The inside of the power plant was quiet, and all the machines that should have been running were silent.

Leo volunteered to walk in front of the team, unfolding the waveguide to explore the culprit that caused the power outage.

"The waveguide that was as active as lightning is Uncle Tiexuan, the pure and flawless waveguide is Xiaozhao, and the small and soft waveguide is Lulu. Apart from that, there is no other situation..."

As he went deeper, Leo did not find any strange waveguide energy in the waveguide induction.

However, he still vaguely felt that there was a line of sight staring at them.

As he was not willing to expose his ability to communicate with humans in front of other humans for the time being, the results of this investigation were all told through telepathy with Ming Rizhao.

And Ming Rizhao modified it and reported it to Uncle Tiexuan in a low voice.

Although Uncle Tiexuan was also very curious about the abilities of this strange elf, he also knew that now was not the time to understand such things, so he focused his attention on the surroundings.

"The core area of ​​the power plant is in front. If it's not in other places, it's probably there." Uncle Tiexuan told Mingri Zhao and the two elves in a low voice, and then added. "Be careful."

"Waveguide induction, strengthen!"

Leo silently increased the energy of the waveguide, and the detectable range also increased.

Suddenly, a strange waveguide flashed past the edge of Leo's waveguide induction.

"Be careful!"

Leo immediately warned, and at the same time he took a fighting stance, ready to fight at any time.

One step, two steps, three steps, slowly moving forward.


The strange waveguide in the waveguide induction appeared again in front of the right, and Leo jumped without thinking.

"Zila", the black shadow was startled, leaving a weak electric in the air, and disappeared again in the gaps of various machines.

"How, did you catch it?"

Mingri Zhao and Uncle Tiexuan didn't see clearly from behind Leo, and saw that Leo seemed to be holding something, so they asked hurriedly.

Leo opened his empty arms to show the two, and shook his head to indicate that he had not caught it.

However, Leo secretly winked at Lalulas and communicated with him telepathically.

"Lulu, you will pretend not to notice and walk forward. When you pass the cylindrical machine, use [telekinesis] to your left!"

Lalulas also understood and walked towards Leo in front of him pretending not to care.

Then, Lalulas's eyes emitted a pink and purple light, and the invisible and colorless super telekinesis grabbed the left like a large net spread out!


A black shadow was caught from the gap of the machine by telekinesis.

The two hurried forward.

"Ah, this is just, negative electric pat?"

Leo also came over to take a closer look: the captured black shadow was an elf with the appearance of a little rabbit, with short light yellow hair all over its body, and blue ears, tail and the front of its hands. The most eye-catching thing is that there are two blue round electrical sacs on its cheeks, each with a pale yellow minus sign, just like the negative pole of a battery.

Negative Electric Papa kept shaking his tail with a minus sign to try to get rid of the telekinesis, but it was useless in front of Lalulas's powerful telekinesis.

Uncle Tiexuan, an expert in electricity, observed carefully with his experience.

He could feel the electrical energy that had not yet dissipated completely and was still overflowing from Negative Electric Papa's body. From this, it can be seen that Negative Electric Papa has been absorbing electricity. In conjunction with the power outage during this period, it is easy to draw a conclusion.

"It turns out that it is you, little guy, who has been making trouble all this time."

As if he felt that the problem was solved, Uncle Tiexuan's face relaxed.

However, Leo felt that things were not that simple.

Because the captured Negative Electric Papa kept shouting in Elvish: "(Elf) Let me go, let me go, that guy is coming..."

That guy?

Leo's mind condensed, and then he tried his best to expand his waveguide perception.

As the waveguide perception continued to expand in a semicircle, he finally found something wrong.

"Be careful!"

Regardless of his special ability being exposed, Leo hurriedly spread the message in the minds of Asuka, Uncle Tiexuan and Lalulas.

"Boom", a huge round black shadow fell from above the power plant in an instant!

Without time to speak, Leo hugged Lalulas and rolled over, narrowly avoiding the fall of the huge black shadow.

"Woo, what is that?"

Because there was no electricity, only some emergency lights were still on in the power plant. In the sunlight outside the window and the weak lights inside,Under the light, the disk-shaped figure, like a UFO, landed steadily.


The unknown elf did not speak, and the red pupil in the center of the body stared coldly at Asuka and his party.


Uncle Tiexuan had just pulled Asuka to dodge, and accidentally inhaled some dust. At this time, he coughed twice, and then he had the energy to observe this unknown elf.

Just looking at him, his eyes widened.

"What is this? Self-destructing Magnetron?"

"Self-destructing Magnetron?"

"Yes, this is a Pokémon evolved from the three-in-one Magnetron... Get out of the way!"

Uncle Tiexuan had not finished speaking when a beam of electric current came towards him!

The electric current beam was so fast that the elves Lalulas and Leo, who were still a certain distance away from the two, did not even have time to step forward to help block it.

So at this time, Tiexuan did not care to think too much, and threw out the Poké Ball to summon his own Pokémon.

"Raidenmon, use [Substitute]!"

An elf with yellow hair and electricity on its body jumped out, and he howled, and an elf substitute similar to the original body blocked the electric beam.

At this time, Uncle Tiexuan did not forget to pass on his experience to Mingri Zhao.

"Do you know why I don't use other electric moves to match this?" Tiexuan pointed to the various machines around. "If we use electric moves to fight head-on, the electric sparks brought out when the moves collide can easily cause damage to the surrounding environment, and even cause damage in serious cases, which is disadvantageous to us. Therefore, using the [Substitute] move to reduce the risk can not only take the opponent's attack, but also ensure your own safety."

"In fact, under normal circumstances, it would be more appropriate to use the [Charge] move, but look at the current state of my elf." Uncle Tiexuan said helplessly.

Asuka looked carefully. It might be due to the high-intensity magnetic field of the power plant, and the fact that the [Substitute] move originally required considerable energy, so the high-spirited Raidenmon who just appeared now bowed his head and panted, looking listless.

"Therefore, when a trainer is fighting, in addition to considering the opponent's moves, he must also consider his own situation and the state of the elves. Sometimes, it is not the attack that is the best choice, but the appropriate one is the best choice."

At this point, Uncle Tiexuan took out the Poké Ball again and put away Raidenmon.

"Then, now it's up to you to deal with Magneto. Remember what you have learned!"

Magneto's body was suspended by the magnetic force, and the two magnet-like parts at the front kept making a "buzzing" sound.

"Leo, get ready for battle!"

A muffled voice came from the protective suit, and Asuka stood opposite Magneto, ready for battle.

Leo rubbed his shoulders and stood in front of Asuka.

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