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At the end of the ceremony, a huge crowd began to go to Jia Ma.

The first is 4 “axe cars”, uncommon military might. This was followed by 50 armoured soldiers with euphorbia and 50 honor guards with banners.

Then there is the tall trumpet car, which actually has 2 floors! There is a slightly smaller drum on the upper level, and two drummers beat the drums with a mallet; 2 musicians sit on the lower level, facing each other, playing the flute.

4 trumpets, 20 4 people, the drummer struggling to beat the drums like a wild dance, the trumpeter tried his best to play. They worked so hard to tell everyone in their loudest voice:

My frame is coming!

After the guard of honor, coming one after another is the 400 red armor of the former triumphant. 200 Infantry in the front, 200 Infantry in the back.

Only after the huge pilot force of more than 500 people did my car “1000 call out and 10000 call out”.

My car took the lead, but the Premier ’s and Mu Clan ’s cars were half a car behind me, followed by another 5 people, and Xiao Yan.

Then there is the huge contingent of 1000 people. Although I didn’t say a word to them from beginning to end, they were supposed to put their heads together to make the scene look more lively.

“Shizi car arrives, bye!”

In front, there is a horse-carrying car. There is a person standing on the car. Seeing the cultivation base is actually a Da Dou Shi. He runs Dou Qi, hissing and roaring.


Suddenly, the Nalan private army standing on the side of Tu Dao 10 at 2 li from the Zhenlu ceremony site to the north gate of Jia Ma city, like a wheat field blown by the wind, fell down!

“Shi Zi!”

I do n’t know if it ’s a good drill, or the pawn who saw my mighty car could n’t help shouting. This pawn made a deep and heavy chant.

“Shi Zi!”

From 100 steps to 1000 steps, from 1000 steps to 10 li, from the Zhenli ceremony site but along the north gate of Jia Ma City, counted 1000 soldiers as if they were rumors, from north to south, they began to shout the same words.

“Shi Zi!”

“Shi Zi!”

At first, it was just my Nalan Clan who counted 1000 private soldiers shouting. Later, when I was standing by the roadside, I was just looking at the lively Jia Ma 100 surname, or a farmer, or a business traveler. Without this atmosphere and pressure, he fell to his knees and shouted.


“Hu Huh …”

I grabbed the car edge with both hands, my eyes were bloodshot, and my breathing was heavy.

There are not many people here, 300 steps for one mile, 10 li 3000 steps. There are 3 pawns on 2 sides of every 2 steps, 3000 steps, but 2000 pawns.

And because this etiquette was not organized by Imperial Family, the 2 surnames on 100 sides also appeared sparse, but 3 looked at the lively people.

Add up to less than 10000 people.

But my heart still started peng peng, and my mouth was dry.

It turns out that in this World where powerhouse is respected, Dou Zhe will also be excited by the cheers of mortals.

But, I cannot to bear to think, those Dou Zong Dou Sheng of move mountain, collapsing sea will be like me, will they be happy because of the cheers of mortals?

Perhaps 10000 mortals are not enough, what about 1000000 mortals, 10000000 mortals, 100000000 10000 mortals?

Is Dou Sheng excited about it?

My eyes gradually cooled down, glancing at the soldiers and soldiers along the way, everything in front of me—

Is this glory or vanity?

I looked away towards Xiao Mei’s side, she looked extremely excited, her face fluttering, just like that poem, she will fly …

Xiao Mei’s face is somewhat similar to Xiao Yan. Looking at her, I seem to see Xiao Yan.

At first, or later, after he was promoted to Dou Di and saved the continent, he was sung by countless people of the entire continent and established a memorial hall to worship. What was his mood?

Caravan moves slowly, getting closer and closer to the north city wall. When I looked over, I saw the flag of embroidered tulips fluttering in the wind on the ancient thick white rock city wall.

Under the banner is the Jia Ma city defense army wearing silver white heavy armor, layered over the entire north city head, ten times stricter than the normal city defense!

Is this to protect me, or to guard against Nalan Clan?

When the first four “axe cars” entered the city passageway first, the city defense army did not block it. Subsequent people came in, my car was getting closer and closer to the city wall, everything was as usual, the strict city defense army did not move at all, but just quietly stood at the head of the city.

Suddenly, I felt a glance, and I looked up. Through an open window, I saw a middle-aged general standing in the city gate.

It is the Great Commander of the City Defense Army, a member of the Imperial Family-Ran Lu Jia Ma, Dou Ling cultivation base. I recognized him at a glance.

He was wearing heavy armor, looking down at me in the tower. I looked up at him and laughed at him. He still kept his face down, looking down at me indifferently.

The car was moving forward slowly, and the mottled city wall blocked our eyes.

I retracted my gaze, waiting to drive across the dark city passageway, and my eyes suddenly opened up.

Looking at the familiar architectural style and wide streets in front of me, I breathes deeply, Jia Ma City-I am back!

According to the plan, caravan will circle around the city first, and then go to the Imperial Palace to meet the contemporary Jia Ma emperor-Mo Lin Jia Ma.

On the streets along the way, the people are still enthusiastic. Jia Ma Empire and Snake-People Tribe are world feuds. I beheaded Queen Medusa enough to be cheered by them.

But these cheers have been fresh in my heart-just outside the city.

I just saw that there are city defense sergeants along the way to help maintain order, which is undoubtedly a good sign …

Rong car traveled on the street for a long time before reaching Jia Ma Imperial Palace. On the silver white palace wall, there are hundreds of palace guards wearing Golden heavy armor on duty.

However, the palace guard will not stop us, but the empire has a law. Entering the Imperial Palace is not allowed to ride, ride, ride, or fly, and only walk.

The entire group got off the bus, and there was a “Yousi” in the Imperial Palace leading the way.

To be honest, this is also my first time in the Imperial Palace. I looked around and found that the architectural style here is completely different from the Nalan mansion.

The Nalan mansion is “5 steps on the first floor, 1 steps on the 1st pavilion; the corridor waist is reentrant, the eaves and teeth are pecking high; each embraces the terrain and hooks the corners.”

This Imperial Palace is a typical castle building, with silver white castles rising from the ground. The tulip flag is inserted at the top, which is the emblem of Jia Ma Imperial Family.

In the same city, the architectural style is very different. Shutting here makes me feel like I have traveled to the Western Middle Ages.

Xiao Family With keen interest pleasure that several people have watched, this Imperial Palace is indeed extremely beautiful.

Xiao Meier was still immersed in the previous excitement, looked around, and asked strangely: “Big Brother Ye, you said, how could anyone like to live in the tower?”


I grinned for the first time and knew that girls didn’t always like to live in castles. Perhaps in their eyes, it was just a strangely shaped … tower?

I was about to speak, but Yusi who was leading the way suddenly turned around and said:

“Ye Jun, I’m waiting, Your Majesty is waiting inside.”

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