At this moment, a large number of Pokémon suddenly jumped out from the bushes and trees.

"Use [Seed Machine Gun] and [Slash] to cut down the tree!"

Led by Scyther, the Walking Grass and Stinky Flower that appeared in the woods used their own skills, and in a short period of time, the several upright trees fell down one after another.

"Bang, bang, bang", the thick tree trunk fell heavily to the ground, smashing gravel and dust.

"[Spit Silk]!"

At the command of the Tyrannosaurus that jumped out of the bushes, the Caterpillar, the Horned Worm, and Paras followed and spit out sticky silk from their mouths, wrapping around the fallen tree trunk.

"Brothers, try hard!"

Brother Armstrong and the Armstrong Monkey Monster Geodude ran to the back of the tree trunk. Several Pokémon in a group lifted up the tree trunk that was larger than the entire Pokémon with their hands, aiming at the group of Pokémon in the Toxic Swamp.

"Three, two, one, go!"


The fighting elves used all their strength to swing the tree trunks they were holding.

Seeing the thick tree trunks flying in the air, the elves in the poisonous swamp panicked and tried to scatter and hide in fear.

However, the elves hiding in the stream seized the opportunity.

Dozens of figures jumped out of the stream.

The water-blue energy on the one-eyed Squirtle wearing sunglasses fluctuated sharply, and the several Squirrels, horned goldfish and mosquito coil tadpoles behind him also puffed their mouths and brewed.


The water in the stream was no longer flowing slowly. As the Squirtle boss used the 【Surf】 move, the water rushed and gathered into a wave more than 2 meters high, rushing towards the panicked elves by the stream with a heavy momentum.

The waves roared and rolled, and even if the water flow weakened slightly, it was immediately replenished by the [Water Gun] of the water elves.

On one side were the rolling waves, and on the other side were the whistling flying trees. The elves in the poisonous swamp were in an awkward situation with no way out.


The extremely strong waves washed the elves in the poisonous swamp like rolling gourds. The rotating crossbars that came later rolled over the fallen elves, and the sticky silk on the tree trunks stuck to the elves, making them unable to move.

Leo and Takuma, who were watching this coordination, were stunned.

"I finally know why Chaoyang Valley can become the overlord of the Crescent Forest."

Leo muttered to himself.

It has been a while since he left Chaoyang Valley. Whether it is the elves of Crescent Lake, Sky Nest, or even the elves of the Toxic Swamp, except for some newly born elves, many elves have evolved to the second stage, and some have even evolved to the third stage. These evolved elves constitute the main force of these elves.

Chaoyang Valley is very different. Except for a few evolved elves, the entire valley is still dominated by the most primitive unevolved elves. As we all know, evolved elves have different strengths than unevolved elves, so Leo has always been curious about how Chaoyang Valley can compete with other elf tribes with so many unevolved elves. Now he understands that this kind of united and coordinated fighting method is the foundation of Chaoyang Valley.

Back to the battlefield.

Seeing the elves of the Toxic Swamp stuck to the tree trunk and unable to move, Squirtle Boss breathed a sigh of relief and walked ashore from the stream.

Queen Flower, Scyther and Armstrong also brought their elves to join them.


Walking Grass swayed the grass leaves on his head and happily high-fived the little Squirtle who jumped over. The caterpillars and unicorns swung their tails and lay lazily on the ground. They had almost spit out all their mucus just now.

Armstrong thought about it and said to the Squirtle boss with some joy: "If all the elves in the Toxic Swamp are here, then it means that there are no other elves in the Toxic Swamp now. Boss, it's a good opportunity for us to cross the Toxic Swamp."

The Squirtle boss also thought of this and nodded slightly in agreement: "Indeed, this means that we only need to wait for Leo to come back to solve the poison gas problem. Without further ado, let's go now..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrogant voice sounded from behind the elves.

"Ants, I admit that you played a good trick and fooled my useless subordinates. However, this ridiculous trick is ridiculous to me, who has absolute strength..."

The Overlord Nidoking was standing in the shadow of the towering rock wall before. It is no wonder that the elves in Chaoyang Valley did not notice this terrifying Overlord for a while.At this time, two scarlet and ferocious eyes emerged from the shadow.

"It's just futile!"

The giant beast in the shadow raised its right foot and stepped down heavily!


What is an earthquake?

For Leo, who was still a human in his previous life, this was a natural disaster. Even though there was a scientific analysis that earthquakes came from the collision of plates, there were still many superstitious people who believed that this was a punishment from heaven and caused by the anger of the earth. In the red country where he lived in his previous life, earthquakes caused a lot of tragic pain and shattered the families and lives of countless people.

In the elf world, this disaster is not just a natural phenomenon, but can be spontaneously created by powerful creatures like elves. The horror of the earthquake in memory, apart from the understated description in the animation in the game, reappeared in front of Leo at this moment.

The earth shattered and the rock wall collapsed.

"Boom boom boom"

The violent vibration wave spread rapidly outward in a circle with Nidoking Overlord as the center. The flat ground affected by the vibration instantly tore into countless cracks like broken porcelain. The towering rock walls surrounding the valley were shaken and broke into large and small pieces of gravel, which fell to the ground.

"Woo wow wow..."

The shaking and breaking of the ground under their feet made almost all the elves unable to stand steadily. They fell on their backs. Some elves standing densely were directly thrown into a ball. In the case of unstable footing, there was no way to dodge the gravel scattered from above. They were hit by the gravel, big or small, and howled miserably.

Not only the elves in Chaoyang Valley were running away, but also the elves in the poisonous swamp under Nidoking Overlord were implicated. What's worse is that they were stuck by the sticky silk on the tree trunks and could not move. They could only passively be hit by the falling rocks and their noses and eyes were swollen. Their state was miserable.

The biggest drawback of this powerful move [Earthquake] is that it does not distinguish between friend and foe. Any creature standing on the ground will be attacked.

Seeing that the tremor continued without any sign of calming down, Squirtle Boss gritted his teeth, opened his hands, and used [Hold].

The familiar turquoise barrier appeared again, covering the elves in Chaoyang Valley who fell to the ground, protecting them from the shock waves and falling rocks.

This move [Hold] is indeed one of Squirtle Boss's Lv4 moves. The ordinary [Hold] move can only protect the elves performing the move, while Squirtle Boss's [Hold] may support a larger and wider barrier, expanding the protected area several times.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", the falling rocks hit the barrier and could only be bounced aside.


Nidoking Overlord was originally just watching quietly until he saw Squirtle Boss perform a large-scale [Hold], and a hint of surprise flashed in his red eyes.

He ignored the uneven ground, stepped forward, faced the green mesh barrier in front of him, raised his strong forelimbs and punched forward!


The Squirtle boss gritted his teeth and held on. He felt like he was hit by a train at full speed. The strong impact made the turtle shell on his back shake unconsciously.

Seeing that the barrier only shook slightly after his punch, Nidoking Overlord was very dissatisfied, so he roared, and the scarlet energy flow on his body ignited, flowing and converging on the thick and strong tail. After the tail was covered with energy, it formed a silver-gray steel texture.

Several sharp-eyed elves saw the changes in Nidoking Overlord and screamed: "Boss, be careful of his tail."

Before he finished speaking, Nidoking Overlord stepped hard with his right foot, turned around, and swung his tail as hard as steel fiercely.


The green barrier cracked into spider web-like cracks at the location where it was hit hard, and the light on the barrier dimmed, and the barrier showed a shaky and broken feeling.

"Just a little bit, hold on a little longer..."

A trace of blood flowed from the side of the clenched teeth of the Squirtle boss.

The Nidoking Overlord continued to increase the strength of the [Iron Tail], and the whip was more terrible than the last time. Strike on the [Hold] barrier.

However, every time the barrier was about to be hit to pieces, the Squirtle boss would grit his teeth and hold it up, and just support the shaky barrier.

At this time, the aftermath of the [Earthquake] finally disappeared, and the elves who fell to the ground, regardless of their injured bodies, stumbled to get up from the ground and fled to the back.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his own Pokémon limping away, and the few Pokémon that were seriously injured were also helped away by other Pokémon. The Squirtle boss felt relieved, and the barrier he had been trying to maintain instantly dissipated.

As soon as the barrier disappeared, theThe Nidoking Overlord, who was furious at the impact, couldn't hold back, and his tail hit the ground, stirring up sand and stones, and he himself staggered to the side due to inertia.

Without any worries, Squirtle Boss rolled to avoid the impact of [Iron Tail], adjusted his slightly crooked sunglasses, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and showed a focused look on his face.

"Next, it's our showdown."

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