My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 359: The same destination (third more)

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"So? Itachi-san, are we going directly to search for the six-tailed man Zhuli?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark leaped slightly, came to Uchiha Itachi's side, and said with a smile.

"The information can be sent back to the leader. The decision is made by the leader. According to the organization's regulations, the time to catch the tail beast has not yet arrived. At least two years will be required, and the order should start from one, two and three."

This is also a recent order issued by Nagato in the organization.

The earliest Akatsuki organization recruited strong members, then gathered funds and gathered necessary supplies.

As a mercenary, you earn the necessary expenses.

It is also in this way to collect the information that the organization wants.

Start of mid-term.

It is time to lock the specific positions of the tail beast and the human Zhuli!

That is in this period of time.

A tail beast is easy to find!

Nine-tailed beast is not so easy.

And once you do it.

It is necessary to capture all the nine-tailed beasts in place in a short time.

this point is very important.

Nagato is very confident, even conceited.

But it doesn't mean that Nagato would think that the five Ninja villages are all muddled.

If the Five Ninja Villages have too many opportunities to react.

If you want to catch the nine-tailed beasts smoothly, the degree of difficulty will increase geometrically!

Therefore, either do not do it, it must be the momentum of the thunder when it does it!

This is why during this time.

The person in charge of collecting money from Jiaodu has not arranged corresponding work for the time being except for the organization.

The remaining members are all dispatched to perform the first wave of the tail beast and the human column force to lock the specific positions!

Wait until everything is ready.

Just start the action to capture the nine-tailed beasts!

"Huh? So what do we want?"

"The first goal is completed, and the next is the second goal ordered by the leader to go to the capital of the water country! There are some people in there that need to be cleaned up, and some information related to the organization has been exposed!"

Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

The first task went smoothly beyond imagination.

Although I haven't found the exact location of the three-tailed and six-tailed people.

However, Nagato sent two people to the Nation of Water just for preliminary confirmation. It has not yet reached the stage of carrying out the capture mission, so there is no need for precise coordinates, just know that the two tail beasts are not currently in the mist. Within the control area of ​​the village, it is fine, because all fools know that the'wild tail beast' is much easier to catch than the'domestic tail beast'!

At least there is no need to face thousands of ninjas!

And anyhow it is one of the five great Shinobu villages.

I want to get in directly!

To be honest.

The degree of difficulty is quite high!

In the original book, Nagato seemed to have almost flattened the entire Konoha village on his own.

That is, Naruto is not in the village, and Jilai also died in the early battle. Tsunade itself is not a shadow-level existence based on frontal and rigid combat power. The group of old silver coins is hidden in the water, and the biggest bug character-Mai Tekai is still going on a mission. If all of the above-mentioned people are there, can you see Nagato still be able to flatten Konoha Village?

The Five Great Ninja Village.

That is, Sand Ninja Village is better to be bullied.

The other four Ninja villages.

Even if it is weak and decayed.

The background of Shinobu Village still exists.

Therefore, this time Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark can determine that the three tails and six tails have become wild, which is extremely valuable information for the Akatsuki organization.

And after dealing with this point.

Remaining work.

Naturally, it is necessary to go to the capital of the water country to deal with the "traitor" matters!

Don't look at the core members of the Xiao organization, it seems that there are only a few people.

But as a huge employment organization, it has existed for so many years, and the number of alternate members and peripheral members is increasing day by day. Some careerists just want to use forces like Akatsuki to achieve their ambitions.

But there are not a few people who have repented afterwards.

The core members of Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon ghost shark.

Sometimes the task is to clean up these traitors!

This traitor in the Water Country can be regarded as a relatively large presence and power among the peripheral members!

In order not to affect the organization's next plan.

Such traitors must be dealt with in advance!

And it also involves the issue of organizing the return of funds.

"Oh? Is it the capital of the Water Country? Tsk tsk, it is really a place to be missed!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark cracked his shark's mouth, showing a horrible smile, and said.

It is one of the second generation of Wunin Seven Ninjas. In the early years when Wunin performed missions, the capital of the water country was not unheard of several times, and later he defected from Wunin Village and joined the Akatsuki organization. Don’t Speaking of the capital of the water country, even the water country has never set foot, this is the first time since he defected, he has returned to his so-called'hometown'!

Even if it's a rebellious person like the dry persimmon ghost shark.

It is inevitable that there is still a trace of emotion in my heart.

Because don't look at the daily appearance of a standard villain.

In fact, deep in my heart.

He also really wants to pursue his own "real thing"! !

This is why he is now convinced of Itachi Uchiha, and after Itachi died, he would be easily incited by the soil.

The dried persimmon ghost shark who believed that he lived in falsehood all his life.

From Uchiha Itachi, I can feel the value of the "real thing".

Even more, he thinks that the future described by Daito, who pretends to be "Uchiha Madara", can realize a world where everyone has a "real thing"!

This is the only way to devote himself to the ‘big cause’ of the ‘Xiao Organization’ without hesitation.

This is why some Naruto fans in the previous life said when reading the original, if Uchiha Itachi is not dead, it's really hard to say what choice will be made after Uchiha!

Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark heading straight for the capital of the country of water.

Naruto who was still staying in Tokushima Castle didn't know.

The biggest collision since he defected from Konoha is about to come.

But such a collision.

For the current Naruto, is it a blessing or a curse?

Still an unknown number.

Naruto himself didn't even notice it.

I couldn't even think of going there.

Because after waiting for two days.

Asada Kei finally sorted out the domestic situation and prepared to set off to return to the capital.

And Naruto finally got a part of the exact information of the six-tailed man Zhu Li-Yu Gao!

"Are there signs of war in the southern coastal areas? It seems that I am planning to find a chance to break away from the country of water!"

Tokushima Castle, the castle guard mansion, Naruto looked at the collected information, narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself.

This is a surprise.

I thought that Yugao's trail was impossible to determine.

Can only try to lock the position of the three tails.

Unexpectedly, there was a flip in the end.

If Yu Gao really wanted to leave the southern sea frontier of the Water Country in the near future.

This is the most suitable time for Naruto to personally contact this six-tailed man Zhuli.

It's just that Naruto himself may be a little bit lackluster.

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