Although he was not as strong as Blastoise in the battle, seeing his subordinates so fierce, Nidoking Overlord couldn't help but grin with some smugness and said, "Look, even if you evolve, the situation will not change. What awaits you in the end is only failure and surrender."

Facing Nidoking Overlord's provocation, Blastoise, who had been silent after evolution, slowly spoke: "No, you are wrong. They trust me, so I also believe in them."

"What believe or not, it's just some empty words."

Nidoking Overlord was disdainful.

"They gave me strength and let me break through myself. Now, it's my turn to give strength to them!"

Blustoise suddenly roared in a low voice.

"It's useless. Nothing will change... Uh."

Nidoking Overlord suddenly felt that his claws pinched by Blastoise suddenly tightened.

"Watch it."

Blustoise stared at Nidoking Overlord's red eyes.

"This is the power of our bond!"

"Overlord aura, open!"

Accompanied by the roar of Blastoise, countless blue lights gathered from the feet of Blastoise, entwined Blastoise and rose in a spiral. When it rose to the top, the light spread out like a fairy scattering flowers, extending a large number of light spots, which quickly sank into the bodies of the elves in Chaoyang Valley along blue trajectories. From a slightly farther perspective, it seemed that Blastoise was the core, with countless blue lights extending outward, weaving into a blue network connecting the elves in Chaoyang Valley.

"What is this?"

"My body!"

"Such a strong and warm power."

"Ahhh, I want..."

The elves in Chaoyang Valley exclaimed, and lights of different colors lit up on their bodies at the same time.


The boulder still fell unstoppably.

But before it was about to hit the target, several dazzling green lights lit up instantly.

"Walking Grass evolves! Smelly Flower!"

Several shouts, some crisp, some hearty, some tender, rang out.

The light disappeared, replaced by several new forms of Pokémon.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah", the continuous plant seeds directly blew up the boulder, revealing the Smelly Flower under the boulder, and the flower buds on their heads exuded a pungent smell, which drifted in the air.

The red noses of the Digletts were irritated by the pungent smell of the Smelly Flower, and they fell to the ground with white eyes and foam at the mouth.

"Yeah!" The Smelly Flower, that is, the brothers and sisters of the original Walking Grass, hugged each other happily, and then quickly separated. "Big brother/little brother/sister, you are so stinky, ugh."

Smelly Flower dislikes other Smelly Flower for being stinky, well, it's very real.


"Wrist Power evolves! Gore!"

"Geolith evolves! Rumble Stone!"

"Monkey Evolves! Infernape!"

Evolutionary lights of different colors flashed by.

Tall and mighty, with strong muscles, like a human bodybuilder.

Longlongshi, whose body has become larger and covered with hard rocks.

Infernape, with fierce eyes and veins on his forehead.

Each elf is basically more than 1 meter tall, and they all look down from above at the elves of the Nido tribe who are not even as high as their knees.

Under such a covetous gaze, even if the elves of the Nido tribe have more violent fighting spirit in their hearts, they can't help but step back a few steps.

"Go, knock them down!"

With a loud shout from Haoli, this group of elves who are extremely good at fighting went forward to punch and kick their opponents, not caring about the toxicity of the stingers on the Nido tribe.

“Green caterpillar evolves! …”

“Unicorn worm evolves! …”

A burst of light appeared on the bodies of the green caterpillar and the unicorn worm, and they resolutely evolved into … uh, metal pupae and iron shell pupa, two elves without limbs and only a hard insect shell.

The metal pupae and iron shell pupa looked at each other with dead fish eyes.

Metal pupae: “…”

Iron shell pupa: “…”

When they were still green caterpillar or unicorn worm forms, they could still rely on insect skills to deal with the opponent's gas bombs. Now they have evolved into this state where they can't move, and can only passively take the beating.

“Hehehe, it evolved into this? I was shocked.” The gas bomb showed a sinister smile, and the poisonous gas spray port on its body sprayed poisonous mist. "Let me take you there, [Poisonous Gas]...Ah!"

A pair of fists came out of nowhere and directly punched the gas bomb away, hitting it heavily on the tree beside, with a confused look on his face.

A smaller mosquito-repellent king jumped out.

He looked at his results with satisfaction, then noticed the iron armored pupa and iron shell pupa lying dead behind him, rolled his eyes, and ran to them with a grin.In front of him: "Look, look, my hand has grown."

He said while showing off his casserole-sized fist.

It was the Mosquito-King evolved from the Mosquito-King who was playing tricks in the pond in Chaoyang Valley all day long.

Listening to Mosquito-King's chattering, Metapod and Ironshell Pupa could only roll their eyes in response.

Why are other elves so powerful after evolution, while they can only lie down and get beaten? It is really unfair of Arceus.

The evolved forms of various elves in Chaoyang Valley, such as Smelly, Goli, Rhydon, Infernape, Metapod, Ironshell Pupa, Mosquito-King, etc., have suddenly increased the combat power of Chaoyang Valley.

Unfortunately, except for this group of ordinary elves, elite elves such as Elite Arm and Scyther did not undergo any special changes after receiving the blue light.

But this was enough to change the situation of the entire battle. Both sides had the strengthening blessing of their auras, and their strength returned to an equal state again.

The Chaoyang Valley, where individual strength was originally weak and could only rely on group cooperation to fight, leveled the gap in individual strength after the elves evolved. In addition, with the original skilled cooperation and advantage in numbers, the elves in the Toxic Swamp were once again defeated.

The advantage at the level of ordinary elves brought about a snowball effect, which means that more elves can help each other. As one side grows stronger, the other side loses strength, and the entire battlefield has become one-sided.

A large number of elves in the Toxic Swamp were subdued or knocked out. Even the elite Sandslash and Nidoqueen were suppressed by the elves who rushed up and were defeated by the outnumbered elves.

As the elves on his side were constantly defeated, the expression of the overlord Nidoking changed from ferocious, to resentful, to dead silence in the end.

He glanced at the only remaining Arbok beside him and said expressionlessly: "Even if you defeat me, you can't defeat my master and that noble god."

"Then what, so what?" Blastoise did not comment, and then exerted force suddenly. "I only know that I will defeat you and give a victory to my companions who trust me and protect me!"

"【Water Gun】!"

"Bang", a thick column of water gushed out of Blastoise's mouth. Unlike when he was a Squirtle, this same move performed by the domineering Blastoise was several levels higher in both strength and intensity.

Nidoking Overlord also roared: "【Horn Bump】!"

He held up the protruding sharp horn on his head and used his huge brute force to push towards Blastoise.

"Splash", the water column only resisted for a while, and was directly dispersed by Nidoking Overlord.

The latter continued to move forward, and his wide feet left deep footprints on the ground.

"【Iron Wall】!" Blastoise slowly raised his arms that flashed with steel, clamped Nidoking Overlord's 【Horn Bump】 with force.

Then, he pressed down with his left hand, holding down Nidoking Overlord's head, and with his right hand grabbing the sharp horn, he threw Nidoking Overlord over his shoulder with a flexibility that was inconsistent with his heavy body!

"Pah!" Nidoking Overlord was thrown to the ground with force, screaming in pain.


Bluse didn't say much, slapped the ground with both hands, and the blue water energy went directly from his body through his arms into the ground.


"Boom boom boom——"

The ground undulated slightly, as if thousands of waves were running underneath.

"Damn it!" Nidoking Overlord saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to roll over.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the surging waves broke out of the ground and washed over Nidoking Overlord fiercely.

Originally, ground-type Pokémon were afraid of water-type moves, and Nidoking Overlord was strong, but he still couldn't get rid of the natural law of attribute restraint. Being hit by such a fierce wave, the originally ferocious him couldn't help but wilted.

"Very good, very good, in that case, then no one can leave!"

After finally standing firm, Nidoking Overlord became fierce, his red eyes burning with endless anger.

He raised his right foot high, and the ground energy that seemed to be so strong that it seemed to be breaking began to gather.

"Maximum power output! Super, super, big, [Earthquake]!"

Nidoking Overlord roared madly, his roar shook the sky.

Since he had foreseen the defeat, Nidoking Overlord still wanted to use his strongest move to destroy both sides.

"Don't even think about it! Ultimate Charge! [Cannon Beam]!"

Bluse also roared.


The loud sound of energy gathering spread in the two barrels of Blastoise, and the surging energy that was almost materialized was sucked into it crazily, shaking the air near the barrels into visible ripples.

"I will tear all your delusions apart."Break!"

"Now, you give me..."

The cannon barrel emitting a faint blue light was aimed at Nidoking Overlord, and a great premonition of danger directly floated into Nidoking Overlord's heart.

"Fall down! ! ! ! "


The energy beam that burst out roared and sprayed out from the barrel. The energy was so strong that it even scraped two deep marks on the ground under the road.

"Roar... No..."

[Cannon Cannon] hit Nidoking Overlord's face heavily, blowing him back instantly, and the energy originally condensed on his feet dissipated instantly.


[Cannon Cannon] continued to increase in strength, and the energy beam became thicker and fiercer. The explosive impact force blasted Nidoking Overlord and the Arbok around him away, directly hitting him. into a state of being unable to fight.


The bombardment continued until it hit the rock wall nearby, blasting two large holes, and then it was extinguished.

"Sizzle", white smoke came out of the barrel that had just been fired. Seeing that his opponent had fallen, Blastoise breathed a sigh of relief.

As Nidoking Overlord fell, the red light that covered the entire field due to his aura gradually dissipated, and the clear blue sky sprinkled warm sunshine all over the earth again.

At this point, all the elves in the Toxic Swamp were knocked down, and the elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake won a great victory!

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