The next second, the experienced trainers summoned their ace Pokémons and gave instructions in an instant.

"Chichi (Flame Chicken), Mega Mega Evolution, [Explosive Flame]!"

"Zuzu (Swampert), Mega Mega Evolution, [Water Cannon]!"

"Greek, Mega Mega Evolution, [Final Impact]!"

"Alakazam, Mega Mega Evolution, [Psychic Power]!"

Unintentionally, the four powerful trainers chose Mega Mega Evolution at the same time.

In the four shining colorful evolutionary lights, the four Super Pokémons jumped out together and guarded in front of everyone.

At this time, the super giant water cannon in the distance came with a bang.

Super Flame Chicken, with exploding flames all over its body, instantly burst out all its flame energy towards the oncoming water cannon.

Like Super Swampert wearing heavy armor, it also sprayed a water stream from its palms that was only one size smaller than the super giant water cannon.

The super-biting Land Shark, covered with sharp blades, turned into a spiral whirlwind, and rushed forward with a storm of blades.

Alakazam, who was at the back, was suspended with the help of powerful telekinesis, and Whitebeard flew up in the wind and rain, while the invisible and powerful super-powered telekinesis was concentrated and shot out.

The ultimate moves of the four super elves merged into a super attack wave of equal power, colliding with the super giant water cannon.

The attacks from both sides spanned the ocean, and the energy aftermath even cut a deep gully on the sea surface.

However, in this rainstorm environment, the water cannon seemed to absorb a lot of water energy again during the shooting process, becoming even bigger.

Originally two equally powerful attack waves, one of them was directly at a disadvantage.

At this time, Latias exerted his ability as a legendary elf.

[Light Wall] and [Reflection Wall], two types of protective walls, instantly stacked dozens of layers in front of everyone and the elves, and the two moves [Help] and [Tailwind] greatly increased the power of the super attack waves of the four super elves - [Help] strengthened the power of the move, and [Tailwind] increased the advancement speed of [Ultimate Impact].

This is not over yet. Latias superimposed her own dragon and psychic attribute attack moves on the attack wave, adding another point of power. She even had spare energy and prepared the [Prayer] move in advance to restore the energy of the elves.

A series of dazzling auxiliary moves not only dazzled Asuka Akira's eyes, but also made the four knowledgeable trainers dizzy.

Compared with Latios's offensive move list, most of the moves Latias learned were auxiliary moves, which seemed inconspicuous, but at this time, they exerted the most powerful power.

The super attack wave with multiple amplifications can't even be described as super.

It should be said that it was the ultimate attack wave.

And this ultimate combined power completely overwhelmed the seemingly invincible super giant water cannon (the two giants are not typos).

"Swoosh", the ultimate attack wave broke the super giant water cannon in one fell swoop.

The defeated water cannon was completely blown apart, and a large amount of water splashed everywhere, and these water splashes fell heavily on the sea surface, stirring up layers of waves.

The ultimate attack wave continued to move forward with momentum, but because of the distance, it dissipated in the air.

Kyogre didn't care about his casual attack and continued to swim towards Shizuo City.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that after Kyogre became so huge, even this casual move would be so powerful."

"It feels much more terrifying than ten years ago."

Lubby and Safia had close contact with these two super ancient beasts ten years ago, but at that time, the two beasts were only a few meters tall. Although the power of their moves was also amazing, it was not like now. A casual attack required four champion-level super-evolved Pokémon to block with all their strength, and even required the assistance of legendary Pokémon to block it.

Although it was blocked, the Pokémon who faced the terrible attack of the beasts also suffered a lot of damage.

After all, even if we don't count the damage of the Mega Water Cannon, the high-powered moves like [Explosive Flame], [Cannon Water Cannon], and [Ultimate Impact] all come at the cost of damaging themselves in exchange for powerful power, so [Psychic Power] is a little better, and it didn't cause too much burden on Mega Alakazam, but it just looked a little sluggish, but overall it's better than the other three Pokémon.

Mega Swampert is a ground-type plus water-type, Mega Garchomp is a dragon-type plus ground-type, and these two Super Pokémon are all squatting on Safia's Whale.Wang was panting. They were not weak to water, so the fatigue at this moment was more caused by the original impact of the super giant water cannon and the backlash of powerful moves.

But the other Pokémon, Mega Flame Chicken, seemed a little bad.

"Chizhi, are you okay?"

Hearing the worried words of her trainer, Mega Flame Chicken struggled to get up, trying to reassure Safia with her still agile skills.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, the weakness that seemed to penetrate her bones still made her unable to move.

Even the originally tenacious flame on her wrist seemed to be shaky at this time.

"Swish, swish, swish", the four Pokémon lost their super evolution.

"Chizhi is in this state, I guess he can't participate in the next defense battle."

Ruby stepped forward to understand the status of Flame Chicken, and then shook his head at Safia.

Zhulan and Wusong beside them also looked unhappy. After all, they had not yet fought the defense for the final decisive battle, but before that, they lost a very powerful force - Flame Chicken, as Safiya's trump card Pokémon, was so strong that it could even surpass other Pokémon present, but at this time, it was directly knocked down by the Super Water Cannon because of the attribute restraint. This was something no one could have expected.

But if it wasn't for the full-strength attack of Super Flame Chicken just now, it was hard to say whether they could have blocked such a terrible attack.

After taking back Flame Chicken and telling it to have a good rest, Safiya stood up with determination on her face.

"It doesn't matter, I have other partners who can fight... Hmm? Is there any information on the tablet?"

It seemed that as Kyogre kept moving away, the originally chaotic signal was gradually recovering, and Safiya found that the tablet in her hand was flashing a notification of new messages.

"... Zizi... Zizi... Hello, can... can you hear it?"

The voice gradually became clear from vague, and it was a communication from the Pokémon Alliance.

After receiving a positive response from Safiya and others, the other party of the communication began to convey the latest instructions.

"... Qianli and the trainer team have repelled most of the rioting Pokémons. The support troops are about to arrive in Yuanqi City. Please ask Wusong Tianwang to go there and guide the citizens to Yinye City and Zidian City for refuge."

"As for Miss Safiya, Miss Zhulan and Mr. Ruby, please go to Kyle City to meet up with Mr. Daigo and others. The battle is about to enter the second stage."

"The battle to defend Kyogre and Groudon and implement the super ancient beast suppression plan is about to begin."

"Please go as soon as possible!"

The communication did not last long. After transmitting the key information, it was interrupted instantly.

The message transmitted was simple, that is, the battle plan was about to start the second stage.

Since the incident that happened ten years ago, the Alliance has also made corresponding battle plans for the resurrection of these two super ancient Pokémons and the battle. According to data analysis, the super ancient elves are powerful, but there is also an upper limit, so this plan has three main stages:

The first stage is called the Guidance Plan, which consciously guides the two super ancient beasts from the designed forward path to the specially prepared battle site, and protects the surrounding towns from the destruction of supernatural forces during the guidance process;

When the two super ancient beasts meet, they enter the second stage, and the exclusive trainer team formed by the alliance prepares for the battle between the two super ancient beasts, because the elves of these trainers are all composed of elves with extremely high physical defense and special defense, and the use of protective moves in turn according to the tactical sequence is enough to defend against the aftermath of the battle between the two super ancient beasts.

Finally, when the two super ancient beasts consume a lot of energy, the powerful champion trainers will go to snipe and suppress them, forcing the two beasts to consume the last energy, and they have no choice but to return to the sleeping place and fall into deep sleep again, so that the world can restore peace.

This is the battle plan specially prepared by the alliance.

However, due to the lack of effective experimental support, even after being modified and adjusted by many think tanks and tactical experts, this battle plan still has many shortcomings in the face of the real reality of the disaster.

Just like in the first stage, the unimaginable degree of damage to the environment caused by supernatural forces exceeded the standard expected in the plan by nearly 10 times, so the champion trainers who originally planned to stay in the third stage were forced to go all out in the first stage. Fortunately, although there were many unpredictable changes, in the end, Kyogre and Groudon still followed the temporary route and went to the battlefield that had been prepared long ago - Stillwater City as planned.

If everything goes well, then in the second stage, the battle between the mythical beasts will causeAll the damage will be limited to the city of Jingshui and will not affect other towns.

"...But the problem is that Kyogre and Groudon have become so huge now. I am worried whether the protection team can hold on until the two beasts consume half of their energy."

Wusong held up his glasses on his nose and said the above analysis with great concern.

"Plus, the flame chicken, which was originally an important fighting force, is now seriously injured. This situation is really..."

He shook his head in distress. Although the plan could not be perfect, so many loopholes also made people worry whether the next development could proceed as expected.

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