"Ah, wait for me a moment."

When the two of them reached the door, Takuma slapped his head, as if he remembered something, stuffed the bag containing the gas mask into Leo's arms, and hurried back to the second floor.

Leo yawned, and vaguely heard Takuma in the house talking about something.

Not long after, Takuma came back again, with a bulging waist bag on his body, a bell and a round device in his hand.

He installed the bell and the device in his hand together, then lifted the lines on both sides and hung the thing around Leo's neck.

The bell and Leo's necklace were hung together, and a slight "ding-ling-ling" sound was made when they touched.

"I installed a device to amplify the volume of this bell. When the time comes, you know that holding the top of this device and shaking it can increase the sound of the bell." Takuma explained simply.

"As for this waist bag," Takuma noticed that Leo's eyes were fixed on his waist, and he laughed. "Here are some good treasures that can be used at a critical moment."

Then he whispered in Leo's ear: "Quicklime and other things can be used to cover the eyes."

Leo gave a thumbs up: "You have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you look carefree, but I didn't expect you to be quite insidious."


Takuma touched his energetic black short hair and smiled shyly.

"Let's go."


The sight turned, but the Crescent Forest was particularly uneasy.

The mysterious figure came to a swamp filled with dark purple smoke, and walked through various violent elves with red eyes like a leisurely garden, and stopped in front of a burly elf with spikes all over his body. There were also several elves of different shapes standing beside this elf, all staring at the mysterious man with a covetous look.

Feeling the fierce momentum of these elves in front of him, he nodded with satisfaction, and a purple light flashed on his hand.

The group of elves, who were originally irritable and wanted to attack the figure in front of them, stood there in a daze after being enveloped by the purple light.

The mysterious man took out a few elf balls, put the elves in them, and then released them.

The elves' ferocious and brutal faces regained some consciousness at this moment, and they knelt respectfully to the mysterious man after being released from the elf balls.

"... Go, bring me the powerful elves in this forest!"

The mysterious man seemed to have issued some orders, and finally waved his hand, turned around and disappeared in the black smoke.


The most powerful beast among the elves roared to the sky, leading the remaining elves and a large group of other elves out of the swamp.


And the mysterious figure also came to the center of the forest in a corner of the forest, and recaptured a certain elf that was eating crazily and the figure soaring in the sky in the same way.



A large number of heavy footsteps and the flapping of wings were heard in the east of the forest. One after another, figures of varying sizes were advancing towards the west and south of the forest with a terrifying momentum. Leading the way were three huge black shadows.

When they reached the southwest junction, the team split into two columns:

Going to the west of the forest was a tall figure, covered with thick spikes, with a ferocious tail swinging, breaking the trees and forests in half. His heavy feet left deep claw marks, and the ground shook slightly with every small step. Behind him was a group of elves of different sizes following with violent expressions.

The direction of the team's advance was Chaoyang Valley.

On the other side, going to the south of the forest was a chubby figure. Although his limbs were short, he was full of strength. As he advanced, he kept waving his powerful fists and smashed all the obstacles in front of him. At the same time, there was a huge figure flying in the air, with wide wings and three feathers on his head stretching against the wind, leading a group of flying birds in the air to move towards the Crescent Lake fiercely.

In the shadow of the forest, a figure in a black robe was walking slowly.

All this, whether it was the leader of Golduck in the Crescent Lake or the boss of Squirtle in Chaoyang Valley, was a scene they had never expected.

Not to mention Takuma and Leo who were still waiting at the entrance of the forest.

At the entrance of the Crescent Forest, there was a wooden sign warning pedestrians to enter carefully.

Bored with waiting, Takuma simply poured out all the gas masks in the bag and checked the masks one by one for defects. Leo, who was a little impatient on the side, stretched his head and looked around, paying attention to whether the leader of Pidgeot had arrived.

"Why is it so long? Didn't we agree to wait at the entrance of the forest in the morning?"

ThisIt was already noon, and the sun was shining brightly, which magnified Leo's impatience several times.

"Let's not wait any longer. Let's go directly to Chaoyang Valley. Now that we have this set of equipment, we can travel at a speed no slower than the speed of the Big Bird leader."

Leo weighed it in his mind and decided that instead of waiting and wasting time, he might as well go back early and try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

"Beep——", as Leo summoned the armor in the [backpack], a few soft sounds, the black armor "clicked" and was put on Leo, Takuma also bent down to start the jet running shoes, and ran out first.

With the help of the propulsion of the jet airflow, the two of them moved forward in the forest at a very fast speed. Leo discovered very early that the speed of the elf attribute not only made him agile, but also strengthened his dynamic vision and reaction ability, so he could keenly detect obstacles during high-speed movement, and then change his body posture to avoid them with super high reaction power. Takuma, who was standing next to him, followed Leo in the forest with his previous experience of parkour.

Soon, they approached the center of the forest - "Sky Nest", where they fought against the leader of Pidgeot last time.


As if he noticed something, Leo braked in time and called Takuma to stop.

"Look at the ground!"

Leo pointed at the ground with his claws, and his face looked a little ugly.

Looking in the direction, the ground was densely covered with various footprints of varying depths. The soil in the footprint pits still looked relatively new, which could be inferred that a large number of elves had crossed here not long ago.

And the direction of the footprints was heading to the southwest of the forest.

There was no doubt that these large numbers of elf footprints could not have been made by the elves in Chaoyang Valley or Crescent Lake.

Then there was only one possibility left.

"The elves in the poisonous swamp are all out." Leo said in a heavy tone. Something beyond his expectation happened. He thought that the elves in the poisonous swamp were in a frenzy and would fight each other in the swamp at most when they lost their minds. But he didn't expect that now they seemed to be led by something and invaded the only two normal places in the forest.

"Let's go, let's follow them and see the situation first."

Two fists are no match for four hands. Leo didn't think that he, a Lv16 elf, could match so many other elves, not to mention facing those frenzied elves. Even if he had a high-tech armor to help, it would only slow down the speed of being beaten into a sandbag. So he decided to put away the jet armor with a huge sound, and carefully groped along the direction of the footprints with Takuma.

When they came to the southwest junction, they also found that the footprints were divided into two queues.

Leo decided to go back to Chaoyang Valley first.

"There is the leader Golduck in Crescent Lake, and several very strong elite-level elves. I believe they can hold on for a while."

Leo explained it to Takuma briefly, after all, Takuma had not come into contact with these two elf communities.

"But here in Chaoyang Valley, because we fought with the leader Snorlax before, our leader was accidentally injured. I have to go back to help."

When Leo first arrived in this elf world, he was still quite uncomfortable. It was the elves in Chaoyang Valley who warmed him with their tolerance and enthusiasm, allowing him to live in this new world with peace of mind.

Thinking of the naughty grasses in the valley who kept muttering about sneaking out, the lazy green caterpillars who often lay under the trees and didn't want to move, the enthusiastic little Geodude who pulled people around to fight, and those mosquito-repellent tadpoles, goldfish, and squirtles who disliked Leo for polluting the water source but couldn't help playing with Leo, thinking of those familiar faces, Leo was even more worried and his feet quickened.

"Please, nothing will happen to you."

There is no God in this world, so Leo silently prayed to Arceus.

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