Xiaoyu, born in Zidian City, is 9 years old and is studying at the Zidian City Junior Elf Academy. She is the granddaughter of Tiexuan, the owner of the Zidian City Electric Elf Gym.

She is known as "Sister Xiaoyu" in the world. She leads all minors aged 0 to 10 in Zidian City. She hates evil and often fights for justice when faced with "evil" behaviors such as snatching lollipops, giving nicknames to little kids, not washing hands when going to the toilet, and scribbling on textbooks.

Together with the tiger, she is... oh, no, the elf partners who are upholding justice together are: Thunder Beast, Positive Electric Papa and Negative Electric Papa.

How can you be the king of children in this big city without two brushes? According to her, she solemnly stated that she was valued by everyone not because of her identity as the granddaughter of the gym owner, but because of her sense of justice from the heart and the cultivation of good elf companions.

The appearance of this "king of children" instantly made the children behind her feel a lot more at ease.

"Xiao Zheng, Xiao Fu, Thunder Cub!"

Xiao Yu threw the Poké Ball in her hand and summoned all her Pokémon.

"Didn't your parents tell you not to go out casually recently? It's very dangerous. If I hadn't seen Xiao Tian doing something secretly and followed him out to see what was going on, you would have been eaten by these vicious guys!"

Staring at the grouper fishes across the street with a vigilant look, Xiao Yu did not forget to verbally educate the group of brats behind him as an elder.

The brats bowed their heads and listened to the lecture, but the grouper fishes were not happy.


The prey that was about to be caught was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Thunder Beast, causing the prey to slip away in vain. No matter which Pokémon it was, it would be very angry.

The grouper fishes further showed their ferocious appearance, and even made the spots on their bodies light up as a demonstration.

"Beep, Pokémon: Scorpionfish, level: Lv20."

Xiaoyu quietly took out her children's mobile phone, and then checked it with the illustrated app, and immediately found a more serious problem.

"Damn, these weird guys are all higher than my Pokémon level, this is trouble."

The little girl regretted not calling the trainer brothers and sisters to come out together, so that she wouldn't have to fall into the current dilemma.

Retreating backwards, it would be difficult for the several little brats behind her to leave the scene intact, after all, Scorpionfish will not miss any opportunity; but if they want to further defeat the enemy on the opposite side, the Lv10 positive electric pat, Lv10 negative electric pat and Lv12 thunder beast face all Lv20 level Scorpionfish, and the difficulty of winning is rising sharply.

The only advantage is that Xiaoyu has all electric Pokémon, relying on attribute restraint, it is not impossible to fight.

"Besides, I'm the granddaughter of an electric elf expert. I'm very brave in commanding electric elves!"

Xiao Yu encouraged herself secretly, and then confidently gave instructions to the three electric elves.

"Xiao Zheng, Xiao Negative, and Thunder Cub, use [Electric Shock]!"

Adhering to the style taught by Grandpa Tiexuan, electric elves must naturally defeat their opponents in one go with the momentum of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves. There is no such thing as a protracted battle or a detailed plan!

For ordinary positive electric pat, negative electric pat and thunder beast, their racial talents cannot naturally learn the [Electric Shock] move, but don't forget that there are countless learning machines for electric moves for electric gyms, so Xiao Yu's elves also learned the electric move [Electric Shock] with the help of the move learning machine.

The three electric elves, who have formed a good tacit understanding by getting along day and night, tightened their bodies and brewed electric energy.

"Zizizizi", the numb electromagnetic microwaves spread in the air, connecting the breath of the three elves.

For many trainers, if it is a group battle of elves, multiple elves of the same attribute use the same attribute moves at the same time, then the energy will be superimposed on each other, and then the actual combat moves can be greatly enhanced. This is why everyone knows that using different attributes to restrain the opponent's corresponding elves will make the battle easier, but there are still many people who tend to cultivate a whole team of elves with the same attribute, not only because elves with the same attribute are easy to get along with, but also in the process of growth, they will supply the same energy to each other, making the cultivation of elves better, and even in battle, they can also occupy a lot of advantages.

[Electric Shock] This move is a relatively low-powered move among electric moves, but at this time, the energy of the three electric elves is superimposed on each other, and a large ball of electricity is condensed.Light, the power is not even lower than the signature move [100,000 Volts].

"Now, fire!"

It was the first time that Xiaoyu saw three elves attack together to form such a powerful superposition move, so she excitedly waved her hand, and the electric light sprayed out dazzling lightning, striking the hunting fish.


Several children who were watching intently suddenly screamed. They felt a tingling sensation when the raindrops hit their bodies that were not covered by raincoats.

But they didn't care and were still cheering for Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu had a raised eyebrow expression. She was very sure that the hunting fish, which was twice as restrained by the electric type, would retreat directly under this move.

It was a pity that Tiexuan was not at the scene, otherwise the experienced electric elf expert would tell his granddaughter not to use electric moves in wet and humid places, especially when she was in such an environment!

Because water conducts electricity!

Lightning struck out, and with the speed of lightning, the hunting fish naturally failed to react in time and stood there.

Just as the lightning was about to hit the opponent and the water that was about to fall to the ground, a claw fell from the sky and grabbed the lightning, crushing the electric energy directly.

At the same time, the girl also jumped down from a low altitude and landed next to Xiaoyu.

"It's dangerous for you to do this. The electric current will spread around with the rain, and it's easy for you and your friends to get electrocuted."

Xiaoyu was shocked, and then she realized that she had just been busy using her moves and ignored the impact of the environment.

But when she saw the appearance of the people around her, she showed a happy expression again.

"Ah, Xiaozhao!"

The little girl hugged Mingzhao, and the latter also touched her head and said with a smile.

"Xiaoyu, long time no see!"

The big and the small hugged each other and laughed silly, then remembered that now was not the time to relax.

"Ahem, Xiaoyu, let's talk later."

The few grouper fishes that were staring at them were ferocious and difficult to resist for Xiaoyu and the children, but for Asuka and Leo, it was too easy to deal with them.

After crushing the lightning, Leo waved his hand and stepped aside. This rare opportunity to fight the enemy should naturally be left to his companions to deal with and improve themselves.

"It's you, Bubu, come out!"

"Eevee! (Elf language) I'll do it!"

The arrogant Eevee jumped out of the Poké Ball. Those Fiery Roaring Tigers couldn't beat them, but the little grouper fishes were still at the mercy of my big Eevee!

However, when the little guy touched the large puddle of water on the ground, he immediately panicked and raised his tail and tiptoed his claws, trying his best not to touch the water.

Why does Eevee hate bathing or water so much? The main reason is that her hair is so fluffy that it is very difficult to comb once it gets wet. Moreover, the drooping appearance of her hair after getting wet is really unacceptable to her, who always loves to be beautiful.

Looking at Eevee who is busy getting into the Poké Ball, Asuka rolled her eyes. She really doesn't know why she has captured such a little ancestor.

As soon as Eevee returned to the Poké Ball, the Poké Ball placed next to it opened by itself.


Although not as impressive as Eevee, Charmander, which has appeared for a long time, maintains a high morale.

Even in the rainy weather that is the most unfavorable for fire Pokémons, Charmander's tail flame still burns tenaciously.

The reason why Asuka chose Eevee instead of Charmander was because of the weather. However, seeing that Charmander was actively asking for a fight, the girl just let him go.

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