The night was already deep, and the bright moonlight was reflected on the mirror-like water surface, reflecting the shimmering light.

From a distance, I saw the figure of Squirtle sitting by the pond.

"You are here, sit down."

Squirtle said without turning his head when he noticed Leo's arrival.

Leo found a clean piece of ground next to Squirtle, sat down, scratched his head, and didn't know where to start for a while.

"Thinking about the time you came to the valley, it seems like a long time has passed."

Squirtle looked at the pond in front of him intently and spoke slowly.

"It should be two or three months?" Leo was a little uncertain.

"When I first met you, I often felt it was incredible. Obviously, you were just born from the elf egg not long ago, but your way of doing things gave me a very mature feeling, and your ideas were also very interesting. Many elves said that they liked your little things very much."

Squirtle said with a smile.

"Are all Pokémon like Riolu like this?"

"Ahaha, no no no, I should be special."

Did he reveal his identity as a time traveler? Leo smiled to cover up.

Fortunately, Squirtle Boss didn't care much about this. He just sighed deeply and said, "You know, there weren't so many Pokémon here a few years ago."

Oh, here it comes, the classic memory killing is here. Leo, who has always been curious about the origin of Squirtle Boss, was excited and listened carefully with his ears perked up.

"When I was still confused, one day, I hatched from a Pokémon egg. The first thing I saw was my trainer, a boy with blue hair that was very similar to mine. When he saw me born, the joy that came from the bottom of his heart directly infected me."

"So I decided that I would fight hard for this boy who dreamed of becoming an outstanding trainer."

"We played together, trained together, ate together, and even slept together. The bond derived from this companionship enabled us to win in battles again and again, and we shared the joy of victory."

"I always thought that he and I would continue like this, become the best partners, and carve our honor in the highest battle hall."

"But this is just what I think."

The Squirtle boss had a bit of bleakness in his tone.

"Soon, as he grew older, we gradually entered higher-level competitions, where there were all kinds of elves, some strong and some weak. We were very confident that we could continue to win until something unexpected happened."

"I found that I couldn't evolve."

"I believe you also know that for elves, evolution is a very important means of improving strength. If you can't evolve, it means that you can't get a stronger body. Without a strong body, you can't accommodate more powerful energy. Moreover, evolution can also allow elves to obtain a variety of rich combat methods. In such high-level competitions, evolved elves are often the favorites to win the battle."

"I don't know what's going on. With our efforts, my level can always be improved, but every time I reach the threshold of evolution, I feel that there is a solid lock in my body, locking all my energy, making me feel like I am trapped in a cage and unable to break free."

"My trainer comforted me: If I can't evolve, then we will work harder to polish our combat skills. Skills. "

"However, no matter how good the fighting skills are, sometimes they really cannot beat the absolute strength difference."

"We, who had always been invincible, began to lose the game, and I saw the look in my trainer's eyes change from encouragement at the beginning, to loss, to unwillingness, to indifference, to indifference, to giving up in the end."

"I was very scared, afraid that failure would lose the bond between us, so I trained harder to use my various moves, and tried my best in the game, often using the injury-for-injury method to win. "

" With my desperate efforts, we were able to win some games, but every time I won a game but had to receive treatment due to injuries, my trainer only saw indifference in his eyes. "

"Finally, in a battle against Kuroko, my opponent used a sharp claw to directly scratch a deep wound on my face, and the severe pain made me faint. When I woke up, I was no longer greeted by a familiar face, but the cold ground under me and the empty night sky like tonight. "

"At that time, I realized that I had been abandoned. "Even when he was talking about his tragic fate, the Squirtle boss' tone was still indifferent, but Leo on the side could hear his inner anger: "No way, just because of this, you abandon the elves you live with day and night? What's the big deal about losing the game?"

Let alone the magical creatures like elves that are human-like, even if you raise a cat or a dog, after such a long time together, the feelings you have cultivated are difficult to abandon so cleanly.

And what if you fail? In his previous life, Leo was a professional fighter. Although he often performed well, he would inevitably encounter times when he couldn't beat his opponent and lost. Even in the same weight class, there will be opponents with better talents and more skilled fighting skills than you. What if you can't beat them? Then go train, keep training hard! You can't just abandon your body and lie down, right? This is something Leo, who couldn't continue his professional career due to heart disease in his previous life, couldn't imagine.

"When I came to my senses, I realized that I had wandered into this forest without realizing it, and it was here that I met her when she was still a walking grass."

The Squirtle boss' tone finally fluctuated a little, and he continued with a nostalgic tone.

"The time I met her, just like the time I met you, she was also chased by several Pidgeots. At that time, the weak were the prey of the strong here. Even though walking grass was not in the menu of Pokémon like Pidgeot, it was common for them to be teased and hunted viciously."

"She was thin and small at that time, and the grass leaves on her head were as yellow as malnutrition. Seeing her trying her best to avoid the sharp beaks and claws of the Pidgeots, but she was powerless, I seemed to see myself. I was touched for a moment, and I unconsciously came forward to drive away those Pidgeots and saved her."

"After saving her, I left, but I didn't expect that I would meet her again a few days later At that time, I was unfamiliar with the forest here, and I hadn't eaten anything except some water for a few days. When she knew that I was hungry, she was very happy to share most of the fruits she had picked up with me. Seeing her distressed but pretending to be indifferent, I naturally felt bad. Afterwards, I took the initiative to help her resolve the crisis several times, and she, relying on her familiarity with the forest, took me everywhere to find food and resting places. "

"Later, we met the lazy big guy, and the three of us wandered in the forest until we found this valley."

The big guy refers to the Snorlax that appeared before.

Leo thought to himself.

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