The Crescent Forest is the largest forest in the entire East region, occupying more than 60% of the area. Such a large area has formed different landscapes in the forest. The west is accompanied by the continental mountains to form a circular valley. The south is naturally accumulated into a huge lake after being washed by waterfalls day and night. At the same time, various rivers are generated to flow to all directions of the forest, and the largest river branch flows to the east of the forest. The terrain in the east is low-lying, and it has been flowing by rivers for a long time. The surface water is not drained smoothly. In addition, various substances are accumulated in one place through rivers. Over time, the wetness of the ground and the corruption of substances have formed a swamp filled with poisonous fog in the forest.

Following the elves of the poisonous swamp all the way, the further east they go in the forest, Leo and Takuma find that the trees in the forest are getting scarcer, and the height of the trees is constantly decreasing, and the originally green branches and leaves are constantly becoming withered and dry.

"Oh no, we can't dig any further ahead."

Leo kept digging forward until he dug down with his claws. What he dug was no longer hard land, but sticky wet soil, which was obviously not strong enough to support this underground passage.

"Huh? They stopped."

Fortunately, there was good news from Takuma.

After a long journey, it seemed that the elves in the poisonous swamp also returned to their own place.

"Ah, this is the place. I ran out from here."

Takuma exclaimed in a low voice.

"Let me see, let me see."

Leo exchanged positions with Takuma with difficulty, because in order to save energy, the passage Leo dug with [Dig] was also relatively narrow. Fortunately, both the elf and the human were relatively small in size, so they could pass through this narrow passage.

Wearing goggles, Leo looked out through the small hole in the mound.

On the far side of the tunnel they dug, there was a vast swamp. The mud in the swamp was bubbling, and all kinds of messy garbage and dirt were emitting a foul smell. Waves of purple-white fog surrounded the swamp. On the opposite side of the swamp, there was also a rock wall with various large and small caves carved out of it.

The elves in the Toxic Swamp also returned to their nests. The poisonous elves Arbok, Gas Bullet, and Nido clan turned a blind eye to the diffused poisonous fog and passed through it and returned to the swamp, while the ground elves such as Sandshrew, Rhino, and Diglett returned to the caves in the rock wall together.

I don't know when the wrist force was tied up by the vines, and Scyther and Megalania were escorted by Sandshrew and imprisoned in a cave closer to the inside.

Just by looking with his eyes, Leo found that the poisonous fog in the Toxic Swamp made his eyes sore.

Finally, he took a deep look.

"Let's go back first."


After bumping their way back to the entrance of Chaoyang Valley, Leo and Takuma immediately couldn't wait to break out of the ground.

"Huh, I'm suffocating."

Takuma stretched his body vigorously while breathing in the fresh air.

Due to limited energy, the tunnel just dug underground was only large enough for one person. The two of them squeezed in and occupied the small space, not to mention that there was no spare space to move around. As a result, they kept the same action for a long time, which made their muscles stiff.

Leo knocked on the eyepiece bracket next to his ear, and the eyepiece and the mask that supplied oxygen shrank up.

He looked around and saw the mess at the entrance of the valley, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the previous battle, he and Takuma had been hiding in the bushes not far away. When the Nidoking Overlord used the indiscriminate large-scale attack move [Earthquake], the strong shock wave knocked down many trees around them. Unfortunately, several fallen trees were in the direction of Leo and his team. In addition, the ground under their feet was broken and shattered, and they were buried for a while. Fortunately, the fallen trees and the broken and bulging ground happened to form a triangular structure, supporting each other, so that Leo and Takuma who were buried underneath did not suffer too much impact. But when the two of them finally cleared the ruins above their heads and returned to the ground, they saw the scene of Arm Strength Scyther and Megalania being captured by the enemy.

Leo knew that he was only Lv16, and he had no chance of winning against a group of elite elves over 20, not to mention that there was a Lv40 Overlord elf next to him. So he chose to stay put, and waited until the elves in the poisonous swamp gradually left, and then pulled Takuma to use [Dig Hole] to dig a passage from the ground and follow them.

"The information of this group of elves all shows that they have the titles (Frenzy) and (Mind Control).According to the Pidgeot, Snorlax and Pidgeot we met before, Pokémon with the title of (Frenzy) usually look irrational and cannot communicate normally. However, whether it is Overlord Nidoking or his subordinates Arbok Nidoqueen, although they are still brutal, they can communicate rationally and their mind is also very clear..."

"What the hell is this (mental control)? Is it a move?"

"Or is it the ability of some Pokémon? "

Leo sorted out his thoughts. He knew that the water in the elf world was very deep. Not to mention the various magical abilities that humans could call miracles, even some powerful elves also possessed various miraculous powers - for example, the Phoenix King had the power to revive the dead, Celebi could travel through time, Jirachi could fulfill the wishes he made, etc., not to mention the legendary creator Arceus who had thousands of clones watching over the world. Apart from these mythical beasts, there were also many elves with unique abilities among ordinary elves - such as Absol who could predict disasters, Dream Eater who devoured dreams, Rotom who sneaked into home appliances and changed his form, etc. etc.

"If we compare (Frenzy) and (Mind Control), the common point between them is that they are both mental changes, and the mind is closely related to the ability of the psychic system. So, the culprit for these two states should be a psychic Pokémon with strong mental power, and if it is that Pokémon, everything seems to be explained..."

After continuous analysis and deduction, Leo vaguely felt that he was close to the truth.

Just when he was about to continue to think deeply, Takuma's voice sounded.

"Leo, let's go into the valley and take a look. I haven't seen what Chaoyang Valley is like? "

Takuma had heard Leo introduce the situation of Chaoyang Valley when he was in Hatsubai Town. As the son of a scientist, he was naturally very curious. After all, wild elves are not easy for humans to explore.

Therefore, even though there were large destroyed pits, broken trees, and soaked land around the entrance of Chaoyang Valley, this messy scene did not reduce Takuma's curiosity.

Looking at Takuma's eager expression, Leo was also curious about the current situation in Chaoyang Valley, so he and Takuma carefully passed through the half-collapsed valley passage and entered Chaoyang Valley.

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