"Luka, I have a lot to say to you, but time is running out, so I won't say more."

"...I believe you have also discovered that a lot of big things have happened in the elf world recently, and behind these things, more or less, we can see that there is some kind of power disturbing everything... Don't ask me what power it is, I can't tell you, I can only tell you that you came to this world, or to this era, with a special mission. At this stage, you just need to grow up with that little girl and thoroughly explore the potential in your body... Until you are strong enough, you can become the only light in this world..."

Even though he was sitting on Latias and busy chasing the dark Latios, Leo was still shocked when he heard Celebi's words.

"...You know...I came from another world?"

This is the biggest secret in Leo's heart, which he has always kept deep in his heart. He has never revealed a single thing to Asuka, Chirulian and other elves. Now, this secret that he originally thought no one and no elves (maybe except Arceus) knew was revealed by Celebi.

"Nonsense, you or me... Forget it, don't interrupt, listen to me continue."

"Although I have been staying in the long river of time, I still know that the fathead fish and the big fool are going to fight again. If you want to completely suppress them, the best way is to ask for help from Boss Rayquaza. However, because of the intervention of that power, Boss Rayquaza's strength at this stage should be difficult to compete directly with those two idiots, so you have to find a way for Boss Rayquaza to awaken the dormant power in his body, so as to completely eliminate this disaster."

"If you go to find Boss Rayquaza, I suggest that the little girl next to you should not go with you, because Boss Rayquaza is not so friendly to humans in some things."

"But if you go, there may be some variables."

"In addition..."

I don't know if it was because Latias chased Latios into the gap in time and space, and Celebi's perception in Leo's heart became weaker and more vague.

"…If…you…can't…find…the power of time and space…go back…be…careful…black…take care…"

After hearing the last word "take care", Celebi's voice completely disappeared.

Suddenly, Leo felt a little empty in his heart.

He looked back abruptly, but unfortunately, there was only the twisted spiral of time and space fluctuations behind him.

No matter how Asuka acted coquettishly and coerced and induced, Leo still refused to let her go to the Sky Tower with him.

Even later, Chirulian, Eevee, Charmeleon and other Pokémons jumped out and persuaded their trainers together.

"Really, is he your trainer, or am I your trainer?"

Asuka rolled his eyes and walked helplessly to Safia.

The situation was urgent, and Asuka was not as willful as usual. After failing to persuade Leo, the girl compromised.

But Leo also promised a lot of things: let her put more snacks in the [backpack] (Leo: I hate the mess in the [backpack] the most, so I rarely let her put snacks in it), take her phone to help her take some photos of Rayquaza (Leo: The legendary beast also needs face), don't grab her strawberries when eating cake (Leo: I agreed reluctantly), and also let her wear women's clothes (Leo: Ah, that's enough...), etc.

Ruby and Safia looked at the girl trainer and her Pokémon still arguing as usual, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

Finally, Ruby took Leo's Poké Ball solemnly in her hand under Asuka Teru's nagging.

He also knew that what the girl entrusted to him was not just a Pokémon, but also a companion with whom the girl had a deep bond.

"Have a good trip."

With mutual concern, Latias took Ruby and Leo and flew at full speed to the tower standing in the middle of the vast ocean.

After watching Latias's figure disappear into the sky and turn into an almost invisible black dot, Safiya and Asuka continued to head to the gathering place.

However, just as they were about to leave, Safiya's cell phone rang.

"Hello, hello."

"Hello, is this little Safiya?"

The person on the other side of the microphone was Safiya's father. Safiya's last name was Odaki, so her father was naturally Dr. Odaki, who was famous throughout the Middle region.

"Dad? What's wrong?"

"Oh, I heard from Ruby that Zhizhi was injured, right?"


"OkayWell, let Zhizhi have a good rest. Oh, by the way, when you send Zhizhi to the Pokémon Center later, remember to go to the computer to receive it. There is a little guy who wants to fight with you, and he has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. "

Dr. Oda said mysteriously on the phone, but Safiya was a little confused.

Who is the new partner?


People all over the world are still paying close attention to the development of the matter, which naturally includes those who are temporarily living in Shanya City for refuge.

"Dad, is our home gone just like that? "

The little girl asked in her father's arms with a little confusion.

The father did not answer, but just hugged the girl tightly with a little force, his eyes still staring at the live broadcast on the TV, silent and silent.

Only the little girl was whispering.

"When can mom come back? I miss mom..."

It's not just this father and daughter. In Shanya City, it's almost the same situation. Helpless people can only watch TV silently, feeling sad and hateful about the current situation but unable to do anything.

Feng Ling hurriedly passed by, delivered medical drugs to the injured, and then quickly left here like running away.

This dead and desperate atmosphere is not something that the 15-year-old girl can bear.

The girl returned to the Elf Center.

Feng Ling breathed a sigh of relief. The work assigned to her was almost completed. Just when she was about to take a break, people screamed in the Elf Center.

"Look, look. "

Subconsciously turning his head to look, he saw the large screen placed in the center, broadcasting the situation in two places on the left and right halves.

Grawo passed through Kyle City, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked wherever he passed. The magma gushing out beside him devoured everything on the ground like a rotten wood, causing the city that had already been devastated by the tsunami to suffer further damage, and the scorching sun was hanging high above, and the land was barren for thousands of miles.

However, He still ignored everything and set off for the beach.

When Groudon arrived at the beach, humans witnessed the power of God so vividly.

The seawater in front of him retreated automatically, and the sand and soil on the seabed emerged one after another. In just a blink of an eye, a wide road was paved on the vast ocean.

In this way, Groudon stepped on the created land, step by step, towards the city surrounded by the ocean.

Because the sunlight on Groudon's side was too strong, the brightness of the picture was extremely high. This high exposure caused the whole picture to become white and dazzling.

But in contrast, the picture on Kyogre's side was gloomy. It was so dark that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

All you could see were dark, thick clouds that seemed to be real, huddled together in the sky. Occasionally, there was a flash of lightning that passed through the clouds, but disappeared in the next moment. The rain was pouring, the wind was roaring, the thunder was roaring, and the waves were rolling.

Although the images recorded by the satellite were silent, looking at the depressing atmosphere, it was not difficult for people to imagine in their hearts that all kinds of loud and harsh sounds were playing the symphony of the ocean all the time.

Suddenly, the giant whale jumped out of the water, and He was still With an arrogant figure, at this moment, even darkness seemed to retreat three feet.

Kyogre was the first to arrive near the city of Shizuo.

At the highest point in the sky above Shizuo, two beings looked down at the ground.

One of them was the mysterious man, and beside him a slender figure loomed. It was this unknown existence that continuously supplied energy, allowing the mysterious man to stand in the air.

"The struggle between the sea and the land that has continued from the initial era to the present is indeed a good show that cannot be missed."

The mysterious man's tone was playful.

"But, fight as much as you can. The more fiercely you fight, the more I can get."

"And the day when this world is destroyed and revived again will be closer."

"You said so, right? Rayquaza?"

The emerald green dragon body gradually appeared, and endless darkness was revealed in Rayquaza's eyes.

(The chapter "The Coming Disaster" ends.)

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