City across such a long distance, the children didn't want to know at all now, because in front of them, the grouper had opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth, and looked ready to move.

What to do?

Xiaotian, who had this question in his mind, subconsciously protected the younger children who were trembling with fear behind him.

As mentioned above, the children were not yet of the age to subdue elves, and the elves at home did not come out because this was a "secret operation". Facing the fierce-looking hunting fish with bared teeth, it seemed that there was nothing they could do.

The hunting fish did not feel any threat from the group of human children in front of them, and they swam forward recklessly, intimidating the prey first, and then biting and killing them with their big mouths when they were not prepared, just as they did when they hunted in the deep sea.

The hunting fish kept approaching, and the umbrella electric lizard saw that everyone could not escape, so he bravely stood up and blocked the children.


The umbrella electric lizard tried to make a fierce expression, and at the same time, a weak electric light flashed on his body, trying to scare off the enemy in this way.

However, the electric light of the umbrella electric lizard was only slightly stronger than tickling for the hunting fish.


The hunting fish swimming in the front swung its long tail and directlyThe little lizard spirit was thrown aside and hit the wall heavily.

"Ah, Xiaoliang!"

Seeing the umbrella electric lizard being knocked away, Xiaotian immediately became anxious, and in a rage, he waved his little fist and rushed towards the hunting fish.

The hunting fish watched the tender prey rushing towards him without reason, proudly opened his big mouth even bigger, and his eyes also revealed a greedy look.

Just when Xiaotian was about to be bitten by the hunting fish, a crisp girl's voice sounded.

"Falling Thunder Cub, [Lightning Flash]!"

The figure as fast as lightning dragged a dazzling white light, and then hit the hunting fish neatly.

The rescued Xiaotian suddenly realized that if it weren't for the sudden appearance of the falling thunder beast, he would probably be successfully trapped by the hunting fish, and the consequences would be even more unpredictable.

Seeing the spirited Thunder Beast, the children were instantly overjoyed. They turned their heads and shouted at the little girl who walked into the alley.

"Big Sister Xiaoyu!"

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