Hello everyone, my name is A Da, and I am a bug catcher.

Don't ask me what the job of a bug catcher is, I don't know.

My daily task is to wear a straw hat woven by my mother, a vest and shorts left by my father when he was a child, and a bug net passed down from generation to generation in my family, and guard the road that those novice Pokémon trainers must pass. Then, as long as I see the appearance of a novice Pokémon trainer, I have to rush up like a hungry wolf, and ask to fight them with a passionate tone.

It's just that these novice Pokémon trainers are quite unethical. You say they take out Pokémon from the three starters, such as Wood Gecko, Fire Chickadee, and Water Leap Fish. Although my Thorntail is not very strong, I can occasionally win one or two games by stealing chickens, which is enough to comfort my young heart that has been hit repeatedly.

However, those Pokémons with Tyranitar, Metagross, and even those I don't know, such as Lugia, Darkrai, and Yveltal, come to fight me. As soon as I take out the Poké Ball, they give me a set of Lightning Five Whips to end the battle. Such games often make me tremble.

So, after thinking about it, I decided to quit this painful job and return to my favorite industry - flower farming.

When I told my father about my thoughts, I only saw him sigh meaningfully, then patted my shoulder and said: "Ada, when your father was young, I had the same idea as you."

Yes, my father was also a bug catcher when he was young, but as he got older, the novice Pokémon trainers passing by couldn't bear to bully this old man, so this supposedly "sacred and glorious" task was transferred to me.

My dad continued, "Do you know why I have been insisting on this career and even asked you to do the same career?"

"There is a secret here."

He lowered his voice and whispered in my ear, "There is a legend circulating among my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... grandfather: It is said that the mysterious elf hovering in the world's ozone layer evolved from some unknown insect-type elves that we have taken care of for generations. However, the conditions for this evolution are quite mysterious, so my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... grandfather and others have been groping and exploring from generation to generation. Many conditions have been tested and then eliminated by them. Now, in your generation, you have great hope to break it. Solve this secret, and then get the unprecedentedly powerful Pokémon."

"But, can't I continue to study the insect Pokémon by engaging in other professions?"

"Fool, if others know the results of our generations of research, wouldn't it be a waste of effort and a dowry for others? So we have to hide this secret, and isn't it natural for the insect catcher to study the insect Pokémon? No one will doubt us. Do you understand what I said?"

"...I understand!"

In this way, I finally failed to quit my job as the insect catcher, and after hearing this secret, I had a big dream in my heart:

I want to train my insect Pokémon into a Pokémon as mighty as a dragon!

So, my stingtail and I quietly started all kinds of hard special training. No matter the sun and rain, no matter we were beaten by various passing Pokémon trainers, we gritted our teeth and persevered, just to make my dream shine one day.

However, no matter how passionate I was in this dream, I would occasionally feel bored. My way to deal with boredom is to find other Pokémon that look weaker than mine, to fight and vent my emotions.

Just like now.

Hush, there is a lone little Pokémon in front of that road sign. We can try to catch it, because its protein looks eight times that of ordinary beef... Phew...

I picked up my insect net and took out my Poké Ball.

Ready to go!

"Is it Yin, Yinye City?"

Leo stood in front of the road sign, tiptoed and looked at the instructions on the road sign with difficulty.

As mentioned before, although the human language and the Elf language in the Elf world cannot be pronounced in the same way as any language on Earth in the previous life, their writing is surprisingly similar to English. Therefore, Leo looked at the font written on this square road sign and barely understood its meaning.

"Yinye City? What is this place? I've never heard of such a town in the games or animations of my previous life?"

Just as Leo racked his brains to recall the names of the familiar towns in his memory, a slightly hard object hit his head with a "bang".

"Ah!What the hell is that?"

Leo cried out in pain and turned to look at the "weapon" that hit him.

It was a red and white Poké Ball.

"Bang", a white light flashed, and a caterpillar-like Pokémon with a red back shell and spikes on the shell and head and tail jumped out of the Poké Ball.

Followed by an enthusiastic human shout: "¥%#%##&%"

"? ?"

Leo was a little confused. He just remembered that in the battle with Mewtwo, the armor he was wearing and the goggles he was wearing were damaged, and now they were all turned into a pile of debris piled in his [backpack]. The language translator that allowed him to communicate seamlessly between humans and Pokémons was also damaged because it was embedded in the eyepiece. Then, as a Pokémon, he naturally couldn't understand what humans said.

"Hmm, hmm, (Elf language) Come on, let's fight to the death... Hey, hey, hey, where are you looking? "

The round eyes of the thorntail were burning with fighting spirit, but what made him very dissatisfied was that the puppy-like Pokémon in front of him ignored him and was in a daze.

On the other side, Leo did feel the strong fighting spirit, but...

He looked at the bright "Lv6" on the [Illustration] panel of the thorntail and decided to ignore him.

Leo held up his chin with his left hand and thought to himself: "If I don't have a translator, I can't understand human language. This will be very inconvenient for me to adventure in human society? What if those Rocket Team or Plasma Team fall in love with my beauty and want to abduct and sell me? "

This is not without a criminal record. Haven't you seen the crazy pursuit of a certain team of three people... or a team of two people and a cat for a certain Pikachu?

Although it failed every time.

Shocked with a chill, Leo thought hard about how to solve the language barrier.

"Make a translator again? But I don't know where Dr. Kamiya or Takuma are now? And I don't know anyone else who can make such a prop, so it's not feasible to make a new translator? "

"Where is my system? Damn, others can communicate in various languages ​​without any pressure after traveling through time, why doesn't my system have such a function built in? Can I buy one with krypton gold?"

A certain elf seemed to have forgotten the declaration that he vowed not to be a krypton gold liver emperor not long ago.

"Or try telepathy? If there is a superpower, telepathy can indeed achieve pleasant communication with different creatures. But where can I get superpowers from as a fighting elf."

"Or... try my wave power? I remember that one of the characteristics of wave power is that it can achieve telepathy."

Leo's heart moved, and he looked up at the energetic young man wearing a straw hat and a vest and shorts.

So he decided to try his own wave power.

Leo silently said in his heart: "Wave power, connect! "

Silently, azure waves slowly rose from Leo, and one end of the wire extended like a tentacle and connected to the Straw Hat Boy.

"%¥¥#%¥...squeaky, rustling...spinytail, that's it, as long as we work hard, you can definitely evolve into Rayquaza!"

The Straw Hat Boy passionately cheered for his Pokémon.

Just like those old-fashioned radios in his previous life, Leo kept adjusting the intensity and frequency of the waveguide force. After a rustling sound, he finally heard clearly what the human Straw Hat Boy said.

It doesn't matter if you don't listen. When you listen, Leo almost choked to death on his own saliva.

"What? What the hell? Evolve into Rayquaza?"

Leo looked at the spinytail that was inspired by his trainer and felt a sense of collapse that his three views were refreshed.

"(Elf language) Oh oh oh, I feel that I am full of strength, take it, [Poison Needle]! "

The excited Thorni opened its mouth and spit out a sharp needle covered with venom, shooting it at Leo.

In Leo's eyes, after strengthening his speed and gaining extremely high reaction nerves, the speed of the needle was enough for him to do ten sets of push-ups and then ten sets of squats before dodging.

So he lazily turned sideways and dodged the attack of the poison needle.

"What, this Pokémon can actually dodge our well-trained [Poison Needle]? !"

The Straw Hat guy exclaimed loudly.

"This must be an accident, Thorni, come again, [Poison Needle]!"

"(Elf language) Take it, ah~ spit!"

The poison needle shot out again.


Leo looked at this funny trainer and Pokémon combination speechlessly. This time he didn't want to waste time anymore, so he jumpedWith a leap, his agile figure left afterimages on the road. In a blink of an eye, he approached the thorntail, raised his right hand and gently tapped the thorntail.


Leo's powerful attack attribute gave him great power, so he didn't use any moves and poked the thorntail into circles.

Seeing that the thorntail was dizzy and unable to continue fighting, Leo rolled his eyes and showed a wicked smile.

He whispered in the ear of the thorntail: "I'm telling you, only the caterpillar can evolve into Rayquaza!"

"(Elf language) Ah! ——"

Regardless of the stiff-looking thorntail and the shouting straw hat boy, Leo smiled secretly and used [Lightning Flash], disappearing in front of the two guys in the lightning that could not be captured by the naked eye.


So a few days later.

Many novice Pokémon trainers passed by the path outside Yinye City and found that the passionate bug catcher mentioned by their predecessors had disappeared.

Instead, in the Pokémon Ecological Reserve of Yinye City, there was a flower farmer who liked to take care of the garden, and he was often followed by a stinging insect that helped hold the water bottle and looked aggrieved.


Hello everyone, I am Ada, and my profession is a flower farmer.

Yes, I changed my profession.

As for what you said about Rayquaza, hehe...

My father and my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... grandfathers are really stupid. In addition to being a bug catcher, being a flower farmer, studying flowers and plants, and insect Pokémons, isn't it also a very common and natural thing? Besides, being a flower farmer does not have to force a smile and entrust the virtual snake to those unethical trainers, and you can also have your own quiet private space, killing two birds with one stone.

My experiment is still going on, but I don't know why. My stingtail used to be very enthusiastic in cooperating with me to study the secret of evolving into Rayquaza, but recently, whenever I bring up this topic, it seems to be less enthusiastic...

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