"Huh, I'm so tired..."

The wounded and exhausted elves didn't care about enjoying the joy of victory. Seeing that their opponents had no ability to resist, they sat down on the ground and panted to rest.

Leo leaned against a tree and let his body, which was sore from being stepped on, rest for a while.

At this time, he was looking at the light screen thoughtfully. Some of the information displayed in the system [Illustration] made him very concerned:



Encounter progress: 43 / 50

Battle progress: 28 / 50

[Real-time analysis]

Elf: Overlord - Blastoise (male)

Level: Lv37

Attribute: Water

Feature: Torrent (When the HP is low, the power of water-attribute moves is increased)

Aura: Light of Evolution (As the leader of Chaoyang Valley, he is trusted by the elves and possesses the overlord aura - Light of Evolution, which can allow the elves under the overlord to bathe in the aura of evolution and temporarily evolve into a stronger form)

Weakness: None.

Moves: Water Gun (Lv4), Surf (Lv4), Hold (Lv4), Water Wave (Lv3), Impact (Lv2), High Speed ​​Spin (Lv2), Iron Tail (Lv1), Iron Wall (Lv1), Cannon Beam Cannon (Lv1)


Looking at the information of Squirtle Boss, or Blastoise Boss, Leo smiled as expected.

"As expected, the reason why Squirtle Boss was originally difficult to evolve was that his evolution was not an ordinary evolution, but a leap in life level and elf level - from the leader level to the more powerful overlord level elf. To undergo such a strong transformation, abundant energy must be indispensable, and he alone cannot provide sufficient energy, so it is no wonder that he has failed to evolve repeatedly. This time, with the help of the energy of the Water Stone, he finally evolved successfully. And because of the energy accumulated over a long period of time, he can accumulate and evolve into the final form in one breath."

"So, the reason why that inexplicable black hole absorbs energy crazily is that it uses a huge amount of energy to form a dominant aura that belongs only to the dominant level Pokémon. When the black hole absorbs enough energy, it will reverse and form an energy light spot that emits energy. Whether it is the Overlord Nidoking or the Boss Squirtle, at the moment of launching the dominant aura, the light spot will suddenly burst out, providing sufficient energy to form a dominant aura with different effects."

"That's great..."

Leo figured out the ins and outs of this unexpected evolution, and couldn't help but feel envious.

Today, Riolu is only an elite-level Pokémon. Although it is much stronger than ordinary-level Pokémon, it is still not as good as those top Pokémon. In the battle just now, he suffered a lot just against a Nidoqueen - the latter is not even a powerful Pokémon in the Pokémon world, so those quasi-god Pokémons or divine beast Pokémons that may be encountered in the Pokémon world in the future will not be opponents.

Powerful! I want to be powerful!

Leo secretly clenched his fists, his heart filled with a desire for power.

Since he had come to this elf world he loved by chance, how could he tolerate himself being content with being ordinary and living a mediocre life?

"After this battle, help Armstrong and Takuma rescue the people in the experimental base, and then I will leave here and go to the outside world to find an opportunity to become stronger."

"First you have to evolve, and only after evolution can you have a stronger body and strength."


Leo remembered the figure of the handsome fighting elf, and his blue tail swung gently.

"Ah, my evolution..."

Suddenly, the elves around him exclaimed.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", "Bang", "Bang".

The sound of foam breaking sounded one after another, and the figures of the stinky flowers were wrapped in green light, forming a green "big egg", and then the "eggshell" broke, leaving the walking grasses who were already confused.

"Eh, eh, eh, eh?!"

Brother Walker opened his eyes wide, and tapped his younger brothers and sisters with his blades in disbelief.

"Why did it change back again?"

In addition to changing from Smelly to Walker, other Pokémons such as Goli also instantly degenerated back to Armor, Infernape turned back to Monkey Monster, and the two pupae turned back to Caterpillar and Unicorn. The Mosquito, who had been farting just now, also turned back to Mosquito Tadpole with only two legs as the blue light flashed.

Caterpillar & Unicorn: "(;¬_¬)”

Mosquito Coil Tadpole: “QAQ”

All the elves that had just evolved now regressed, and the light of various colors withdrew from the elves' bodies and returned to Blastoise Boss.

In the vision of Leo Waveguide, what was seen was that the lines centered on Blastoise Boss gradually disconnected from the elves, and then retracted to Blastoise Boss's waveguide, making Blastoise Boss's waveguide vigorous again.

"Is this the temporary evolution mentioned in the information? But it is also a powerful means. You can suddenly evolve in battle to enhance your own strength."

"However, the more partners you have, the stronger the effect of this aura will be. "Leo looked at the elves of Chaoyang Valley who were curiously asking questions around the Blastoise Boss, and thought about it. "Moreover, the violent aura of the hot-tempered Nidoking Overlord and the aura of the evolutionary light of the Blastoise Boss who believes in protecting his partners, both auras are the embodiment of the most fundamental characteristics of the two elves, could it be..."

Leo seemed to have insight into the essence of the overlord's aura.

At this time, beside the Blastoise Boss.

The walking grass sister patted the Blastoise Boss's broad back shell with a blade of grass curiously, and said enviously: "Boss, you are so tall, when can I grow as tall as you?"

The other elves looked at the Queen Flower who was just over 1 meter tall, and then looked at the Blastoise Boss who was over 2 meters tall.

The Queen Flower said angrily: "What are you looking at? It's my fault that I'm short."

"Hahahahaha. "

The elves all smiled happily, and the air was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere. Even the Queen Flower who pretended to be angry smiled.

Only the mosquito coil tadpole jumped around the Blastoise boss: "Boss, hurry up, use that trick again, I want to turn into two hands..."

The caterpillar and the unicorn were horrified: "【Spin Silk】! "

The snow-white silk wrapped the mosquito coil tadpole tightly, and then it was dragged away by two insect elves.

The Blastoise boss looked at everyone who was still full of energy despite being covered in scars, and a relaxed expression appeared on his face.

He was about to speak, but there was a scream full of hostility and a roar full of anger from the other side of the swamp.

Two powerful elves were rushing over quickly.

With red eyes and feathers on his head fluttering in the wind, the leader of the Pidgeot spread his wings and flew over the poisonous fog in the swamp.

The leader of the Snorlax, whose eyes were also red and whose body was round and strong, took heavy steps across the swamp, not caring about the corrosive "hissing" poisonous fog wrapped around his body.

"No way, again? ! "

Leo had a headache. He and other elves were exhausted after a big battle. If they had to face two powerful leader-level elves, one of which was a flying elf that was a natural nemesis for them, it would be too much for the elves to handle. Moreover, there was no magical item like "HP Recovery Bump" that could instantly restore the status.

"Snorlax, that's enough. There is no need for us to fight. "

Blott Squirtle boss shouted loudly.

As good friends who jointly developed Chaoyang Valley, Blastoise boss was also very reluctant to fight with his friend Snorlax.

But it was obvious that Snorlax leader was just like before, and fell into a "frenzy" state and didn't recognize his relatives. After hearing Blastoise boss's words, he was just slightly stunned, and then a fierce look appeared on his face, and he was about to pounce without saying a word.

And the leader of Pidgeot in the sky also targeted those elves who were in a state of spent force, and also planned to dive.

The elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake also barely cheered up and prepared to deal with the strong enemy.

Just then.

"Ang——", the crisp and loud bird call sounded in the sky.

"What is that? "

All the elves looked up.

A bird-like elf covered in steel armor and with red wings spread out flew by in the sky. At the same time, a figure fell from the sky, followed by a strange object like a spinning top that was thrown out and spun towards the leader of Snorlax.

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