"I am the owner of the Electric Gym in Zidian City - Tiexuan."

The white-bearded uncle came up and introduced himself very straightforwardly, without any hesitation.

"Ah, hello."

Asuki did not expect that the gym owner he had been looking for for several days would suddenly appear in front of him, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

"I watched your games these days, they are good and exciting."

Uncle Tiexuan stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Asuki was happy at first, and then lowered his head in shame.

Although the games in these days were basically won except for the last one, as the trainer of the bad frog said, many times they relied on Leo's high level to win the game, and the games that were won by the trainer's precise command and the cooperation with his own elves in the game were almost non-existent.

If it weren't for the straightforward expression on Uncle Tiexuan's face, Asuka almost thought he was here to mock her.

Seeing the girl lowering her head and not speaking, Uncle Tiexuan still had that loud voice.

"Don't be discouraged, almost all novice trainers will encounter problems like you when they first debut, it's not a big deal."

Asuki's face changed.

Leo, who used wave perception to understand human language, was also listening carefully.

Whether in the original Gem series or the re-engraved Gem series version, the character Tiexuan is a gym leader that players can fight with relatively early. Although he is not as well-known as those popular characters, there is one thing that can be seen from this cheerful uncle's courage that is not inferior to anyone else.

In the original Gem series, the Violet City in the game is just a relatively small town. In addition to the necessary Pokémon Center, shops, and Pokémon Gyms, there are only a few scattered buildings. In the remake of the Alpha Omega Gem series, Tiexuan has launched his own city transformation plan with great determination, transforming this city with the inscription "The Happy City with Brilliant Lights" into a large U-shaped building. All the original buildings in Violet City are placed indoors, and a variety of facilities have been added. A park where people and Pokémons live in harmony has been built in the city center.

You know, not every gym owner has the courage to transform his city so drastically.

Tiexuan in the game is so majestic, and I believe that Tiexuan in reality will not be much inferior.

Tiexuan suddenly looked serious.

"Let me ask you a question first. What do you think is the first thing to do after conquering a Pokémon?"

"Know your Pokémon."

"What does it mean to know your Pokémon?"

"Know the Pokémon's level, attributes, characteristics, and moves, so that you can more accurately command the Pokémon in Pokémon battles."

"Have you done this in the past few days of competition?"

"... I think I have a relatively clear understanding of my Pokémon in the past few days of battles. I think I have done no problem with Riolu's moves and how to use appropriate moves to restrain the opponent."

Asuki's eyes became firm, and his tone was also full of confidence.

Leo recalled the instructions and move selections issued by Asahi over the past few days. From an outsider's perspective, there were indeed no major problems. Avoid the opponent's powerful moves, and counterattack with moves that restrain the opponent's attributes. Even Leo, who played games as a player in his previous life to fight Pokémon, could not find much fault with Asahi's command.

"Since your command is fine, your Pokémon's strength is fine, and your Pokémon can basically obey your command, then, where do you think the problem lies?"

"...I don't know."

Looking at the distressed expressions of Asuka and the two Pokémons in front of him, Tiexuan smiled again.

"Or do you know why the Pokémon Alliance has a suggestion that trainers choose to subdue Pokémon of corresponding levels based on their progress in obtaining gym badges?"

Leo listened, a little stunned.

So, in the game, there is indeed a setting that the Pokémon of the corresponding level can obey the command after obtaining the number of gym badges, but in fact, the game does not have a mandatory requirement for players to subdue Pokémon. For example, when the player does not have a badge, as long as the luck is good enough, or if he is lucky enough to get a Master Ball, then it is no problem to subdue various high-ranking beasts. The so-called subduing high-level Pokémon that does not obey the command is just a game setting in Leo's cognition.

In reality, it seems that there is another hidden story?

Ming Ri Zhao thought for a while, and recalled that he seemed to have heard his teacher make such an analysis in school before.

"The higherAs elves of a certain level grow older and gain more experience, they often have extremely high intelligence and autonomy. Gym badges are the most basic strength assessment for elf trainers. Trainers without a certain number of badges often represent a lack of strength. Such trainers cannot be recognized by high-level elves. Even if high-level elves are willing to be recaptured, trainers often cannot bring out the true strength of high-level elves due to mismatched experience..."

At this point, Asuka seemed to understand something.

Uncle Tiexuan laughed and touched Riolu's head.

"Your elf is very remarkable."

"Generally speaking, the longer fighting elves live, the more scars or cocoons they will have on their bodies. Judging from his fur color and appearance, your elf should be an elf that was born less than a few years ago. And an elf of this age can have such human wisdom, which is enough to show his intelligence. ”

(Leo was feeling uncomfortable: No, no, no, you misunderstood.)

“And facing such a smart elf, kid, are you really sure you know him well?”

“Do you know which fist he throws out first when fighting? Do you know what kind of fighting scene he likes? Do you know his best fighting style? Even the most basic question, do you know what he likes to eat?”

A series of questions made Asuka Teru confused.

“In my opinion, in the past few days of competition, you habitually like to let this elf avoid attacks and then look for opportunities. This is indeed no problem in terms of tactics, but have you ever understood whether your elf really likes this way of fighting? "

Uncle Tiexuan pointed at Ralts who was hiding behind Asuka with only half of its body exposed.

"You have two Pokémons of completely different styles. For your Ralts, her weak defense and wide range of psychic attacks will make her adapt to your combat system very easily. However, for this little guy, being fearless and moving forward bravely is probably his favorite way."

Leo and Asuka looked at each other.

"Am I really that reckless?"

Leo asked himself. He actually didn't dislike Asuka's way of looking for opportunities. But in the deepest part of his heart, whether it was the professional fighter in his previous life or the fighting Pokémon in this life, there was a flame burning with the desire for a head-on collision and fearlessness of challenges.

"You know, Pokémon trainers, in addition to training, that is, taming and conquering, also have the meaning of training, which is to cultivate and train. Only in this way can you be a real Pokémon trainer. "

Indeed, reality is not like games. In games, training is more about how to match moves or eating various potions and candies to increase the basic points of elves. However, elves in reality are living intelligent creatures, not rigid game data. Therefore, how to train your own elves is also a difficult problem that all elf trainers have to face.

After listening to Uncle Tiexuan's words, Ming Ri Zhao suddenly became enlightened.

She stood up quickly and bowed to Uncle Tiexuan: "Thank you very much for your teaching!"

Uncle Tiexuan smiled and waved his hand: "This is the first guidance I bring to you as the gym leader and senior. If it weren't for Qianli that kid asking me to pay attention, I guess I wouldn't come here to guide you on purpose."

"Ah, did Mr. Qianli send you a message? "Ming Rizhao was a little surprised. Although Qianli had taken good care of them in Yinye City, he didn't expect that he would get extra help from Qianli in the neighboring Zidian City.

"Yeah, look, that kid even sent me a message..."

Uncle Tiexuan took out his mobile phone and wanted to show the message to Ming Rizhao happily.


"Click", all the lights in the Elf Center were turned off directly, and only some equipment such as the Elf Treatment Machine continued to operate with the emergency backup power supply.

Not only the Elf Center, but the entire Zidian City seemed to be in a power outage at the same time.

What's worse is that it was already night, and without the support of lights, there was only darkness in the city.

This sudden power outage made the people and elves in the Elf Center a little restless.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Woof woof woof, (Elf language) It's so dark!"

"Mom, your electric car is going to be stolen. ”

“What are you talking about, silly kid? It’s so dark, how can you see clearly…ah, my electric bike, thief, don’t run away!”

“Chirp, (elvish) Humans are so funny, hahahaha.”

“No, Serpentine Bear, stop spinning, I can’t hold you back anymore.”I feel dizzy..."


Leo, who has good night vision, looked at the chaos in silence.

He looked up at Uncle Tiexuan. Under the dim light of the mobile phone screen, Uncle Tiexuan frowned, and his originally optimistic and cheerful fat face now had an angry expression.

Fortunately, the power outage did not last long. It was only about ten minutes before the lights in the city were restored and light returned to the city again.

Amorizhao and Lalulas hugged each other, staring at the messy scene around them with wide eyes.

Leo's focus was all on Uncle Tiexuan who was thinking.

"It seems that Uncle Tiexuan knows something?"

Sure enough, after thinking for a while, Uncle Tiexuan said, "Child, your name is Asumizhao, right? Then I will call you Xiaozhao without hesitation... I hope you can come to a place with me in a few days, just as my second guidance to you, what do you think? "

"If you like, come to the gym in Zidian City to find me in two days."

After hurriedly saying this, Uncle Tiexuan left the Pokémon Center.

Although he was curious about what this powerful gym owner could do to help him, seeing Uncle Tiexuan's hurried figure, Mingri Zhao put his doubts back in his heart.

After resting for a while, the three little ones also left the Pokémon Center.


In the corner of the Pokémon Center.

A woman wearing sunglasses who seemed to be reading a newspaper slowly put down the newspaper in her hand and lifted her hair.

"Hey, it's me... The old guy is gone, you guys hurry up."

The woman whispered something, chewing gum while looking at the Pokémon Center that was slowly recovering from the chaos with interest.

The eyes under the sunglasses flashed an inexplicable look.

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