My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 193: Awe-inspiring

Naruto recognized Dashemaru.

Aroma Phosphorus is through its own perception.

Understand the horror of the people here.

This kind of cold feeling.

Such awe-inspiring breath.

It was the first time I felt it in the 12 years that Aromatic Phosphorus survived.

Even in Grass Ninja Village.

The leader of Kushinin Village whom I saw from afar could not be compared with the seemingly neutral "young man" who appeared in front of him at this moment!

Do not!

I don't even have the qualifications to compare!

Although I don't want to believe it.

But Xianglin must admit that the person in front of him is at least ten times stronger than anyone he has ever seen!

Such a breath.

Let Xianglin couldn't help trembling.

And at the moment when I saw the face and forehead of the incoming person.

Xiang Pho shrank his pupils, directly showing a horrified but unbelievable expression.

Cao Ren's forehead.

Familiar face.

This is undoubtedly the Xianin who was sent out by Kushinin Village to take the Zhongnin exam.

But looking at this familiar face.

But Xianglin felt the coldness all over his body.

Because it's in the range of her perception.

The person in front of him is no longer the original person.

It's the being replaced!

Realize this.

Aroma Phosphorus makes the whole body cold.

On the side, Sasuke and Sakura have a different mentality.

Especially during this period of time, I got a lot of experience. The two pillars of self-confidence are so swollen, and the two pillars stepped forward. The directly opened double hook jade writing wheel eyes looked at with an extremely fierce expression.' Uncle Snake', said coldly.


"Hehe! Who am I? To put it simply, it's the enemy? Little guy, didn't you just bully the ninja from our village and enjoy yourself? Then let me try it!"

Oshemaru, who completely walked out of the shadows, stretched out his iconic long tongue, licked his lips skillfully, looked at the writing wheel eyes in Sasuke's pupils, and a ray of extreme greed flashed in the depths of his eyes. The look came.

"Kao Shinobu?"

Sasuke noticed the forehead protection on Oshemaru's forehead, and sneered straight away, with the disdain and sarcasm of Chi Guoguo emerging from the depths of his eyes.

From the perspective of the young master of the Uchiha family.

Don't talk about those in the outer village.

Even those who are in the village will endure it.

The only opponent Sasuke recognized was Naruto on the same team.

The rest.

At most, a few people from Xiao Li and Ning Ci would make Er Zhuzi a little bit interested.

The rest is scum!

Not to mention that what appeared at this moment was the companion of Kushinin who was solved by his own instant kill.

Even though the breath seems a bit weird.

But still not in Sasuke's eyes.


Just when Sasuke turned his left hand, he wanted to attack directly.

"Sasuke! Don't move!"

On the side position.

Naruto stopped in front of Sasuke one step ahead, and the solemn expression on his face made Sasuke stunned.


"This guy is not just the trash fish!"

Naruto took a deep breath, then said "Uncle Snake" who was still looking at it with a carefree expression in a deep voice.

Even as proud as Sasuke.

After hearing Naruto's words.

The contempt in the depths of my heart also completely dissipated. The retracted steps and some of the body slightly pulled out, in an instant, directly changed from the offensive posture to the defensive posture. The second pillar only occasionally It’s a bit sunny, but it doesn’t mean

The young master had a problem with his brain. When he saw that Naruto was in such a posture that he was facing an enemy, Sasuke knew that the guy in front of him was a bit weird.

At least his strength has reached the level that he won't cut it anymore.

The mentality is also quickly switched over.

And seeing Naruto seems to be able to perceive his own strength, and with a single sentence, Sasuke calms down, Oshamaru's sight towards Naruto also reveals an extremely obvious and interesting look.

"Sakura, you protect the fragrant phosphorus and temporarily retreat to a safe distance. Pay attention to your surroundings and don't let other people approach. Let me and Sasuke handle it here!"

The time to get along is not particularly long.

But get along with the tasks in these two months.

The three of them also developed a corresponding tacit understanding and habits with each other.

It's not just Sasuke.

When Naruto's first sentence fell.

Kozakura also got the potential meaning in Naruto's words in the same way.

"Well, I see! Naruto, you and Sasuke-kun are careful!"

Moreover, she became extremely resolute, and Sakura, who was already somewhat of the "Sakura" style in the original Shippuden, also directly responded.

Turning over and directly pulling up the fragrant phosphorus that seemed to have become soft all over, a vertical body stretched the distance directly, and retreated very decisively towards the rear position.

Kozakura thought more than Sasuke thought.

At least from Sakura's perspective.

The enemy that appeared at this moment.

The strength is at least equal to or even surpassed, or even surpassed, otherwise, Naruto would not show that expression.

You must know that it is strong if you do not cut it.

Naruto who was two months ago is eligible to face each other.

Not to mention the present after becoming stronger.

And if the battle level rises to that level, it's not for me to intervene right now.

Staying by yourself will only become a burden.

Even if I feel unwilling to do so in my heart.

Sakura reacted as soon as possible, and evacuated the scene with the phosphorus.

"Uncle Snake" still had a look of interest on his face, and he didn't care about the retreat of Sakura and Xianglin. The goal was to put the two in front of him, or it should be said that most of it was on Sasuke.

Oshemaru, who was waiting all his time, looked at Naruto and Sasuke.

"Sa, it seems to be ready, isn't it? Then let's start our battle next!?"

Da She Maru smiled sullenly, a mighty power that burst out in an instant.

At close range.

Both Naruto and Sasuke's faces changed.

Feeling this majestic breath, as well as the strong murderous aura that is not hidden in it.

Psychologically prepared, and knowing that the seemingly ordinary "feminine grass forbearance" in front of Naruto is good, Sasuke is an expression of horror that can't be suppressed in his pupils.

Such a breath.

Such coercion.

Even the Thunder Fang in the previous quest in the Land of Waves, Don’t Slash, the Avalanche of Fang in the Land of Snow, and the famous name of the Land of Snow—Wind Flower and Rage Waves are incomparable!

"This guy!"

Even if it is very different from the original.

The strength of strength must rise by one level.

But in the face of such a big snake pill.

Of course, it is not to the point of being completely deterred and requiring self-mutilation to act.

However, Sasuke's right hand holding Kunai still trembled slightly.

The murderous aura of Da She Wan is really too strong.

The dimensional gap.

Sasuke can stay calm and sensible, which is already very good.

And seeing Naruto and Sasuke's eyes is almost clear.

A look of astonishment flashed in Da She Wan's pupils.

But there is no hesitation at the moment.

"Ninfa-the art of spiritism!"

It's a big killer when it comes up.

The fingertips that were bitten, the rapid formation of knots.

"Not good! Retreat! Sasuke!"

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