Since the God of Creation was born from the endless void, He opened up the chaos and created the world.

The four directions above and below are all space, the past and present are all time, and the two sides of matter are all positive and negative.

When the world took shape, the land carried the spirits of the visible and the ocean nurtured the spirits of the invisible and the invisible.

What modern humans don’t know is that in the beginning, the land and the ocean divided by this world actually accounted for half each.

Kyogre and Groudon, as the creators of the ocean and the creators of the land, did not regard each other as mortal enemies at the beginning as they do now. The two gods lived in their own territories and accompanied the evolution of the ocean or the land.

However, the land has more complex and diverse terrain and landforms, which leads to the drastic changes on the land every day. The initial life that appeared at night may disappear at the moment of sunrise, and when the sunny day is blocked, a large number of spores that are about to transform may lose the opportunity to evolve. In contrast, the living environment of the ocean is relatively stable and single.

As a result, life continued to grow in the ocean, and the speed of growth, reproduction and evolution was far greater than that of other creatures on land. Even when the first super-ancient elf was born in the ocean, the environment on land was still slowly changing, and the spirits on land were still in a state of not really budding.

Under this overwhelming growth rate of life, the space in the ocean gradually became less abundant.

Slowly, the creatures in the ocean longed for a wider space, and Kyogre, responding to their expectations, activated his ability and instantly occupied half of the land between the surging waves.

This behavior naturally also alarmed the sleeping Groudon.

When he woke up from his dream, he found that his territory, and even his living space, had been accidentally reduced by half, which was something that the extremely irritable land god could not tolerate.

Then, there was the first battle between the ocean and the land in the primitive era.

This battle was so fierce that the sky was dark.

The waves rushed, the ground cracked and collapsed, and the battle between the two gods even dragged the few lives that were born with great difficulty into the aftermath, and countless lives died.

This matter alarmed another god who controls the sky and the atmosphere.

Sensing the chaotic atmosphere in this world, Rayquaza ruthlessly used his powerful power to suppress both the sea and the land.

In this way, the first battle between the sea and the land ended in a whimper.

In the end, the ocean faded away part of the occupied land, forming the current world's sea-land pattern of 60% ocean and 40% land.

Of course, this battle also planted the seeds of mutual hatred in the hearts of the two who were naturally incompatible.

During this long time, every time Kyogre and Groudon woke up, they would definitely fight for it.

The endless disputes and battles, every appearance, are a disaster for the creatures in the world.

As for Rayquaza, he took the initiative to stop the war every time at the beginning, but in the end, as long as the world did not collapse, he was too lazy to take action.

The last time Rayquaza suppressed and subdued two super ancient elves was ten years ago.


Recalling the past, Kyogre continued to swim freely in the ocean.

This sleep did not last long. For elves like them with long lifespans, sleeping for ten years is no different from taking a nap.

Therefore, Kyogre still cares about the battle that ended before it officially started ten years ago.


The huge super ancient elf broke through the water and let out a deafening roar from its mouth.

The two huge pectoral fins casually fell on the water, allowing the waves of hundreds of feet to spread away. The back of the pectoral fins was flowing with black and yellow energy, and even in this never-ending storm, it still emitted a dazzling light.

Kyogre was very satisfied with this awakening, not only because the natural energy that had been dissipating since the ancient times was returning, but also because the huge body formed by the condensation of certain powers allowed him to move more freely and comfortably.

Even though He knew that this power could not be used for too long, He still borrowed this power to defeat the enemy due to the hostility of Groudon.

Even if He was eroded by this power, He was confident that He could completely eliminate the troubles it brought.


Kyogre could not help but let out an excited cry again when he sensed that he was about to reach the place where he could completely return to his original state. The ribbon-like tails behind his body swung faster, making his swimming speed even faster.

If he reached that place first,The place has returned to its original state, and it is no problem to deal with that guy.


He caught a glimpse of those annoying little black dots in the distance. Although Kyogre didn't take these creatures called "humans" seriously, he still felt that they were very annoying.

So He decided to give them some divine punishment.

The giant pectoral fins were raised high, and the surging water energy was gathered in it.


A very thick and huge water cannon sprayed out.


After crossing the coastline of Enki City and continuing to fly towards the ocean for a distance, Asumi Zhao found that Safiya and others were riding their own elves, guarding against the behemoth in the distance.

"Ms. Safiya, Mr. Ruby!"

Asumi Zhao and these two people can be regarded as acquaintances, so he hurriedly waved enthusiastically and explained his purpose.

Safiya took the tablet computer handed over by Asuka, and looked at Latias carrying Asuka with surprise.

As the champion of the Middle Region, she had traveled all over the region during her time as a trainer, so she naturally had a lot of experience and vision, so she recognized at a glance that this elf that looked like a pink and white jet was the legendary infinite elf in the Middle Region, Latias.

However, in the impression of this champion, although Asuka was also a promising junior, how could such a fledgling trainer be related to such a legendary elf.

However, now was not the time to be curious about such things. In this sea area with disordered signals, the only way for them to get information about other places was through the tablet computer delivered by the alliance personnel in person.

"... So... Groudon is about to enter the sea from Kyle City. It is estimated that in 2 hours, the two super ancient beasts will meet in Jingshui City..."

Safiya, Ruby, Zhulan, and Wusong read the information in their hands with serious faces.

"In other words, do we have to stay here for another two hours?"

Zhulan sat on her Milotic and yawned tiredly. Before this incident, she was studying the ancient books and materials excavated from a ruin in the West District of Middlesex day and night. After this incident, she came to support quickly. She had been on guard against Kyogre for several days in a row. She had not had a good rest for a long time. Therefore, when she heard that she had to hold on for such a long time, she couldn't help but feel a little tired.

Safiya and Ruby looked at each other.

Compared with Zhulan and Wusong who had not participated in the disaster ten years ago, the two parties involved knew more clearly.

"…Now we are just guarding against Kyogre's destruction of the area. Although it is already difficult, I think the more difficult situation will be after the two beasts meet."

Unexpectedly, even though Wu Song had not participated in the last time, he still said what Safia and Ruby wanted to say in their hearts.

And this king also attracted the attention of Mingri Zhao.

With purple wavy hair, glasses, and a gentle appearance, this is one of the four kings in the Midel region, the super-powered king Wu Song.

Noticing Mingri Zhao's gaze, Wu Song pushed his glasses with his fingers and said.

"This little friend, thank you for bravely sending the information here, but it is very dangerous here, please retreat quickly."

When Mingri Zhao heard that he was asked to leave, he immediately remembered what Tiexuan told him, so he hurriedly spoke.

"Well, Uncle Tiexuan asked me to find Mr. Ruby, saying that it is possible..."

Before he finished speaking, the energy that suddenly expanded in the distance directly focused everyone's attention.

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