Two days later.

In a cold drink shop in Zidian City.

The girl with long blue hair and a Poké Ball cap was holding her chin with both hands, spitting bubbles into her lemon milk tea in distress.

"Gululu... I'm so annoyed. I can't find any information about your Pokémon race, Leo, no matter how hard I try. I can't find any information about you. Moreover, there is no place to play in such a big city."

When Asuka thought of this, she bit the straw and spit bubbles even more annoyedly.

"You want to play, right?"

Leo rolled his eyes and turned to play Gobang with Lalulas.

There is no shortage of various chess and card games in this world, and the most classic one is this kind of black and white chess pieces. Leo himself is not very familiar with the way to play Go, but in order to kill time, he taught Lalulas to play the simplest Gobang.

Although Gobang is simple, Lalulas and Asuka are fascinated by it, so they often ask Leo to play a game.

"If there is another elf, I can consider teaching them to play mahjong..."

Leo was imagining wildly in his mind, sitting on a specially raised chair with his eyes empty.

"Eeyyah, umm..."

Lalulas, sitting opposite Leo, was thinking hard.

"Click", the cold drink shop has a power outage again.

However, this time everyone, including the elves, is no longer surprised, because in the past few days, Zidian City has experienced multiple power outages. Although the outage time is not long, at most about ten minutes, but such frequent power outages in this city that claims to have "never-ending power" always make people feel a little uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, the power came back as expected.

But not long after, the power went out again.

At this time, people began to complain.

"What's going on?"

"Doesn't it usually only shut down once every few hours? Why is it so frequent this time?"

"It's so annoying. This refrigerator keeps turning on and off. It's easy to break down."

The last one was the complaint of the store clerk.

But this time, after waiting for more than half an hour, the power still didn't seem to be restored.

"Ah, (Elf language) I lost."

Lalulas, who lost the Go game, pouted and put away the chess pieces in a depressed mood.

"Xiao Zhao, Lulu, let's go. It's almost time to agree with Uncle Tiexuan."

Leo jumped off the chair with a whoosh.

"Slurp... I can ask Uncle Tiexuan what's going on with the power outage?"

Amori Zhao finished his milk tea in one gulp and led his two elves to the gym in Zidian City.

Along the way, tourists, local residents, and shop assistants were all confused and irritated. Putting aside the tourists, for people who have opened shops and lived here for a long time, such a long power outage is indeed a very rare situation.

And Miss Junsha of the police station (Junsha and Joey have the same surname, and their two families are distributed in cities around the world as police and elf center nurses) led the Caterpie dogs to maintain public order.

"It's so strange, it stands to reason that there are so many power plants and power generation equipment in Zidian City, so the power outage shouldn't be so long?"

Asuka Asahi looked around in confusion.

"(Elf language) Maybe there is something wrong with the power plant itself."

Lalulas was also observing and gave her own guess.

Leo was thinking: Is there such a plot in the animation, comics or games in the previous life? It seems that there is no? So, what happened in this world can no longer be brought in with the plot he is familiar with.

Speaking of this, the reason why Leo could guess the Rocket Team's artificial Mewtwo plan before was largely because this setting was relatively famous in both the animation and the comics. Although the place and time of occurrence were not exactly the same, the main plot remained unchanged.

And this time, the blackout was completely out of script.

As soon as the three little ones arrived at the door of the gym in Zidian City, they saw Uncle Tiexuan coming out from inside.

"Hey, you're just in time. Come, follow me to a place."

Uncle Tiexuan was not polite and asked Asuka and the others to get on a hover car and rush to a certain direction of Zidian City.

In the car, Uncle Tiexuan said: "I'll be frank. You all know about the intermittent power outages in Zidian City recently, right?"

The three little ones nodded.

"According to our investigation during this period, we found that the cause of the power outage was that an unknown creature was constantly stealing electricity in the Middel Power Plant, and this creature was very cunning. We tried to capture several"During this period, we found that the perimeter of one of the power plants was covered with a large number of extremely strong magnetic fields. We suspected that the culprit was inside, but this magnetic field prevented our electric Pokémon from entering, so I wanted to use the power of other trainers, so I held this Pokémon Battle Competition to select suitable trainers." It turned out that this competition also had such a meaning. Leo thought, and slightly supported Lalulas who was almost knocked down by the sudden brakes of the car. "But, am I not qualified enough? If other trainers, such as the trainer of the bad frog, aren't they stronger?" Asuka asked puzzled. Uncle Tiexuan laughed and said, "Haha, some things are not about being stronger, but being more suitable." "Although their Pokémon are indeed strong, they are not suitable for places like power plants. Once they need to fight, it is easy to lose control and cause bad consequences. For example, the poison of poison-type Pokémon can easily cause damage to the power plant's machinery. For example, those fire-type Pokémon can cause explosions if they are not careful, which is really not worth the loss. "

"And your two Pokémon." Uncle Tiexuan looked at Ralts and Riolu. "One is a relatively rare Psychic Pokémon that can use Psychic Telekinesis to perform some precise operations, and the other, although I don't know it, from the appearance and fighting style, it should be a high-speed Fighting Pokémon, so it can be very useful when chasing criminals. "

"So, it's like fighting. It's not the strongest and most powerful moves that are the best. Using the most appropriate response at the most appropriate time is what a smart Pokémon trainer should do. This is my second guidance to you. "

Leo remembered the battle with Lalulas, and with a move [Charming Voice], the most basic skill in the fairy system, he directly reversed the situation of the whole battle.

Ashiro seemed to have gained something, but she had another question.

"Why don't you seek help from the Elf Alliance or the police?"

Uncle Tiexuan shook his head: "It's not very peaceful recently, and they can't spare any extra energy to take care of things here for the time being."

While talking, the car has arrived in front of a huge park.

"Ah, this... It really deserves to be the city of electricity that never stops."

Leo looked at the densely distributed power plants and various mysterious power generation equipment in the huge park, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Heading west along the power plant park, he soon arrived in front of a power plant surrounded by a crowd.

A man in guard uniforms hurried forward.

"Mr. Tiexuan, you are finally here."

Uncle Tiexuan also had a serious face at this time: "What is the situation now? "

"The magnetic field is still going on now, and it's very strong. We organized several advances, but before we entered the power plant, most of the electric elves could no longer withstand the high-intensity magnetic field pressure. Although a few elves could barely withstand it, they couldn't get close to the center of the magnetic field. "

"What about the people in the research department? Have they figured out how to weaken or eliminate the magnetic field? "

"This... seems to take some time. "

Uncle Tiexuan frowned and said, "No, we can't wait any longer. Although most of the emergency equipment in the city can be temporarily supplied with emergency power, if this core power plant does not return to normal, it will affect the operation of the entire city. "

"I found a helper. I will go in with this little girl. You go get two protective suits."

After instructing the members of the escort team, Uncle Tiexuan turned around and said to Asuka with a serious and solemn look: "Entering this high magnetic field is still dangerous, so I have to seriously ask you what you think. Are you willing to do this favor? But don't worry, the creatures inside are not too strong according to my observation. It's very simple to solve the problem of high magnetic field. "

In addition to the battle between elves, various ups and downs of adventure are also an important part of the adventure career of elf trainers. No strong trainer can be made by rote learning. And how could Asuka, who dreams of becoming a famous elf trainer, give up this opportunity?

The girl nodded solemnly.

"Hahaha, very good, courage is also an important quality of a trainer!"

Uncle Tiexuan laughed and patted Asuka's shoulder.

It was already noon, and the scorching sun released its scorching heat.

After putting on the protective clothing, the two were already sweating, and Leo was very grateful.

He and Lalulas are not electric elves, soThis high-intensity magnetic field is just an energy that the elves cannot absorb, and the electric type is not a restraining attribute of the fighting type, psychic type, or fairy type, so the elves' strong physique is enough to withstand it.

This also avoids the suffering of wearing protective clothing.

After getting ready, the guards who were also wearing protective clothing opened the door of the power plant, revealing the dim interior without any lights.

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