After solving the language problem and playing a simple trick on the funny straw hat guy and the thorntail, Leo walked happily towards the direction of Yinye City.

The further he walked, the clearer the outlines of various man-made buildings became.

The road also gradually became wider from narrow and remote. Some passers-by lowered their heads to hurry on their way, some walked in groups like they were traveling and full of laughter, and some carried a big bag and sold their proud products to people around them at any time.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing is that most passers-by are accompanied by one or more elves.

"Come and see, come and buy, cheap and beautiful accessories, you can't buy them at a loss, you can't buy them!"

A man who looked like a licensed merchant spread a cloth on the side of the road, poured out a pile of sparkling small decorations from his backpack, and placed them on the cloth. There was also a raccoon-like elf standing next to it, with its two short front paws together, clumsily imitating the human bow.

"Ah, so cute!"

Since ancient times, humans have been unable to resist the charm of cute things. Soon, this stall attracted several young and lively girls.

Leo hid in the bushes and watched through the gaps in the bushes as the girls tried to touch this cute elf.

"Serpentine bear, it looks really cute in real life, and the hair that looks hard is actually quite soft, and," Leo cast his eyes on the shiny accessories on the vendor's stall. "Serpentine bear itself has the characteristic of 'picking up'. It is estimated that many of the things sold in this stall are picked up by serpentine bear. Using the cuteness of serpentine bear to attract customers, and then using the characteristics to pick up, you can pick up a lot of good things. This vendor has a good business mind."

It was quite interesting to watch the scene of humans and elves living in harmony in front of him, but Leo suddenly heard several fierce battle sounds in his ears.

Turning his head, he saw two young men standing on the other side of the open space on the other side of the road, each holding a Poké Ball.

"Pokémon battle?!"

This was the first time Leo saw a serious Pokémon battle between trainers in the Pokémon world. He didn't even care about the stalls and stared at the two people who were confronting each other.

The open space was surrounded by curious or excited pedestrians.

"Oh, is the battle about to start?"

"Mom, what are the two big brothers doing?"

"They are going to have a Pokémon battle."

"Wow, the Pokémon trainer is so handsome!"

"Azhi, don't lose to him."

"Come on, Xiaohao."

Amid the various discussions of the pedestrians around and the cheers of their friends, the two young men summoned their Pokémons at the same time.

"Come out, Lotus Leaf Boy!"

"Come and fight, Doi Ninja!"

Two Poké Balls landed in front of their respective trainers, and with two "bangs" and "bangs", the Pokémons revealed themselves one after another.

The boy called "Azhi" who wore a sun hat backwards summoned a blue body of Lotus Leaf Boy with a lotus leaf on his back, which was a water and grass composite attribute.

The boy called "Xiaohao" who wore a gray short-sleeved jacket summoned a white-colored insect-type Pokémon with a pair of brown front feet - Doi Ninja, whose attributes were insect and ground, and also composite attributes.

"Doi Ninja's insect-type moves can cause outstanding damage to Lotus Leaf Boy with grass-type, but on the other hand, Lotus Leaf Boy's water-type and grass-type moves can have outstanding effects on Doi Ninja's ground attribute. I wonder how they will fight?"

Leo analyzed it carefully and waited expectantly for the next development.

Strike first is always the key to fighting.

"Doi Ninja, use [Sand Swing]."

Xiao Hao waved his hand and commanded his elves to take action before Azhi could react.

Doi Ninja did not hesitate, and scraped the ground with his brown front feet, raising a large amount of sand and dust to the lotus leaf boy opposite.

"Use [White Mist]."

Facing the sand and dust raised by [Sand Swing], Azhi stepped back slightly to avoid being blocked by the sand and dust, and at the same time called on the lotus leaf boy to use [White Mist].

The special effect of [Sand Swing] is to make the opponent blinded by the sand and dust, unable to see the actions of the caster, resulting in a decrease in the hit rate, and Azhi quickly used [White Mist] - a move that can prevent his ability from decreasing, to deal with it.

The white mist spreading from the lotus leaf boy came into contact with the sand and dust, and the mist and sand canceled each other out, revealing Doi Ninja crawling under the sand and dust.

"Very good, Doi Ninja"Doi Ninja, use [Grab]!"

Xiao Hao saw that his tactics were successful and shouted in great joy.

"Squeak! (Elf language) Take my attack!"

Doi Ninja used the sand and dust to cover his figure and quickly approached Lotus Leaf Boy. Facing the opponent so close, he couldn't help but excitedly raised his two hard front feet and then grabbed it hard.

Azhi's face changed.

"Lotus Leaf Boy, get out of the way."

Here it comes, the most classic command appeared. Leo couldn't help but complain in his heart, but his eyes were still fixed on the battle scene.

Perhaps because the big lotus leaf on his back blocked his vision, Lotus Leaf Boy didn't react for a while. When he heard the warning from his trainer, it was too late to dodge. He could only take Doi Ninja's grab and retreat with a few screams.

"Well done, Doi Ninja, continue to use [Grab] to suppress him! ”

Doi Shinobi took advantage and continued to press forward, trying to use continuous attacks to prevent the opponent from counterattacking.

But their intention was discovered by Azhi.

"Lotus Leaf Boy, [Scare]!"

The Lotus Leaf Boy, who was still retreating, stabilized his body and immediately showed a grinning look.

Of course, in the eyes of others or Leo, the cute Lotus Leaf Boy, showing this grinning look, not only did not feel scary, but on the contrary, it was a little cute.

But facing this [Scare] move, Doi Shinobi didn't think so. He seemed to have seen something very scary, and two drops of cold sweat appeared, and he shrank back and stopped moving forward.

"The opportunity is here, Lotus Leaf Boy, use [Water Gun]!"

"Ha, puff! "The lotus leaf boy brewed water energy in his mouth, and when he opened his mouth and spit out a thick water column, he hit Doi Shinobi directly.

The ground attribute is weak to the water attribute, so Doi Shinobi was embarrassed by the water column.

"Finally, use [Absorb] to defeat him, lotus leaf boy!"

The emerald green grass energy emanated from the lotus leaf boy's body, and then the escaping energy instantly concentrated on Doi Shinobi.

As the lotus leaf boy took a deep breath, a large amount of energy full of vitality was extracted from Doi Shinobi's body, making Doi Shinobi, who was already a little dizzy, completely exhausted. On the contrary, the scars on the lotus leaf boy's body gradually disappeared with the injection of energy, and the whole elf became energetic again.

The result is out!

"@_@", Doi Shinobi can't continue to fight, so this duel is won by Azhi!

"Yeah, great! "

Azhi's companions cheered and rushed up.

And Xiaohao took out the Poké Ball in annoyance and took back the circle-eyed Doi Ninja.

"Damn it, you won this time. Here, 100 yuan pocket money for the battle."

Xiaohao reluctantly took out a few banknotes from his trouser pocket, handed them to Azhi, and left angrily.

Seeing that the duel was over, the onlookers dispersed reluctantly, leaving only the young trainer who was playing with his companions in the same place.

Leo, who witnessed the whole process, was also a little excited. Although the two Pokémons who had just fought were only Lv10, and the moves and the intensity of the battle were only very basic, the atmosphere of the battle that attracted everyone's attention, the noisy and lively atmosphere, and the fighting method that was in tune with his trainer made Leo, who was used to fighting Pokémon in the wild, a little yearning.

"Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem unacceptable to find a trainer..."

Leo pondered in his heart and continued to set off towards Yinye City.

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