My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 191: Vortex Aromatic Phosphorus

After all, this was the first time Naruto talked about his own parents in front of them.

Before, Sasuke and Sakura only knew that Naruto was an orphan.

It's not clear what Naruto's life experience is.

Naruto doesn't talk about it himself.

Even teammates, who are outsiders after all, are even more unlikely to ask.

Especially Sasuke has a similar experience.

Plus what is the character of Erzhuzi.

Never ask similar questions.

But Naruto himself mentioned it differently.

Look like this.

Naruto's mother seems to come from a certain ninja.

And the red-haired girl is of the same race as the red-haired girl in front of me. Recognize the logo, maybe red-haired is one of them?

From Naruto's words.

Both Sasuke and Sakura can make similar judgments.

This can also explain why Naruto left the red-haired girl, and treated them with such gentleness. If they were replaced by two of them, they would have the same attitude if they met his own tribe. Besides, Sasuke With Sakura, it was still from Naruto's words that Naruto's father seemed to be a very powerful ninja.

And also because of blood inheritance.

So it's not red-haired like my mother.

It's blonde.

At this moment.

Sasuke and Sakura naturally don't think of the fourth generation of Hokage.

It's not just because of the limitations of thinking.

The most important thing is that these two short-sighted people can't think of it.

Although a little curious, one question is not suitable for questioning, and the other is still the same. This relates to Naruto’s own privacy. If Naruto himself does not say it, others should not ask too much. Sasuke and Sakura are in the same situation. After taking out the scroll of earth from Kusao Shinobu, he directly ended the two Kusao Shinobi (this was also what Naruto confessed before, but now he moves his hands, not to mention Sasuke, Kosakura will not hesitate.)

Just standing aside, watching Naruto talk to Xianglin.

Xianglin naturally noticed the actions of Sasuke and Sakura.

Watching two Kushinoba die.

Even if it is Kushinin who has always abused herself.

But there is still a sense of sadness.

That face turned pale.

Naruto also noticed it for the first time.

"Don't worry, although I'm not 100% sure, I should be sure that you are also the whirlpool clan. Besides, if I guess correctly, your living environment in Kushinin Village is not so good, right? At least, these two Kushinin I didn’t treat you as a teammate, did I? I’ll provide you with corresponding protection."

Naruto tried his best to ease his words.

It's really because the irritation of Aromatic Phosphorus at the moment is a bit big.

Naruto was really afraid that this girl would faint directly, or be confused at all.

That's really bad.

Say so.

It might be a bit too far.

But Naruto values ​​the abilities of Aromatic Phosphorus in the original work very much.

And the most important thing is that, as a whirlpool clan, Aromatic Phosphorus is definitely an existence Naruto can choose to believe in. In other words, as long as you allow Aromatic Phosphorus to trust yourself and keep the Aromatic Phosphorus, after leaving Konoha, Aromatic Phosphorus will definitely be able to do so in the future. Become one of your biggest helpers.

Still the most reliable one!

As for keeping the Aromatic Phosphorus even if you have already chosen to escape from Konoha?

Naruto has said it before.

Isn't there a most suitable guy in this death forest now?

Just reach an agreement with that guy.

Naruto believes that the safety of Aromatic Phosphorus can be guaranteed.

As for the future things, let's talk about it later. After all, if you can save your life, what's the future?

Therefore, the follow-up plan, Naruto has a bottom deep in his heart, and the current situation is to get the initial trust of Aromatic Phosphorus, which is extremely important.

And looking at Naruto's ‘relative’ sincere eyes.

Of course, Xianglin was still a little uneasy deep in his heart.

But it seems that she can only choose to believe Naruto's words.

The seemingly simple Aroma Phosphorus is actually much more mature than many people of the same age after experiencing various brutal beatings in Cao Ren Village.


The credibility of Naruto's words is indeed a bit high.



Fragrant phosphorus also lowered his head slightly, and responded with a low voice.

"You can believe me, this is the best thing. The things I want to ask are not complicated. One is to confirm your identity, and the other is to ask why you appeared in Kushinin Village. And, are there any other Maelstrom people?"

Seeing Aromatic Phosphorus seems to choose to believe in yourself, at least on the surface.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and continued to speak after hesitated a little.

These words are also half true.

After all, Naruto is 100% able to confirm the identity of Xianglin.

One is appearance.

One is hair color.

The other is perception.

Just as Xianglin had a faint liking at the moment when he saw Naruto.

Naruto looked at Phosphorus also very pleasing to the eye.

It sounds a bit mysterious.

But people who are connected by blood will indeed have a kind of connection and perception in the dark.

Naturally, Naruto can be sure that the girl in front of him is definitely the fragrant phosphorus from the original book who joined the team of Sasuke's Hawks.

And the following Xianglin's answer also corroborated Naruto's guess.

"My name is Uzumaki Phosphorus."

Xianglin still looked at Naruto with a scared expression, took a deep breath, and said softly, with a slight vibrato in his words.

"As for Kushinin Village, I am not really Kushinin. Kushinin Village only treats me and my mother as slaves. When I was very young, I was caught by Kushinin with my mother in Kushinin Village, the village. There are no other whirlpools, and my mother, also two years ago, just..."

Speaking of which.

Xianglin fell silent immediately.

And Naruto naturally also got the meaning of the unfinished phosphorus in the first time.

The ability of the phosphorus in the original book flashed in my mind.

Get rid of the detection of the enemy.

As a family of whirlpools, Xianglin possesses huge vitality.

The injured person, as long as they bite any part of the incense phosphorus body, they can directly absorb the vitality of the incense phosphorus body to recover their injuries. This is more direct and effective than any medical ninjutsu. Just a little closer, Naruto will I noticed the tooth marks on Xianglin, although Naruto did not remember the content of this part in the original book.

But from the perspective of fragrant phosphorus, it can also be inferred that fragrant phosphorus mothers should also have the same ability.

If you use restraint.

Let it have enough time to recover.

In theory, the huge vitality of the Maelstrom family is inexhaustible.

But obviously.

Judging from the current age of Phosphorus, his mother's age is at most 30 years old. Listening to the meaning, it must be the unrestrained ingestion of vitality by those in Caonin Village, and she was abruptly sucked to death!

"The soul is pale!"

Just thought of this.

Naruto couldn't help but burst into anger from deep in his heart.

Naruto took a deep breath and forcibly calmed down his agitated emotions.

"So, you are the only one left, right?"

Naruto asked softly.

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