Back to the battlefield.

Unable to dodge, Nidoqueen and Sandslash could only watch the countless fist shadows blooming in the sky about to fall on their heads. A snake tail swept over and swept the two Pokémons who were standing still at the critical moment.


Without a target to attack, the powerful [Bullet Fist] of the wrist force could only be vented on the open ground, and the explosive fist force directly blew a big hole on the ground.

"Damn! They dodged it."

Wrist force rubbed his numb wrist in annoyance.

A snake mouth suddenly jumped out among the dust, and purple-black venom sprayed from its fang-filled mouth, pouring towards the unprepared wrist force.


Suddenly attacked, the wrist force, who was drenched by the venom, felt his skin burning like fire, and his eyes were dizzy. He couldn't help but screamed in pain.

The venom that poured on the wrist force exuded a fishy smell and was extremely corrosive. In a short period of time, it even burned black spots on the gray skin of the wrist force.

Arbok spit out the snake tongue and crawled to the edge of the pit.

Oops, oops!

Knowing that something was wrong, the wrist force struggled to support his body and staggered to escape.

But how could Arbok let the wrist force escape so easily? "Shua" stretched out its slender and thick tail and directly rolled up the wrist force.

"Hiss, you are my prey, how can I let you escape!" Arbok stared with red eyes and tightened his tail forcefully.

"Woo." The wrist force, who was unable to break free, felt that he was tied up and a little breathless.

[Tighten], the signature move of the snake-like elf, uses its own flexible tail to tightly wrap the opponent.

Seeing that Armstrong was trapped, Scyther, who was taking a breath and resting on the side, did not say a word and directly used [Lightning Flash], drawing a flash of lightning in the air, and rushed towards Arbok to try to relieve Armstrong's predicament.

But as Scyther rushed forward, a purple claw suddenly appeared!

Nidoking grabbed Scyther's head, and then pressed it hard on the ground!


The huge force of almost 20 levels higher than the previous one directly knocked Scyther unconscious.

"Armstrong! Scyther!"

The fact that his two companions were subdued made Squirtle boss suddenly nervous. Just when he wanted to go forward to rescue the two companions, a shrill voice sounded from behind him: "Don't move, otherwise I can't guarantee her life safety!"

Squirtle boss stood still and looked back.

I saw Sandslash holding up its sharp front claws, with the sharp tip pointing at the Queen Flower, and next to it was a newly dug hole.

It turned out that Sandslash used [Dig Hole] to lurk beside Queen Flower without her noticing, and when the time was right, he suddenly jumped out and held Queen Flower hostage to threaten Squirtle Boss.

Suddenly startled Queen Flower was about to shake the flower on her head to sprinkle paralysis powder or hypnotic powder so that Sandslash could not hold her hostage, but as soon as she made a move, Sandslash was keenly discovered by Sandslash. Sandslash immediately stabbed his sharp claws a few more and warned: "If you move around again, be careful of your own life."

A few drops of blood slid from Sandslash's sharp claws.

Squirtle Boss was caught in a dilemma, his heart was full of anger and guilt, and his hands clenched unconsciously.

"You...what is your purpose?"

Forcing himself to calm down, Squirtle Boss asked Nidoking Overlord.

"Our great master needs more power, the power to rule the world."

Nidoking Overlord's eyes flashed with fanatical flames and a few abnormal fluctuations.

"Master? Rule the world? Don't be ridiculous. Don't you, the so-called master, know how deep the outside world is? You want to rule the world? Fanciful!"

Although his companions were held hostage by their opponents, Squirtle Boss couldn't help but taunt him.

Nidoking Overlord's level of Lv40 is indeed strong in the Crescent Forest, but in the vast outside world, Lv40 is just the starting point for powerful elves, not to mention various legendary elves.

Facing Squirtle Boss's taunting, Nidoking Overlord was unusually not angry.

"You don't understand."

He shook his head.

"You don't understand what the power of God is. Our great master has the power of God. We humble elves are just adding glory to our God..."

Nidoking Overlord, who was about to continue speaking, suddenly moved his ears, as if he had received some signal.

Holding the unconscious Scyther in his hand, he glanced at Squirtle Boss with his bloodshot eyes and turned to walk into the forest.

"Take your companion away first this time. Next time, it will be your turn!""Hiss, hiss, hiss." Nidoqueen carried Arbok with his arm and followed Nidoking with a swagger, rescuing his own elves stuck on the crossbar along the way.


Looking at the painful and self-blaming expression of Squirtle Boss, but not daring to act rashly, Tyrannosaurus shouted softly, and then Sandslash pointed at her with his claws, signaling her to follow.

Led by the leader, the elves in the poisonous swamp slowly left Chaoyang Valley, leaving only dust and gravel, broken wood and branches, and a messy place.


Sitting on the ground somewhat dejectedly, Squirtle Boss was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Why can't I evolve? Why?"

As the leader of Chaoyang Valley, in the duel with Nidoking Overlord, the leader of the Toxic Swamp, even if he used all his skills and combined various moves with exquisite techniques, it was in vain. The abilities of the evolved and unevolved Pokémon were still as different as the sky.

If he could evolve to the final form of Blastoise, that wave of [Surf] moves would directly kill the opposite Pokémon in seconds. After all, water-based moves naturally restrain ground-based Pokémon, and there would be no scene in the front that required other Pokémon to use moves to cooperate, and it would not lead to the capture of the rashly rushing Armstrong and Scyther.

"Damn it!"

The Squirtle boss vented his emotions and pounded the ground with his right hand.


A large group of Pokémon walked in the forest, heading east of the forest.

Behind this group of elves, there was a barely noticeable bulge in the ground, and this bulge followed the elves' team and hung behind them not too far away.

Two small holes appeared in the bulge.

"Leo, they are moving, dig quickly."

The bulge was filled with Takuma and Leo, who had not been heard from for a long time. A passage was dug out under the ground. Takuma wore the observation goggles taken from Leo's head, and kept an eye on the whereabouts of the elves in the poisonous swamp through the small holes in the bulge, reminding Leo and the others in a low voice from time to time.

Leo was ridden by Takuma, with his claws equipped with the steel claw equipment he had built before, and he was desperately digging a passage with the [Dig Hole] move full of earth energy.

"Fortunately, I learned this move from Geodude and the others..."

Leo was somewhat thankful.

The original intention of learning this move from Geodude was to use his hand speed to dig a hole underground to escape if he encountered an enemy he couldn't defeat. This was also one of the trump cards he had promised to use when he went on an adventure with Armstrong. But now [Digging a Hole] is not used to escape, but to track. It is indeed a bit unpredictable.

"What should we do after we follow them back to their nest?"

Takuma asked while paying attention to the situation on the ground.

"We can't beat them. Let's see where the captured Armstrong will be imprisoned. Then we will go back and join forces with Squirtle Boss and Golduck to launch a wave of assaults. They will attract firepower from the front. When we see them, can we secretly rescue Armstrong and the others?"

Leo analyzed.

"Besides, I'm very curious about that god."

The silver-white figure with a purple tail flashed through his mind, and Leo said solemnly: "I hope it's not the Pokémon I think..."

That rebellious, powerful, and unparalleled "god"!

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