
This name seemed to have great magic power, making all the humans who were still questioning lose their voices.


Souichi muttered this name, frowning.

"Yes, Mewtwo, taken from the meaning of transcending the legendary elf Mew. And like Mew, He is a psychic attribute, extremely powerful. If it is said that these elves were invaded because of the leakage of His psychic power, it is not surprising at all."

"If we use the legendary beast elves such as Ho-Oh or Lugia as an analogy, Mewtwo has power that is not inferior to them. Moreover, Mewtwo is a kind of elf specially made for fighting, and its actual combat ability is stronger than that of ordinary beast elves."

"The worst thing is that according to the information we know, this powerful force is now controlled by an organization called Team Rocket. If this power is used for evil, the consequences may be no less than a small natural disaster."

Leo recalled the information about Mewtwo in the previous life game, as well as the information described by Shining Magikarp before, and narrated it bit by bit.

"(Human language) Damn Team Rocket!"

Several young men in police uniforms were furious. As the party that maintains social stability and protects people's safety, they usually run around for various cases created by Team Rocket members, and are busy and exhausted. Now that they hear that it is another trouble caused by Team Rocket, it is no wonder that they can't help cursing in human language.

"Could it be that the kidnapping of Thomas' parents and Doctor Elf is to create Mewtwo? Thomas' parents are scientists and researchers who have studied the origin of elves, and Doctor Elf is a great expert in elf ecology..."

Souichi said thoughtfully with his right hand on his chin.

"Anyway, it's urgent now."

It can be seen that Soichi is obviously the leader in this group of people. He was seen giving orders to everyone.

"Ms. Junsha! Please contact the person in charge of the surrounding towns and prepare for defense attacks."

"(Human language) Yes!" Miss Junsha, riding on the wind speed dog, responded and took out the communication machine to contact the corresponding person in charge.

"Ayong, Aling, Aran, you three stay here, continue to appease the remaining elves, and be ready to respond at any time." Soichi pointed to the group of elves in the poisonous swamp who were unconscious but still had fierce expressions on their faces.

"(Human language) Got it!" The three younger rangers signaled.

"Others, put on the gas masks given by Thomas, get ready for battle, and set off."

"(Elf language) Wait!"

The Blastoise boss watched Soichi's orderly command from the side, and shouted at the moment they were about to set off.

"(Elf language) Ahua, Scyther, you stay here and help these humans take care of your companions. If there is any danger, remember to protect yourself and your companions first."

"Be careful, pay attention to safety."

The Blastoise boss whispered to the Queen Flower and Scyther beside him.

After the instructions were completed, he walked to the wrist force.

"(Elf) Arm, I promised you that I would help you find your doctor. Now the time has come. I will go with you this time."

Arm was stunned.

When he heard that the humans including Chuang Yi were going to break through the poisonous swamp and enter the test base, he had already made up his mind to follow them. After all, the doctor he had been looking for for a long time was imprisoned in the test base, which made him anxious and he wanted to rush into the test base immediately.

But what he didn't expect was that the Blastoise boss told him seriously that they should act together. You know, there is a great possibility that they will encounter the power of the gods mentioned by Leo when they go to the test base this time. This trip is extremely dangerous, and even he was a little uneasy. The Blastoise boss could have left without any business and took the elves of Chaoyang Valley away.

"(Elf) Boss, you don't have to..."

"(Elf) Although we haven't been together for a long time, we are partners, right? How can we stand idly by when our partners need help?"

The Blastoise boss interrupted Arm's dissuasion and waved his hand with a smile.


Wrist Strength's words got stuck in his throat, and he grinned.

"(Elf language) Haha, indeed, Boss, this is you!"

Wrist Strength laughed and stretched out his fist, bumping it with the fist that Blastoise Boss stretched out when he bent over.

"(Elf language) And me."

Mosquito Coil appeared from nowhere and said calmly: "(Elf language) I'm going to find our leader too."

"And me, and me, I'm going too!"

Takuma took out another translator from his pocket and put it on and pressed it hard.Waving his hands.

Leo raised his fist and punched Takuma in the head.

"Go to hell! You can't fight. If you get hit, your little body will be gone."

"But how can you find the way to the test base without me?" Takuma said unconvinced.

I forgot that this kid sneaked out all the way by parkour. Among all the people and elves present, he was probably the only one who knew the way to the test base.

Leo was a little embarrassed.

At this time, Soichi came over and said to Takuma with a very serious face: "Takuma, you can follow me, but you must stay with Miss Junsha. If anything unexpected happens, you must leave immediately on the wind speed dog."

He turned to Miss Junsha and said: "Miss Junsha, this kid is troublesome to you."

"(Human language) OK." Miss Junsha agreed, and she stroked the fluffy hair on the wind speed dog's head. "(Human language) Arcanine, please."

"Ah——, (Elf language) Leave it to me!"

Arcanine howled and shook off the sweat from the intense exercise just now.

After instructing Takuma, Soichi walked to the side of Blastoise Boss again, patted Blastoise Boss's thick shell affectionately with his hand, and said with a smile: "Big guy, although I am not your trainer, can you lend me your strength for the next battle?"

Blostoe Boss's face froze.

Oops, this guy didn't know that Blastoise Boss had been abandoned by humans, and he would be very sensitive to the topic of trainers. Leo hurriedly wanted to step forward to rescue, so as to avoid internal strife on his side before the battle began.

But what Leo didn't expect was that Blastoise boss actually said in a buzzing voice: "(Elf language) Yes."


Leo was a little surprised, but then he thought: Maybe this evolution has untied Blastoise boss's knot, and maybe he let go of the past.

But it's a good thing that the two didn't fight because of this.

"This is the elf world I'm familiar with."

When Leo saw humans and elves working together and heading towards the same goal, he didn't know why his heart was surging.

"Put on your gas mask."

Souichi's voice came from under the gas mask covering his face.

The police, who abandoned the police motorcycle and went on foot because it was inconvenient to use it when passing through the swamp, had elf rangers with partner elves standing beside or on their shoulders, and four elves, Leo, Blastoise, Armstrong and Mosquito, who looked different but all wore gas masks.

"Let's go!"

With an order, the large army rushed into the poisonous swamp.


Test base east of Crescent Forest!

"Gotha duck, take these people to the third floor and keep them under guard." A hooded figure threw a Poké Ball casually. "We're about to have a guest."

"Pop", the Poké Ball fell to the ground, a white light flashed, and a blue Pokémon standing on two feet appeared.

The Pokémon nodded slightly, looked at the group of humans with angry faces with scarlet eyes, and then a wave of vibrations came out, and the group of humans seemed to be bound by some invisible force, and were taken to the upper floors of the building by the Pokémon.

"Haha, come on, I can't wait to see your power."

The hooded man smiled, his eyes were full of burning madness, and swayed with the black object in his hand that was thrown up and down.

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