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The imperial power of Jia Ma Empire is not great. The emperor is not so much the “ruler” of the empire as the “Alliance Chief” of all influence in China.

At least, the Imperial Family cannot force us to order Three Large Clans, and we have a high degree of autonomy.

For example, our Nalan Clan mansion is larger than the Imperial Palace because of architectural style; for example, our Nalan Clan has a lot of private troops-these things, the Imperial Family can only be regarded as unseen, and cannot be administered.

Because once it is necessary to manage, it is likely to cause war …

But no matter what, Emperor Jia Ma is nominally the highest empire. Even Misty Cloud Sect, on the surface, must respect Emperor Jia Ma.

Therefore, after the briefing by the company, only I entered alone.

There are not many people in the great hall, only a middle-aged man and a little girl.

That middle-aged man should be Moline Jia Ma?

I looked closely and found that the emperor had a thin face, dressed in casual clothes, sitting at the back of the desk and reading the official documents, not at all.

It seems that like the rumors, the emperor is extremely talented, backed by the Imperial Family and has countless resources. The cultivation base is only in Da Dou Shi and has never been able to promote Dou Ling.

Therefore, this emperor has an excellent temperament-in the temple, officials from all influence, Da Yiu Shi of Yishui, many cultivation bases are even in Dou Ling, and even Dou Wang powerhouse.

Da Dou Shi cultivation base, really unable to support him angry.

Simply, Emperor Jia Ma was just used as a peacemaker to reconcile the contradictions of all parties in the country.

The dignity and glory of Jia Ma Imperial Family lies in Jia Xingtian · Jia Ma, and that 6th-Rank guards Magic Beast-Serene Sea Dragon.

I quickly stepped forward and said, “Nalan Clan Nalan Ye, I have seen Your Majesty.”

He put down the paper in his hand, looked at me up and down, and a kind smile appeared on his face, and said to the little girl in front of the table:

“Yao Ye, look, the little hero of our empire is back.”

My corner of mouth twitching, I hurriedly twitched again, and said, “Your Majesty is ridiculously praised, Nalan Ye, but fortunately, who is a hero?”

The little girl got up, turned around, looked at me with a smile and tilted her head and said: “Queen Medusa aggressive is extremely incompetent, raging on the northern border of the empire for 100 years, but no one can cure it.”

“Big Brother Ye killed her as soon as he shot it–if Big Brother Ye couldn’t even be called a” hero “, there would be no hero in the empire.”

I smiled slightly, looking at this little girl, I was a little shocked. It is said that this little girl has excellent innate talent, and Jia Ma Imperial Family even intends to train her as the next emperor.

Queen? !

When I looked closely, she was like Princess Legend, with long golden hair, dressed in a white tulle princess dress, the face was exquisite and cute, and her skin was as delicate and fair as milk.

“Princess Yao Ye …… jesting, countless imperial heroes, what am I counting?”

Suddenly, Yao Ye chuckle laughed, and the laughter sounded like silver bells. She leaned her head towards towards Morin, blinking and saying:

“Imperial Father is right, they black-haired people are most humble.”

She looked towards me again, two fingers curled up a strand of long golden hair, her head high, and said with a trace of pride:

“If I belong to the Jia Ma family, I will surely admit that I am the hero of the empire, and I am the pride of the empire!”

I ’m so bitter, Yao Ye said … It seems that it ’s a bit of a reason, this is the difference between the two parties.

Mo Lin also couldn’t bear to laugh, he shook his head, picked up the document he just saw and shook it, saying:

“This military newspaper was just sent by Marshal Jianwei from the Eastern Front. As soon as the military newspaper arrived, you also arrived. It seems that you really are the nemesis of Snake-People Tribe.”

Morin’s tone was like an uncle next door, but I shook my face, secretly thought bad.

The east line refers to the border line between Jia Ma Empire and Rising Cloud Empire. The defense zone there is not bordered by Snake-People Tribe. How can there be a situation of Snake-People Tribe?

And that Marshal Jianwei is Dou Wang powerhouse, Mu Clan Family Head-Mu Tie, who is the same as my leader.

I looked forward to the military newspaper with a solemn face, opened it and looked closely. My brows were deep, and my face changed several times.

At this time, Mo Lin asked again: “Nalan Ye, what do you think about this matter?”

What else do you think …

The corner of my mouth twitched, and Zuo Yi said, “Your Majesty, Marshal Jianwei’s military newspaper said that a small master found Snake-Person in the Rising Cloud Empire.”

“If you are thinking about the good things, maybe Snake-People Tribe is preparing for the war of revenge afterwards, sending someone to Rising Cloud Empire to purchase materials.”

“If you want to go bad …”

Snake-People Tribe is the feud of Jia Ma Empire. Because of the death of Medusa, Snake-People Tribe wants to start a war.

Rising Cloud Empire is also the feud of Jia Ma Empire, because our leader’s leader was poisoned or died. For more than a year, they have been provoking raise upwards at the border.

Just waiting for my leader’s hero to die, he started an army to attack. Therefore, Mu Tie, who usually stays in Jia Ma, had to rush to the east line to sit down.

Both sides are begin to stir, want to set off a war to attack Jia Ma Empire-is this not the best ally? !

Moline frowned and asked, “Do you think Snake-People Tribe wants to ally with the Rising Cloud Empire? But Snake-People Tribe is an alien after all, in the last ages, there has never been a Human Race empire that will ally with them.”

“Your Majesty, that’s because the previous Snake-People Tribe is too powerful, and aligning with it is like trying to hide from a tiger.”

I smiled bitterly and prayed for a long time: “But now, Sect Leader Yun beheads Queen Medusa in Rock Desert City, and Snake-People Tribe has reached an unprecedented decline in 1000 years …”

“Rising Cloud Empire no longer have to worry about Snake-People Tribe backlash, why not allies with it?”

“It makes sense.”

Mo Lin thought for a moment, slowly nodded, and looked towards me, laughed and asked, “Nalan Ye, do you have any good ideas?”

I grinned for a while, you Senior really thought I was so powerful. In this kind of state affairs, don’t you rush to convene the minister to discuss with me and discuss it blindly with a junior?

But at the same time, I am faintly excited in my heart, but this is to discuss the state affairs Ah!

In a word, it can affect a country’s national pie; an idea, there will be 10000 soldiers to live and forget to execute; a single thought can make the world acknowledge allegiance ……

This is the real inspirational text, pointing the sword to the mountains!

Pondered for a long time, I cupped his hands and said: “Your Majesty, he has 3 suggestions.”

“First, send a messenger to Rising Cloud Empire to find out the details. It would be better if Snake-People Tribe could be prevented from forming an alliance with Rising Cloud Empire.”

“Second, send messengers to the countries that originally signed the seventeen-nation covenant to see if they can win several allies.”

Of course, the above 2 points are totally unreliable. So I looked awkward and said the last method very seriously.

“The third point is to raise logistical burdens, recruit new troops, build and consolidate city defenses, and wait for the war to come.”

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