It must be said that it was a wise decision to bring Takuma with him.

The thick fog generated by the poisonous swamp over the years is not only extremely poisonous, but also so thick that people or elves can't see clearly what is more than three meters away. In addition, the ground is covered with mud at any time, making it very difficult to walk. If it weren't for Takuma's strong memory, he could distinguish the route he had taken before according to different terrain features. It is estimated that the large army would not be able to walk out of this vast swamp for three days and three nights.

After trudging in the thick fog for a long time, as the surrounding fog became thinner and thinner, and the sunlight began to penetrate the road ahead, everyone and the elves finally saw the end of the road.

"We're here!"

Takuma shouted excitedly.

Everyone and the elves couldn't wait to rush out of the poisonous swamp.

"The Rocket Team chose a good place. This damn swamp can dissuade many elves or humans from spying. It is really a natural barrier."

Leo complained, shaking his feet from time to time to throw away the mud stuck on his hair.

Although he was not an elf with "cleanliness obsession", the black and sticky mud in the swamp still made him feel uncomfortable.

After cleaning, Leo looked up and looked forward:

He saw a huge building standing in front of him, with camouflage painted on the outer wall of the building, which was well hidden in the surrounding forest scenery. The building was initially three stories high, with a glass roof on top. Looking a little further away, a large courtyard could be vaguely seen.

It is worth noting that the outer wall of the building had traces of being broken, as if it had been bombarded by some powerful force.

Soichi observed the test base for a while and said softly, "Let's split up. Takuma, you've been there before. You and Miss Junsha and others go to search for the location of your parents and Dr. Elf, and then wait for an opportunity to rescue them."

"I and the rest of the team and the others will pretend to rush into the test base to help you attract the enemy's attention."

"Remember, stay away from the battlefield immediately after rescuing the people. After all, you, your parents, Dr. Elf and others have no combat power."

"(Elf language) I want to go too!"

Wanli anxiously tugged at Soichi's coat.

"Okay, then let's get started."

The troops were divided into two groups, with Takuma, Wanli, Miss Junsha and other police officers as one group. Takuma was familiar with the internal structure of the test base, Wanli was flexible, and the police had rich experience in infiltration operations, so they were the ones who infiltrated the test base to rescue the hostages.

The elf rangers such as Soichi and the Blastoise boss have strong combat capabilities. They are the frontal attackers to attract firepower and create opportunities for other groups to sneak in.

After each of them took action, Leo also followed Soichi and started to break in from the gate of the test base.

"Squeak--", the two damaged gates were pushed open, making a sound that made people's teeth ache.

After entering the test base, what came into view were the broken instruments scattered all over the ground, and various rocks and broken walls piled up in a mess. The entire test base was like being blown by a strong wind, and the ground was in a mess.

"Pop", "Pop", "Pop", "Pop", "Pop", the lights inside the test base suddenly lit up one by one, directly illuminating Soichi and the elves.

"It's a pity that you can find this place."

A frivolous voice sounded.

Just as Leo was looking around for the source of the sound, a figure in a black cloak jumped down from above, and landed lightly in front of everyone and the elves under the support of an unknown force.

On the clothes covered by the cloak, a big "R" was faintly visible.

"Who are you?"

Soichi said vigilantly.

"Me?" The cloaked man pulled down his hood, revealing a pale face and scarlet eyes. "I am a cadre of the Rocket Team, no, I may be the future leader, a human who possesses the power of God, Gerald."

According to the information of the Shining Magikarp, there was such a mysterious person who came to the Crescent Lake at that time, and then summoned the elves to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Could it be this person?

Seeing the real person appear, Soichi and others and the elves such as Blastoise all showed cautious expressions.

At this time, Leo realized that Gerald's words were actually transmitted directly into his heart, and could be understood by humans and elves at the same time without the help of any translation equipment.

"Surprised?" As if he had seen through the thoughts of Riolu, the little elf, Gerald smiled strangely. "I can read any thought in your mind. Your little thoughts cannot be hidden from me under the power of God."

"(Human language) Stop talking nonsense, Team Rocket, and tell us the truth. Where are the people you kidnapped?"

A young ranger couldn't help but stepped forward and questioned.

Jerod ignored the ranger's questioning. He closed his eyes slightly and felt something, muttering to himself: "One, two, three... It seems that there are many little mice doing bad things secretly."

Have Takuma and the others been discovered? Leo's heart tightened and he became a little nervous.

"Don't worry." Jerod opened his eyes and showed a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth. "I prepared a big gift for them..."


On the other side, Takuma Junsha Arm and others, who acted separately from Soichi Leo and others, began to sneak into the yard on the side of the test base.

"This place is really destroyed. "

Takuma looked at the yard full of trees broken by the force and scattered rubbles of the wall, and couldn't help but smack his lips.

"Pop", the police and the arm force gently moved the stones blocking the road to the side, revealing the gap leading to the inside of the test base.

When the group walked into the test base, they found that the degree of damage inside the base was even higher than that in the yard outside. There were glass fragments and building materials everywhere, the doors of various rooms were broken, and the instruments in the room were even more damaged to reveal the internal electronic structure.

"(Human language) What kind of force destroyed this..."

Miss Junsha looked at the messy scene in front of her, and when she realized that it was caused by some powerful force, she had some difficulty breathing for a while.

"Come on, come on, this is it."

Takuma carefully identified and found the room where he was imprisoned, but after the police searched the nearby rooms, they still didn't find any clues.

"Remember that old man at the time, it seemed to go up from this staircase? "Takuma tried to recall where the elf doctor went, and pointed to a relatively intact upward passage. "If it's not in these rooms, then I think it's on the upper floor."

"(Human language) Let's go."

Miss Junsha made a prompt decision and led everyone (elves) to the upper floor through the passage.

But they didn't notice that in the shadow next to them, a pair of blood-red eyes were staring at them, and the tail of the slender figure was swinging back and forth, full of irritability and impatience.

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