Things have indeed become troublesome.

This is not only the thought that came to Ruby and Leo's mind when they found that Rayquaza was missing, but also the common thought in the minds of the trainers who were working hard to build a defense barrier at this time.

Before the two super ancient beasts started fighting, the ring-shaped protective barrier had been deployed in four directions outside Jingshui City.

When the power struggle between the sea and the land entered a white-hot stage, the barrier was subjected to the most severe test.

"Team B, Team B, hurry up!"

Ting Zao, the captain of the South District Defense Team, shouted anxiously with a communicator.

The defense team, which was originally a reserve force, had to replace the other exhausted defense teams.

Turning your sight to the defense barrier, you can understand why the defense team has to switch so frequently.

Unlike the defense teams in the West and East districts, the two defense teams in the North and South districts have to face the energy aftermath generated by the ocean power and the land power at the same time. The two powers of completely different natures make the defense teams in these two areas face a more complicated situation.

The ocean power stimulates the continuous expansion of the ocean. The huge waves roll on the sea surface. The continuous waves overlap endlessly. In the end, whether in terms of scale or destructive power, it is more terrible than the tsunami that invaded Kyle City before. If such a huge tsunami is allowed to continue, those coastal cities will definitely suffer serious damage.

This is also the reason why the South District Defense Team built a physical defense wall. Under the effect of the defense wall, the scale of the tsunami is constantly reduced. Although small-scale waves will eventually leak out, they will not cause much damage when they reach the coastal cities.

In addition to the waves, the ocean power also attracts the surrounding energy, and the restless energy diffuses a large amount of natural energy radiation. This radiation may be more terrible than the physical tsunami damage to a certain extent!

Its terrible thing is that it will not only cause the elves to fall into a manic state, but also make these powerful creatures attack and kill any creatures indiscriminately. If the radiation is allowed to cover the human living area in large quantities, the mutation of natural energy may even cause various creatures to undergo unknown mutations. Such mutations will not be spared by humans or elves.

Therefore, the defense team of the special defense wall is the most nervous group of people in the whole venue.

If the ocean power is like this, how can the land power be treated lightly?

In the sea area covered by the land power, the sea level is constantly dropping, sand and soil emerge from the sea, and various irregular floating islands are formed at a very fast speed. Logically speaking, for humans, if the land is expanded, it is also a benefit of increasing development space. But the terrible thing about the land power is that the expansion it can cause is extremely arrogant.

In the eyes of the trainer of the defense team that blocked the power of the land, the previous piece of land had just been formed, but it was smashed by the newly formed floating island right after it, and before the floating island could stabilize, a large number of protruding earth spikes penetrated the floating island from bottom to top. Not only that, the violent shaking also made the new land extremely unstable, constantly collapsing and reconstructing, just like the temper of Groudon, the god of land power, frantic and irritable.

If such an unstable land is connected to the central continent, no one can guarantee that it will not affect the central continent.

Even if they have to fight against the power of the gods, the defense teams can only try their best to maintain the barrier from being broken and protect the home behind them.

Naturally, the alliance had fully considered this situation when formulating the battle plan, so they arranged so many trainers to guard various positions respectively, and also set up a backup mechanism to maintain the defense line through uninterrupted rotation, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the Middel area and weakening the power of Kyogre and Groudon.

But the problem is that the power of the sea power and the land power is stronger and more durable than expected.


When the attention is highly concentrated for a long time and reaches a certain limit, the taut string will be the first to be unable to bear and suddenly break.

A trainer in the defense team who was responsible for defending the sea power was only distracted for a moment, and was instantly swallowed by the fierce tsunami, leaving only a scream.


The friend next to him was anxious and commanded his elves to save the trainer who fell into the water.

"Hey, you, don't destroy the formation at will!"

Ting Zao was instantly furious.

And this time, like a domino effect,The whole body.

The two trainers left their positions, resulting in the instant collapse of the entire defense barrier. The waves, no longer restrained, broke through the barrier with extreme force and rushed towards the land.

"…Fix it, fill it up quickly!"

The trainer next to him hurriedly tried to fill the gap in the barrier, but he was too busy to take care of this side, and the gap in the barrier became bigger and bigger.

The situation became worse.

Not only was the ocean power facing a collapse, but even the land power began to be affected. Under the impact of the endless natural energy, it seemed to fall into the same collapse.

As a last resort, Ting Zao asked all the defense teams that had just been replaced from the defense line to take over, and Ting Zao, as the commander-in-chief of the South District, also personally led the elves to guard the largest gap. A large number of elves did not have time to rest and recover their energy, and had to maintain the defensive moves again. Finally, after many repairs, the defense line was finally stabilized again.


Ting Zao only had time to breathe a sigh of relief, but then he thought of a very serious problem.

The original rotation plan has now become a waste of time, but how long can all the defense teams support it at the same time?

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

In this short hour, all the trainers felt as if a very long time had passed.

After the elves output energy for a long time, their spirits became sluggish due to the rapid consumption of physical energy. And their trainers are always concentrating their attention. They must not miss any mistakes and then command their elves to make up for them in time. Under high pressure, they are inevitably tired.

You know, they are guarding under the heavy rain under the strong wind and the scorching sun. Being able to persist and not retreat is the obsession in the hearts of these trainers.

More and more elves began to retreat helplessly, forcing other elves to make up for the lost defensive power, and the unexpected pressure made these elves consume faster. Under the reciprocating disadvantage cycle, the entire defense line was on the verge of collapse.

"Everyone... hold on!"

Without wiping the rain off his face, Tingzao shouted to the trainers.

"We are protecting our hometown, we are protecting our families behind us, so we can't give up, we can't retreat!"

Thinking of the smiling faces of their children at home, the trainers who had already retreated gritted their teeth and persisted again.

However, the reality is cruel. Whether it is humans or elves, facing the increasingly fierce impact of dual powers, they gradually began to fail.

"Everyone... No, we can't give up."

Tingzao's voice has been hoarse, and even his spirit has collapsed a little, but he knows that as long as he can't hold on, the entire defense team will be broken in an instant.

And the continent behind him will usher in the strongest impact.

So, even if everyone retreated, he couldn't retreat.

Hold on, just hold on for a little longer, and it will be fine...


"Magic Wall Doll!"

Tingzao's Magic Wall Doll was already the highest-level elf in the team, and was under the greatest pressure, but its power was still limited. Once, it was hit by a huge rock rising from the sea, and the super-powered telekinetic wall was broken, and the whole elf fell unconscious into the sea.

Without the powerful superpower of the Magic Wall Doll, the defensive barrier began to dissipate visibly, and the surging ocean power and the frenzied land power took advantage of the opportunity to enter.

Even though Tingzao summoned Sister Mi Lip in time, he couldn't save the barrier from declining.

"Damn it, are we humans and elves ultimately the victims of the struggle between gods?"

Consciousness was already blurred, Tingzao muttered to himself unwillingly, clenching his teeth so tightly that he almost bled.

The defensive barrier was broken.

The crazy ocean power will stir up a huge wave that will destroy everything until the entire continent is submerged.

The restless land power will create a huge earthquake that will cause the earth to collapse until the entire continent is overturned.

Everything is beyond saving.

But is the power of humans and elves limited to this?

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