My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 192: "Snake" now! (For subscription)

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After Xianglin was silent for a while, he also nodded silently.

Look at such incense phosphorus.

A feeling of pity also appeared in Naruto's heart.

Naruto in this life is definitely not the kind of person who has great fearless dedication, and he will not become the so-called partner of justice. That kind of person is indeed noble and worthy of respect, but it is also the stupid guy that Naruto thinks. In a harmonious world like the previous life, such a person may not be rewarded, let alone the cruel world that is close to cannibalism in this life. Naruto will always put his own interests and safety first. Priorities, and after that, if it is within his ability, Naruto does not mind being a temporary partner of justice, not to mention that Uzumaki Phosphorus is still a member of Naruto’s clan. This alone is enough to let Naruto help Xiang. Phosphorus, what's more, in the future, Aromatic Phosphorus is bound to become one of Naruto’s strongest support. Now it is worth paying some price and taking a little risk.

Don't think Naruto is too realistic.

But only justice within the scope of one's own ability is justice.

Justice beyond the scope of one's own ability?


It may seem tragic.

But in fact it will only bring more cruel tragedies.

and so.

Never do anything beyond your ability.

Because you never know the catastrophic consequences of such a seemingly brave decision!

"I know you probably still can’t trust me 100%, but you should also be more aware that you have no other choice. I will provide you with a relatively stable place to go, and even guarantee your safety to a certain extent. It is necessary to point out that I am not willing to deceive you. It is only guaranteed to a certain extent, not 100%, but at least I can ensure that it will be a little bit more free and comfortable than you had in Kushinin Village. Of course, I am not. Will force you to accept my proposal, everything depends on you, Aromatic Phosphorus."

Naruto looked at Fragrant Phosphorus and said with a more serious expression.

One hundred percent this guarantee.

Naruto didn't believe it.

Naruto will not make such a promise.

Because from the perspective of Naruto.

The so-called 100%.

It is the biggest lie in itself.

No matter the previous life, no matter the current life.

What humans do best is always lying.

100% is the most ridiculous existence in lies.

Naruto will not give Xianglin such a promise, because he himself can't guarantee his own future, so how can he guarantee the future of others 100%?

And it was precisely such Chi Guoguo's undisguised words.

On the contrary, it calmed down Xianglin's heart.

Xianglin could not be sure whether he chose the right Naruto in front of him.

But what she can be sure of is that the blond boy in front of her did not deceive herself.

And the short 12-year life experience in Xianglin.

Naruto has such an attitude.

It was enough to make her feel the warmth brought by others besides her mother.

There is a trace of sincerity seen in the pupil.

It was only at that moment.

Xianglin's heart was clear, the last trace of hesitation and fear completely disappeared at this moment, facing Naruto's blue pupils, Xianglin nodded slowly.

And looking at Xianglin did not reject himself.

There was also a look of joy on Naruto's face.

Sasuke and Sakura on the side also saw that Naruto seemed to have finished talking with the girl.

They walked up lightly.

"Naruto, is this girl from your clan?"

Kozakura approached, with a curious look, looked at the fragrant phosphorus with a timid expression and asked softly.

The distance is not very far.

Sakura and Sasuke also heard a little bit of the conversation between Naruto and Korin, or it should be said that Naruto didn’t mean to hide it, not only because the content of the conversation did not involve much important information, but also because of Naruto. I believe that Sasuke and Sakura are not the kind of people who will spread the privacy of others casually.

And the most important point is.

After the Zhongnin exam, Naruto will choose to escape from the village of Konoha. Even if today’s conversation is spread out, Naruto who has left Konoha village has nothing to worry about. It can even be said that Naruto has plans to wait until he leaves Konoha Later, spread the news of their own life experience in the village. Does anyone believe it? How many people believe that this is not important. The important thing is to let this news spread throughout this Konoha village and even the country of fire!

This is the first step for Naruto to retaliate against Konoha Village!

It is also the most critical first step!

"Well, her name is Uzumaki Phosphorus, and she came from the same ethnic group as my mother. I saw her before the exam today. I felt familiar with it. Just now I confirmed the identity of Phosphorus. Tolerate the coercion, I plan to protect the fragrant phosphorus temporarily, okay? Sasuke? Sakura?"

Naruto turned his eyes to Sasuke and Sakura, and said softly.

"Since you are from Naruto your tribe, there is no problem naturally, and our mission has been completed, we can go directly to the central tower, this girl... I have also told Kaka about the phosphorus. Teacher Xi, let Teacher Kakashi come to help."

Kozakura didn't care at all, and said with a smile.

The cold Erzhu on the side also nodded gently, Master Uchiha wouldn't care about this little thing.

Suggestions for Sakura.

Naruto also smiled and nodded.

As for the so-called direct departure to the tower, and tell Kakashi about the phosphorus?

Don't be funny.

Naruto's brain was flooded if he did that.

During the next journey, Naruto didn't plan to wait for the uncle who played the snake to show up. Naruto wanted to find an excuse to leave the team to look for the big snake pill.

Search method.

There is fragrant phosphorous, isn't that enough? Of course, Naruto did not take into account the huge difficulties caused by the power gap.

As for the reason for leaving the team temporarily.

Several already appeared in Naruto's mind.


The reasons Naruto had prepared in advance seemed to be useless.

It was almost when Kozakura's words fell.

Naruto was about to say something.



Naruto suddenly felt cold inside!

It seems to be the feeling of being targeted.

But also at the same moment.

"It looks like someone is coming!?"

The gap in strength.

The incense phosphorus, which is extremely perceptive, did not perceive any breath at all for the first time.

It was only at the moment when the aura of the aura was actively released.

Face the bitter chill that I felt.

A frightened expression appeared directly on Xianglin's face.

"Sasuke! Sakura!"

No need for Naruto to say anything.

Sasuke and Sakura also stunned their hearts, and flipped with one hand, the kunai that appeared directly on the palms of their hands.

The three of them all looked at the slender figure walking out of the shadow with an extremely solemn expression.

It was also at the moment of seeing someone appear.

Naruto's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.


In an instant the words came to mind.

Naruto's whole muscles also tightened completely at this moment!

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