The gloomy sky and the fierce red sun.

Two completely different climates collided with each other, and the strong wind blew the hot breath to every corner of Jingshui City.

Kaxiu walked out of the house wearing a raincoat, carefully avoiding the puddles of unknown depth under his feet, and climbed up to a high ground in Jingshui City. Two terrible beasts were using powerful moves that were powerful enough to overturn the world, fighting fiercely back and forth.

Even though the battlefield was nearly ten kilometers away from Jingshui City, the ground under his feet was still constantly shaken by the aftermath of the battle.

Kaxiu prayed in his heart that this unprovoked disaster would end as soon as possible.

However, I don’t know when the rainstorm stopped, and the hot sun shone on his body, making Kaxiu’s body wrapped in a raincoat feel unbearable.

Just as this grocery store merchant who had lived in Jingshui City for generations wanted to take off his raincoat, he saw a green light in his peripheral vision, descending on the red and blue light group.

After that, Kaxiu's eyes were filled with dazzling energy, and a violent shock wave swept across in an instant.



Kaxiu screamed and jumped up from the bed.

After calming down, he realized that he had dreamed of the terrible disaster ten years ago again.

And now, he is not in Jingshui City, which is designated by the Alliance as a place for the battle of divine beasts, but has long been temporarily living in the battle city adjacent to Yuanqi City under the guidance of the Alliance.

Kaxiu slowly got up from the small bed and groped his way out of the room.

His blurred vision made him move slowly and carefully.

"Good morning, Mr. Kaxiu."

An enthusiastic boy hurried forward and helped the old man to sit down at the small table.

"Good morning to you too, Xiao Nuo. What's the situation now?"

Because his eyes were damaged ten years ago, Kaxiu couldn't see the content displayed on the TV clearly. He could only rely on his hearing to listen to the sound coming from the TV, but the noise around him made Kaxiu unable to hear the things he wanted to care about.

Fortunately, Xiao Nuo repeated the content on TV for him in time.

"...Grawo and Kyogre are approaching, and the distance between the two is at most one kilometer. According to the alliance's inference, the next battle should be about to begin..."

"Have you seen what happened in Jingshui City?"

"It is shown on the screen, but..."

Xiao Nuo hesitated to speak.

How could Kaxiu not guess that the boy didn't tell the truth in order not to make him sad? But when he thought of his hometown that was rebuilt with great difficulty and suffered a heavy blow again, even he, who had experienced many vicissitudes of life, couldn't help but sigh.


Middel Elf Alliance.

Among the people coming and going, Landon accurately grabbed his assistant and asked, "Are all the members in place?"

The assistant checked the tablet in his hand, and then answered in an affirmative tone: "Yes, Mr. Landon, the trainers of the defense team have arrived near Jingshui City and can deploy the defense barrier at any time."

"Where are the champions?"

"Saphia, Daigo, Zhulan and others are all in place, and the four kings Wusong, Genji, Daye, and Furong have also arrived at the gathering place. In addition, Mikoli, Dandi and others are ready to support at any time."

"Okay, okay."

Landon nodded with some relief. Although there were many loopholes in the first phase of the battle plan, fortunately it did not affect the development of the subsequent plan too much.

"In addition, Mr. Landon..."

The assistant has some new information to report.


"There are emergency calls from the East Region, Weston Islands, and Flot Continent. Do you want to answer it?"

A surprised but pleasant expression immediately appeared on Landon's face.



The sky above the eastern district of Middle was dominated by two completely opposite weather conditions.

From the ocean to the land, there were dark clouds, and heavy rain and strong winds continued all the way.

From the land to the ocean, the sky was clear, and the scorching sun and heat waves covered thousands of miles.

But strangely, there was only one extra gap at the central intersection of the two weather conditions.

There was no rain or clear weather here, as if there was a mysterious power that was maintaining the last peaceful place.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that this strange place is the island city surrounded by towering rock walls - Jingshui City. At this time, Jingshui City was deserted because the residents had already been evacuated urgently.

Not only humans, but also the elves living in the city were taken away by the alliance.

It's just that the places where elves live are all kinds of strange. Even if the alliance has searched carefully enough, some elves are still left behind.In some corners.

"Ah~ Huh~"

A snow boy came out of an inconspicuous cold cave, yawning constantly.

In order to accumulate energy for evolution, the snow boy took in a lot of ice energy before this sleep. As a result, she slept so hard that no matter what happened in the outside world, she could not be disturbed.

After a long sleep, the little guy finally woke up.

In order to get rid of the confusion in her head, she shook off the frost on her body, and then happily planned to find her friends to show off her progress.

"Xuexue?? (Elf language) Where are my friends?"

But what confused the snow boy was that the elf friends outside the cave in the past were all gone.

She thought about it and didn't care about it anymore. After a long sleep, her stomach was already growling, so she took her short legs and ran to a cold drink shop.

Usually, as long as she pretended to be well-behaved and came to the cold drink shop, there would always be soft-hearted tourists who would share the sweet and cold ice cream with her.

When she thought about eating desserts that she hadn't eaten for a long time, the snow boy's mouth almost shed snow water.

But when she came to the familiar cold drink shop, what she saw was that the house was empty, the tables and chairs were overturned on the ground, and there were puddles of melted liquid of something everywhere on the ground, emitting bursts of stench.

Although I don't know why all the humans are gone, this is a good opportunity to have a big meal.

The snow boy's eyes lit up, and then he avoided these stains with disgust and ran to the cold storage of the cold drink shop in a familiar way.

After eating and drinking, the snow boy walked out of the cold drink shop comfortably.

At this time, she realized belatedly that this sea city that was bustling with people before seemed so dead and quiet at this time.


"Boom", "Boom".

Two loud noises suddenly exploded.

The dumbfounded Snow Boy watched as a huge gap was broken in the tall rock walls on the east and west sides.

The figure of the giant whale and the figure of the giant beast appeared from the gap.

The two most terrifying beings in the world, engraved in memory and instinct, met here.

That day, she finally recalled the fear of being dominated by them.


Seeing the two super ancient beasts arrive in Jingshui City from a distance, the Alliance defense team trainers who have been waiting for a long time can finally start to act.

"All defense teams, confirm that Groudon and Kyogre have entered the combat area, please start to build a defense barrier."

The communication device sent the action order from the headquarters.

"The East District Defense Team received it!"

"The South District Defense Team received it!"

"The West District Defense Team received it!"

"The North District Defense Team received it!"

The defense teams in the four directions of Jingshui City responded one after another.

"Guys, let's get started!"

Ting Zao, the captain of the South District's defense team, put down the communicator in his hand and shouted to the team members behind him.

There was no way not to speak loudly. In this stormy weather, if you don't speak loudly, the people around you may not be able to hear you.

"Super Team, use [Light Wall] and [Reflection Wall]!"

The trainers of the super elves summoned their respective ace elves.

In an instant, two energy walls created by a large number of super elves appeared in the air. The walls in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northeast connected with each other, and immediately formed a circular protective barrier that surrounded the battle area centered on Jingshui City.

"Emergency Defense Team, prepare your [Hold] moves. Once you find damage that the first layer of defense barrier cannot protect, deploy it immediately!"

Ting Zao continued to command.

The trainers behind him and the elves who had practiced [Hold] were all ready.

"There are also super-powered backup teams and emergency backup teams, which are commanded by the leaders of their respective teams and can replace members who can't hold on at any time."

According to the conception of the Alliance Command, the [Light Wall] is used to reduce the energy aftermath of the battle between the mythical beasts, while the [Reflection Wall] is used to defend against various natural disasters caused by the power of the mythical beasts.

This defensive barrier composed of two types of protective walls is enough to block 70% of the damage caused by the spread of the battle.

The remaining 30% is resisted by the powerful defensive move [Hold] to deploy the final barrier.

Because the long-term use of these defensive moves consumes a lot of energy, there are extra backup members in each district's defense team to be ready to replace at any time.

An inner layer of protective wall, an outer layer of protective wall, and a final protective barrier.

This is the ultimate defense plan prepared by the Alliance to deal with the super ancient mythical beasts.Gather nearly 600 senior elf trainers and the elves they carry.

This force is enough to capture any city in the world. Only at this critical moment of life and death, relying on the huge appeal of the Elf Alliance, can this defense team be formed.

Of course, if everything goes well, this level of defense force is enough to support the super ancient beast after consuming too much energy, and then the final champion trainer team can also attack according to the original plan to suppress the two super ancient beasts separately.

But unfortunately, the real reality is always full of various unpredictable accidents.

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