"This is really..."

The scene that came into view made Leo feel very bad:

It was almost dusk, and the dim twilight added a layer of dead atmosphere to the valley.

Many of the neat trees on the left had fallen down, overturning the soft and lush green grass lawns that the walkers liked to rest on. The green leaves that various caterpillars and unicorns and other insect elves loved to eat were scattered all over the ground, mixed with mud, and looked dirty.

The stone and wood huts originally built by the elves on the right side of the valley had been destroyed and deformed, and the wooden pillars used as supports were corroded by venom and black, emitting a foul smell. The training ground in front of the hut was smashed with holes and pits. What made Leo even more angry was that the various fitness equipment he had painstakingly set up was now broken and damaged, and was messed up by the elves in the poisonous swamp.

As they walked along, the elves in Chaoyang Valley were all dejected - the caterpillars and unicorns were lying on the ground in a daze, their big round eyes were blank; the mosquito coil tadpoles and horned goldfish in the water had lost their former vitality, drooping by the lake and blowing bubbles; the active monkey monsters and small fists and arm strength walked aimlessly among the rocks. The atmosphere of the whole valley seemed very depressing and heavy, and the bright blue waves on the elves became dim in Leo's eyes.

When walking by the fallen tree, Leo found a few walking grass squatting beside the tree in a daze, the grass leaves on their heads that were originally tall and upright were now drooping listlessly, and their small eyes were full of frustration.

It was the walking grass that ran away with Leo at that time.

Noticing Leo coming over, the larger one among the walking grasses, the eldest among them, reluctantly greeted him: "Leo, are you back?"

When Leo set out to investigate before, the pile of tree fruits in his backpack were picked by the walking grasses in front of him.

Thinking of this, Leo quickly took out a few large tree fruits from his backpack and handed them to the walking grasses: "Come, eat something first."

The eldest brother of the walking grass grabbed the tree fruits with the grass leaves on his head and handed them to his mouth, but it was difficult to swallow: "Alas, Sister Hua was captured, and now I don’t know what to do..."

"Damn it, if our strength is not too weak and we can’t beat those stinky guys, otherwise how could this happen..." The other walking grasses looked unwilling.

The youngest sister, the walking grass, even shed tears: "Wuwuwu, I want sister Hua..."

Leo was silent. The three elves that were captured were the core of the entire Chaoyang Valley:

The Queen Flower was gentle and kind. She was concerned about the various life matters of the elves in the valley and took care of the growth of the young elves. Although she was sometimes angry because of the elves' mischief, she was soft-hearted and healed the wounded elves in the valley.

Scyther looked cold and difficult to approach, but whenever the hostile elves attacked, it was Scyther who came forward to repel the enemy, and always defended the entrance of Chaoyang Valley, strangling all potential threats in the cradle and protecting the safety of the elves in Chaoyang Valley.

Although Arm Power had not been here for a long time, his extremely profound knowledge and rich combat experience made him very popular among the elves in the valley. For example, the rest huts were all built under Arm Power's instruction.

Looking at the sad walking grass in front of him, looking at the listless elves, looking at the valley that was originally beautiful but now in ruins, looking at the breath called unwillingness.

For the first time, Leo felt that he should do something.

Since coming to this elf world, whether it was entering Chaoyang Valley, conducting investigations, or participating in battles, these were just actions that followed the flow and went with the flow. Because the situation at the time "needed" him to do so, he did it. In the deepest part of his heart, he only thought that this was an interesting adventure, or an interesting "game".

At this moment, his heart was ignited by the miserable situation of Chaoyang Valley at this time, and this inner fire made him eager to do something.

At this moment, he finally realized that this "human" life was real life, and it was time for him to take a real step in this world.

"Hey, listen to me," Leo squatted down, touched the head of the walking grass sister with his right hand, and said softly but firmly: "I don't know if I can beat those guys, but I will find a way." Walking grass sister opened her tearful eyes: "Can you save sister Hua and the others?" Leo unconsciously held the necklace around his neck with his left hand: "I will try my best, and thisIn this world, you don't have to defeat the enemy to save them. I will find a way, I promise. "

"I will save them, believe me!"

"Yes, believe me!"

Leo repeated with a firm tone.

The light of the setting sun shines on the crystal blue gem pendant of the necklace, reflecting the blue light.

I don't know if it's an illusion or something, when Leo's heart is firm, the light of the gem appears brighter.


Leo looked carefully, but found nothing different.

When he came to his senses, he was shocked. Before he knew it, many elves in Chaoyang Valley surrounded him and formed a large circle.

Seeing so many elves hear his bold words, Leo couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

"Pah", Xiaoquan Shishi, who often fights with Leo, jumped, put his hand on Leo's shoulder, and laughed and scolded: "Good boy, you are really good."

"If you want to fight, count me in! "The warlike monkey monsters shouted excitedly on the side.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole slapped the water surface with its tail happily: "Although you are also a naughty boy, Leo, we believe you can do it."

Other elves were also speaking loudly, encouraging themselves or their companions.

Seeing that the elves in Chaoyang Valley, who had been depressed, had all regained their former liveliness, Leo was touched. It turned out that he had left a deep mark in this world without realizing it.


Some older elves shouted loudly.

"Let's not talk about the battle first. The most important thing now is to clean up our home again. We can't let them face such a mess when they come back!"

"Good!" The elves shouted in unison, and dispersed with high morale to clean up the mess.

The walking grass brother here also took his younger brothers and sisters to pick up the scattered branches and leaves, pushed the fallen trees away, and used grass energy to regenerate green grass.

"I'll help too! "Takuma rolled up his sleeves and turned the bracelet on his wrist into a mechanical glove. The mechanical glove made a few noises, and it actually allowed Takuma, a child, to independently lift the tree that was as thick as a person and moved it to the side.

When the elves first saw Takuma, a human child, and that he could communicate fluently with the elves, they were still surprised, but later they saw Takuma helping everywhere in a friendly manner, so they felt relieved and cleaned up the messy valley with him.

Naturally, Leo was not idle either. With the idea of ​​cleaning up as exercise, he carried trees here and broke rocks there. He was busy until night, and then he thought of a question: "By the way, where is Boss Squirtle?"

Giorgios, who was passing by carrying a pile of wood stakes, pointed in the direction of the pond, indicating that he had just seen Boss Squirtle by the pond.

Leo touched his hungry stomach, took out a tree fruit, ate it, and walked towards the pond.

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