"Damn it, don't underestimate our power!!!!"

The high gods never care about the cries of ants.

Knowing this, Tingzao still couldn't help but vent his anger to the god who despised everything in the world and trampled on countless people.

The voice echoed in the storm, and then Tingzao closed his eyes and fell backwards powerlessly.

The last thing he saw was the layers of shattered energy walls.

It seemed that the things that humans and elves tried their best to protect were shattered one by one by the power of gods.

Have we failed?

Tingzao's consciousness was about to fall into darkness.


"Good shout!"

In Tingzao's blurred consciousness, he suddenly heard such a voice.

The loud, firm, and endless courageous voice inspired his heart.

At the same time, a strong hand pushed hard behind him, allowing the captain of the defense team to stand up again.

"The conflicts between gods should not be borne by us."

Ting Zao woke up, and what he saw was a large number of trainers in uniforms, either riding their own elves or using sea transportation, passing by him quickly.

"The emergency rescue team of the East region is here to support you!"

In an instant, this group of newly appeared trainers summoned a large number of elves unique to the East region: Dreaming Tapir, Alakazam, Yongjira, Golduck, Sea Thorn Dragon, Lapras, Natural Bird, Slow King, etc. The elves came on stage enthusiastically and performed their own special moves. Suddenly, colorful energy lights were continuously injected into the barrier, and the addition of these new forces made the shaky defense barrier become indestructible again.


At this time.

The defense area of ​​the East District.

"The joint rescue team of the southern port city and Flot Continent, report!"

The eastern barrier is stable again.


The defense area of ​​the North District.

"Weston Islands emergency rescue team, here we are. Brothers, hold on!"

The northern barrier has become stronger.

The defense area of ​​the western district.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry... Oh, by the way, we are the task force of the western district of Middletown!"

The western district barrier continues to extend.

Each region and each rescue team arrived at the corresponding area in a similar time.

And this line of defense, which almost gathered the power of the whole world, has been stabilized again.

Middle District Elf Alliance Branch.

"Minister Landon, all rescue teams have arrived!"

"Good, good, good!"

Landon slapped the table hard to vent his excitement.

"Transfer to the champion team immediately, and the third phase of the battle plan will be carried out in advance!"

On the coast of Kyle City, the members of the champion team who were still resting stood up at this moment, looking at the distance with serious faces.

From their perspective, they could clearly see that the defensive barrier composed of many protective moves was bearing the impact of both land and sea. When the barrier was about to collapse, the impulsive Daye could hardly hold back. If it weren't for the calm Wusong who pulled him back, and seeing the large army coming to support from other areas in time, Daye would probably have rashly ridden his elf to help.

After receiving support, the defensive barrier gradually stabilized, and even because of the continuous addition of elves in good condition, the defensive barrier's protective power became stronger.

However, compared to the trainers in the defensive barrier, or the alliance people who were watching from a distance, the champion team who could observe the barrier more closely naturally understood that the defensive barrier now seemed to be stronger than before, but this was in exchange for consuming the energy and energy of all people and elves, and when they were exhausted again, the defensive barrier would completely collapse in a very short time.

So the alliance also adjusted the battle plan.

"...Okay, I understand."

Saphia connected to the communication from the alliance and listened to the instructions issued by the alliance with a solemn expression. Then the woman turned around and was about to speak to all the trainers who were watching her.

Suddenly, there was a violent fluctuation in the space around her.

Everyone reacted quickly and quickly retreated.

The space flashed with colorful light, and then Ruby appeared on the scene under the protection of Gardevoir.


Safiya was startled at first, then showed a little joy. When she was about to walk forward quickly, she suddenly realized something and deliberately slowed down her pace.

Not far away, Asuhi Teru was laughing secretly, and Michael Dante and others beside him also nodded in understanding.

"Ahem." SafiyaAfter coughing twice, he pretended to be calm and asked Ruby. "How is it? Did you find Rayquaza? Can you get his help?"

Ruby took the water handed over by Daigo, drank it first, and then shook his head.

"I'm sorry, it didn't work?"

"Is Rayquaza unwilling to help us?"

"No, it's even worse than this... After we entered the Sky Tower, we found that Rayquaza was not there."


The first person to ask a question in an unbelievable tone was Wu Song.

The super king quickly took out his mobile phone and operated it, and a large amount of data was displayed on the mobile phone.

"According to previous calculations, after the war ended ten years ago, Rayquaza should have gone to the Sky Tower to live... and there is no data showing that Rayquaza left the Sky Tower in the past ten years, so it is impossible to find him in the Sky Tower."

Ruby narrated the whole thing, and also told the conclusion he discussed with Leo and Latias on the top of the tower.

"So, Rayquaza might have gone to the River of Time?"

Gosong said in surprise, thinking deeply.

As one of the top few trainers in the world, Gosong and others naturally knew that there was a mysterious place called the River of Time outside the space of the world itself. However, even the strongest trainers could not reach the River of Time without the help of some magical spirits. Therefore, everyone's understanding of it was limited to knowing it but never really going there.

This also led to no one knowing why Rayquaza suddenly went to the River of Time.

"But why..."

Compared to Gosong, who was entangled with the whereabouts of Rayquaza, Safiya, Daigo and others were more concerned about the fact that this time, the sea and land battle seemed to be unable to rely on the power of Rayquaza.

Everyone fell silent.

"Little Safiya, what is the order from the alliance?"

Mikoli broke the silence first.

"...I'm afraid we have to move to the third phase ahead of schedule."

Safiya conveyed the alliance's instructions to everyone:

Due to the unexpected strength of Groudon and Kyogre, the second phase of the original battle plan cannot be carried out as expected, so the third phase of the battle plan needs to be moved forward to avoid the disaster recurring on the continent due to the members of the defense team being unable to persist.

After taking a deep breath, Safiya said seriously: "In other words, the assault operation has begun."


The so-called assault operation is to take advantage of the decline of Groudon and Kyogre after a long and fierce battle, so that this group of master trainers can go in batches to repel the two super ancient beasts.

According to the alliance's previous calculations, after the fierce battle, the two super ancient beasts only had about 40% of their energy left. Even though they could draw natural energy from the ocean and the land as the gods of the sea and the land, the consumption rate would be faster than the replenishment rate. Therefore, if these master trainers worked together, they would definitely have the hope of completely repelling or even suppressing the two super ancient beasts and restoring peace to the Middel region.

Before the assault, Ruby pulled Safiya aside regardless of everyone's eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The heroic Middel champion could only stare at Ruby with a red face. Even though she was a carefree person, she couldn't stand the smiles of the guys around her.

However, Ruby had no other thoughts. He only asked Safiya worriedly, "The injury that Zhizhi suffered before should not be healed so quickly. In this case, you don't have the help of the ace elves, and it is too difficult to fight against the two legendary beasts... Otherwise, you should not go this time."

Safiya glared at Ruby and said in a somewhat unhappy tone, "Do you look down on my elf companions?"

"No, I know that Dorara (Boskdorla), Chirulu (Eledo), and Trolo (Tropical Dragon) are all very strong, but this time is different from ten years ago. The power of Groudon and Kyogre is not only terrifying, but also very strange. I am worried..."

Ruby did not finish his words, but just shook his head with a heavy face.

Feeling the real worry in Ruby's heart, Safiya's tone also eased.

"I can't escape. No matter what, it is my responsibility to stop Groudon and Kyogre, no matter I am the champion of Middel or a member of the Middel region."

Saphia hesitated for a moment, then took out a Poké Ball from her waist.

"Although Zhizhi can't fight alongside me, this time, or is there another powerful partner who can help us. "

Another Pokémon?

Ruby looked at the Poké Ball in Safiya's hand in surprise. With his keen perception, it was not difficult to sense how strong the energy fluctuations were emanating from the Poké Ball.

Safiya smiled mysteriously, and then threw the Poké Ball into the air.

"In terms of strength, I believe his strength is almost the same as Zhizhi or Zuzu."

The Poké Ball rolled in the air.

"And speaking of it, he is an old friend of ours."

"Come out..."

A dazzling light shot out from the Poké Ball!

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