Unlike the height of the Sky Tower itself, which soars straight into the sky, the width and diameter of this tall tower is not large.

But when he passed through the barrier and broke into the top of the tower, Ruby realized how small he was in this extremely open and spacious space.


Without waiting for Ruby to call, Leo jumped out of the Poké Ball and looked up to observe the surroundings.

Unlike the scene he saw in the game in his previous life, the top of the Sky Tower is a large round platform. Unlike the scene in the game where gravel is scattered everywhere on the ground, the surroundings are so clean that there is almost no dust. The top and the outside of the platform are blocked by a light green barrier, so that the sunlight cannot penetrate, so the entire space is only a little light reflected by the energy light on the barrier.

The whole place is filled with a kind of sacred feeling, quiet and solemn.

"He... should be in here?"

Unconsciously, Leo's voice also lowered.

The elf pointed to the front with his claws, and then came to Ruby to discuss.

Following the direction of Leo's claws, you can see a large mass of pure white mist in the center of this holy platform, which seems to be covering something.

The god of the sky, the guardian of the atmosphere, the dragon-type elf, Rayquaza.

The two (elves) discussed quietly for a while, and after reaching a consensus on how to request Rayquaza and how to escape in an emergency, Ruby signaled Latias and Leo to wait a little further away from him, and walked forward alone.

With a little nervousness and caution, Ruby slowly walked in front of the white mist.

He cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Honorable sky god, we, the many creatures living in Middel, would like to ask for your generous assistance. We would like to ask you to use your great power to stop the fight between Groudon, the land god, and Kyogre, the sea god, and let the world regain peace."

Almost all the super ancient elves who have survived from the super ancient times can understand the prophecy of humans - after all, the human race has been born and multiplied under the watchful eyes of these super ancient elves, and has become the master of the world.

After eliminating unnecessary distractions in her mind, Ruby respectfully read the above words, then bowed her head and bent down, waiting for the response of the god.

But while waiting, her right hand was still quietly placed on the Poké Ball at her waist.


Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, the expected situation that Rayquaza might express anger or show impatience did not happen.

Ruby thought that her voice was not loud enough, so she increased her voice by several decibels and repeated it several times.

Still no response.


Leo scratched his head. He could have used waveguide sensing to detect whether Rayquaza was in a sleeping state or in other situations in the white fog. However, he was afraid of angering Rayquaza and changing the next thing. Secondly, the white fog was not a simple thing. Not only could he not see the situation in the fog with his eyes, but even the waveguide sensing could not penetrate it. This was why Leo was confused.

Ruby was in a dilemma. She did not get a response when she called out to Rayquaza, but she could not use violence to enter the white fog like she did when she broke through the barrier. Not to mention whether the elves could penetrate the white fog, if they angered Rayquaza, the wrath of the gods was no joke.

To the surprise of Ruby and Leo, Latias, who had been silent all the time, walked forward directly, passed Ruby, and slapped the white fog.

"Hey, wait... Xiaoya, you..."

Latias's actions were so fast that Leo did not even react.

"It's over!"

This thought suddenly popped up in her mind, and Ruby subconsciously thought of turning around and running away.

It's like when you are sleeping at home, an uninvited guest breaks into your home and wakes you up with a slap. I believe that no one can tolerate this situation, let alone this high god.

The power of the gods is like an abyss, and the anger of the dragon is like a prison.

Ruby seemed to have a premonition of what kind of terrible anger she would face next.

However, the next scene was something no one could have expected.

Under the power of Latias's slap, the white mist that seemed to have existed for eternity suddenly dissipated, and then what appeared in front of the three people (elves) was an empty flat ground.

"No, it's gone?!!!!!!!"

"Where is a big Rayquaza like me?!!!!!!!"

Ruby and Leo showed shock at the same time.

"Did you, Latias, slap Rayquaza away?"

The man and the spirit both looked at Latias strangely.

But this legendary spiritLing looked at the empty space and nodded thoughtfully.

"Sure enough, I felt the same way. Boss Rayquaza is not here."

"Xiaoya, do you know what's going on? Could it be that we found the wrong place and Rayquaza is not here at all?"

Leo was eager to know what happened.

Ruby frowned and muttered to herself in a suspicious tone: "It's impossible. Ten years ago, when I borrowed the power of Celebi, I clearly saw Rayquaza fly into this tower, and then never left any other place. Moreover, the satellite of the alliance also observed that Rayquaza never came out after entering the Sky Tower. It is impossible for Rayquaza to go to other places quietly with so many monitoring facilities..."

"Yes, Boss Rayquaza was indeed here before."

Latias confirmed Ruby's statement.

For these legendary super ancient elves, since there are not many who have survived such a long time, they are very familiar with each other's elf pheromones. In addition, Latias himself is a psychic elf. His sensing ability cannot be said to be the best in the world, but it can be regarded as extremely outstanding.

Since Latias said that he sensed that Rayquaza had stayed here, Ruby and Leo did not doubt it at all.

"The question is, since Rayquaza did not leave, why did he disappear again?"

Leo once again felt that there were layers of mysteries here.

If Rayquaza is a psychic elf, then the reason for his disappearance may be that he used [Teleport] to leave without anyone knowing, but Rayquaza, whose dual attributes are dragon and flight, obviously cannot [Teleport]. But if it is said that he left in invisibility or disguise, this speculation is even more outrageous.

The only reliable idea may be that Rayquaza went to a place that is not this world here.

This sentence is a bit difficult to understand, but in an instant, Latias and Leo thought of a certain place as if they were in telepathy.

"The long river of time!"

Yes, if Rayquaza disappeared inexplicably, the most likely thing is that it went to the endless river of time that is independent of the world and not disturbed by any external force.

Compared with Leo's concern about Rayquaza's whereabouts, Lupi thought more about the Middel region that is now being ravaged by the gods of sea and land.

Without Rayquaza, there is no so-called backup plan, which means that there is no powerful force to suppress the dispute between sea and land. All the remaining hopes can only be placed in the alliance's plan.

Thousands of words can only be turned into one sentence at this moment.

"This is trouble..."

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