My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 360: Capital City of Water Country

Just thought of this.

There was a thoughtful look in Naruto's pupils.

Only two seconds later.


Naruto's faintly sounded words.


Position behind you.


A figure appeared out of thin air.

Kneel on one knee above the ground.

It is the most trustworthy of Naruto’s guards and the strongest Xuenin subordinate that Naruto himself has cultivated during this time. He also has the Chakra armor he personally awarded. In terms of level, it is better than the previous spikes. Avalanche is better. In the context of the world of Shinobi, Xingchi is of course only a small role. There is only the elite Zhongnin. With the assistance of Chakra armor, it can barely reach the weakest Shinnin strength. Can't make a big storm, but Sheng Zai is one of Naruto's most trustworthy subordinates!

It's not just personal xinxing.

It is even more because Xingchi still has his mother, younger brother, and younger sister staying in Xueren Village.

It is not only that I accept the direct leadership and training of Naruto.

The family members are all protected by Xuenin Village, and the younger brothers and sisters even enter the Shinobu school set up by Naruto, similar to the Konoha Village, for training. Unless this is really cruel and cruel, Naruto can’t predict it. Otherwise, the loyalty of Xingchi is beyond doubt!

"I have a task to be carried out by you! However, I want to explain in advance that the probability of death is very high for this task."

Naruto turned his head to look at Xingchi, and said lightly.

As for Naruto's words, Xingchi didn't have any special mood swings, and still remained calm and composed.

"Always follow your orders!"

The words that fell in a deep voice.

Ling Naruto couldn't help but nodded inwardly.

"Very good, this task is..."

Naruto walked to Xingchi's side lightly, and with a very serious expression, told him all the tasks and goals Xingchi needed to perform next.

"There is no need to worry about other things. If there is an accident, I will arrange everything."

"Yes, my lord!"

Xing Chi suddenly lowered his head and replied.

Soon after.

A jumpsuit.


It disappeared in front of Naruto.


"Master Ming!"

"Let all the spies lurking in the land of water concentrate on investigating the whereabouts of Liuli Yugao, the six-tailed man, fully cooperate with Xingchi, and then send me the order to return to Xueren Village, and immediately mobilize a small group of dark parts to come to the land of water and let Mount Tai. Lead the team personally and be ready to meet Xingchi at any time!"


In the depths of the shadows.

Sakura's steady response sound came.

Naruto stepped a little and came to the window position, and the next many thoughts flashed in his mind.

The right hand placed behind him subconsciously squeezed into a fist.

"I hope everything goes well..."

Regardless of whether it can be persuaded smoothly.

Naruto is going to make a gamble.

When there is no way to get out.

Let Xingchi, the strongest subordinate currently under his leadership, perform the task of contacting Yu Gao.

It's not that you must be here to draw Yugao to your side immediately.

This is not realistic.

But at least there must be a choice for Yu Gao.

Naturally, the best way is for Naruto to speak out in person.

But the current situation looks like.

Naruto doesn't have that time and energy.

Although the main purpose is indeed three tails and six tails.

But this is based on the future of Xueren Village. From the practical perspective of the current stage, obtaining the necessary benefits from the Water Country is the most direct benefit to the Snow Country and Xueren Village. .

Therefore, Naruto cannot and cannot leave here at this time!

At least until the third prince and his elder brother elder prince are resolved, and the matter may even spread to the water country daimyo.

It is impossible for Naruto to get away and deal with other things.

"Then, let's go too!"


After arranging and ordering the most important things.

Naruto stepped out of the room.

After staying here for two days in Tokushima Castle.

The Third Highness Asada Qi finally plans to return to the capital.

Before Naruto received the information.

It was the order from the servant that the Three Highnesses were ready to set off.

At the moment.

Naruto naturally ordered his men to pack up.

Go straight to the main entrance of the mansion.

After a group of people gathered.

Formally headed towards the capital of the water country.

On this road, you can stop at any time, straight along the avenue, passing the sea-crossing bridge, except for the necessary rest, just spent less than three days, and the group of people officially arrived. The capital of the water country.

This is also the second major capital city that Naruto has ever visited.

Compared to the capital of the Fire Country-Kyoto.

The atmosphere of the capital city of the water country is more peaceful.

But this same prosperous scene all clearly shows the demeanor and heritage that a big country should have.

The soldiers guarding the city gate also directly recognized Asada's car.

Don't dare to be negligent.

All the way is unimpeded.

Arrived directly in the inner city area.

Compared to the time outside the daimyo palace in the country of water.

There was also a look of surprise on Naruto's face.

Is this coming directly to meet the daimyo?

Naruto was still in doubt.

Asada Kei also stepped down from another carriage.

It also seemed to notice the surprised look on Naruto's face.

Asada Kei walked over and smiled and said to Naruto: "My father knows about your arrival in the palace, and he also knows about your deeds protecting me on the way. I was informed before that, once I arrive in the capital, I will see you immediately. See you, although you are a little hasty, please include one or two."

Very reasonable explanation.

And also expressed a slightly apologetic expression.

As the most hopeful prince of the water country to inherit the position of the daimyo, this attitude is used.

It's already very sincere.


This is the interview of the daimyo of the water country.

From the standpoint of identity.

Naruto is still close.

After all, the status of the daimyo itself is higher than the leader of Shinobu Village.

Even if it is Five Shadows, it is nominally a subordinate of the daimyo.

Just because of strength.

The two are essentially in balance.

But Naruto is just the leader of Shinobu Village in a small country like Snow Country.

Proceed from this aspect.

The face given by the name of the Water Country is already great.

It is estimated that it depends on Naruto's personal strength!

Or you can directly doubt.

Was it the third highness who had transmitted a message to his daimyo father who was stranded in Tokushima before?

"No, you can be interviewed by Master Da Ming! This is my honor."

People give face.

Naruto naturally wants to go on the road.

There is still the desire to use the country of water.

The play that should be performed still has to go on.

Even if Naruto knew that such an arrangement could be used by the third highness a little bit.

Naruto must be calm and face up.

"Then please here, Lord Cheng Gong!"

Naruto's words.

It also made the smile on Asada's face become more intense.

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