After passing through the woods, Leo and Takuma finally saw the stream flowing into the valley.

Chaoyang Valley was just ahead.

Just as Leo couldn't wait to rush out, Takuma, who was standing by, quickly grabbed him.

"Wait, don't go out yet."

Takuma pulled Leo and hid behind the bushes on tiptoe. Leo pulled aside the bushes and looked through the gap in the bushes. He saw a large group of elves of different shapes restlessly surrounding the entrance of the valley. In front of the elves was the back of a tall and ferocious elf - this elf stood more than 3 meters tall on his feet. From behind, he had a large and sharp horn on his head, and his purple carapace was covered with creepy spikes. Along the spikes, a thick and powerful tail swung, and this unconscious subtle movement could smash the ground under his feet into shallow pits, not to mention that the ground stepped on by the thick lower limbs had cracked slightly, as if it was under great pressure.


Takuma exclaimed in a low voice, his eyes full of surprise.

Although Nidoking's initial form, Nidolang, is still a common elf in the forest, his final evolution form, Nidoking, requires a relatively rare attribute stone - Moonstone, to evolve successfully. And Moonstone needs to be exposed to the energy of moonlight for a long time to form a rare piece. Therefore, it is relatively rare for an elf like Nidoking to appear in the Crescent Forest, not to mention that the Nidoking in front of him is much taller than the ordinary Nidoking recorded in the data.

The light screen displayed in front of Leo reveals the extraordinary nature of this Nidoking.


[Real-time analysis]

Elf: Overlord - Nidoking (Frenzy) (Mind Control) (Male)

Level: Lv40

Attribute: Poison + Ground

Feature: Poison Sting (When directly attacked by the opponent, it sometimes poisons the opponent)

? ? :? ?

Moves: Earthquake (Lv5), Poison (Lv4), Iron Tail (Lv4), Horn Slam (Lv2), Stare (Lv2)



Leo took a breath.

Let alone Nidoking’s new title “Overlord”, let alone the highest level Lv40 Leo has encountered so far, just the prominent Lv5 [Earthquake] in the move list is enough to know how destructive Nidoking is.

Speaking of the level of this move, since it is a standard quantified by the light curtain for Leo, only Leo can see it, so there is no Pokémon who can explain to Leo the principle of this level division.

However, after many observations by Leo, he found that the level of this move actually represents the proficiency and power of the move. The more proficient you are in training, the more handy you are in using it, the stronger the effect of the auxiliary interference move or the power of the attack move will be, and the highest level of this move can only be one level higher than the level of the elf. For example, the highest level of moves that Leo has at level 16 is only level 2, and the highest level of moves of the Squirtle boss at level 36 is only level 4. As for why there is this restriction, Leo guessed that it was probably because the energy in the elf's body limited the upper limit of the level. Only by improving your own level and strengthening yourself more powerful can you control more powerful moves.

Also, what is the state of the unknown "mental control"?

Moreover, there is nothing special about the elves at the overlord level?

Unlike the games or animations in the previous life, in the real elf world, in addition to ordinary elves, elves of other life classes have special features.

Thinking of the elite-level elves that I scanned before, they all have the "special" attribute, which can bring various enhancements to the elite elves; while the leader-level elves have the "command" attribute instead, which shows the command of the elf tribe and the blessing of the tribe to the leader-level elves.

And this more powerful and domineering overlord-level elf actually has no special attributes?

Except for the attribute full of question marks?

Leo felt that he seemed to have missed something.

Facing this unfamiliar information, Leo frowned and thought, and the black vertical bars on both sides of his head moved unconsciously.

Let's get back to the topic.

In addition to scanning Nidoking, Leo also surveyed the remaining elves one by one. In addition to checking the information of the elves, he also noticed that these elves all had the "mental control" label without exception.

"Elite Nidoqueen, Arbok, and Sandslash, plus the normal-level but numerous Nidoran, Nidoran and the evolved Nidolino, Nidorina, Apaz, Gas Bomb, Sandslash.Rat, Rhino and Diglett, the battle situation is not optimistic. "

Leo silently compared the battle power gap between the Poison Swamp Pokémon and the Chaoyang Valley Pokémon.

King vs. King, General vs. General, Soldier vs. Soldier.

Squirtle, a leader-level Pokémon, faced Nidoking Overlord, who was higher in rank and title than him. Even though he had more moves than Nidoking Overlord, the gap in strength was real.

As for the elite-level Pokémon battle, Chaoyang Valley only had three elite Pokémon: Armstrong, Queen Flower, and Scyther, while the Poison Swamp also had There are also 3 of them, 3 vs 3, but they have certain mutual restraints in attributes, such as poison restrains fighting, but grass restrains the ground, so the outcome is really unpredictable.

Not to mention the ordinary elves, many elves in Chaoyang Valley are of low level and do not often participate in battles. Facing this group of frenzied elves with murderous looks in front of them, they will probably be timid before the battle.

"Damn it, if I had strengthened my training to level 20 before, I could at least help fight against elite elves."

Thinking of his slightly slack attitude towards training before, he missed the opportunity to quickly improve his level in the early stage, resulting in his lack of strength now. Leo regretted it.

The left paw supporting the ground clenched his fist tightly.

Takuma gently fiddled with the grass, looking out from the gaps he had opened everywhere, and whispered in surprise after a moment: "It's so strange, why are they just staying like this, and no other elves appear? "

This reminded Leo.

"Indeed, a large group of elves gathered at the mouth of the valley. If we consider Scyther's vigilance, it is impossible that they did not notice it. And the movement of these elves was so loud that Squirtle and the others could not have failed to hear it."

"Wait a little longer."

Feeling that something was a little strange, Leo pulled Takuma's clothes and signaled to observe for a while.

Time passed little by little.

Perhaps the elves in the poisonous swamp were impatient to wait, and the restless mood began to spread among the elves.

"Hmph! "

Aware of the irritable and impatient mood of his tribe, Nidoking Overlord snorted angrily, and an inexplicable power swept over, directly scaring the slightly noisy elves into silence.

At this time, an elf like a huge purple cobra came out of Chaoyang Valley with several Appa snakes and several sandshrews.

"My king, I checked and found that there are no elves in the valley. All possible hiding places have been destroyed by us. I just don't know where the elves in this valley are hiding, hiss."

Arbok spit out his snake tongue and reported to Nidoking Overlord with a gloomy face.

"Bang", Nidoking Overlord's tail hit the ground heavily, venting its master's dissatisfaction.

"This place is destroyed, where can they hide? "The cruel and indifferent voice of Overlord Nidoking sounded.

"Roar——", "Ah——", "Hiss——".

The elves around him could no longer hold back. After hearing Overlord Nidoking's order, all kinds of shouts came one after another. In an instant, almost all the elves' eyes lit up with fierce red light, and they all started to stir.

For a while, all kinds of moves were flying all over the sky, and the elves were destroying wantonly.

Trees collapsed, rubble flew everywhere, and Chaoyang Valley was suddenly in a mess!

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