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In the secret room, Xiao Yi Xian didn’t know what happened to the outside world. She was still trying to build Poison Pill. The white forehead was covered with sweat beads, and the whole body was trembling slightly.

After a long time, she took a long breath, quietly eyes opened. In her dantian, a black-gray crystal was slowly rotating, and it was Pouff Pill who was the consumer untold hardships condense.

With her hardship many years ago, it finally ended today.

She stood up, a smile appeared on her face, and sensed the mess of the outside world, she quickly opened the door of the secret room, and went outside.

At this time, Heavenly Tribulation had just ended, and Hu Gan also brought in Jia Nan Academy elder from outside the tower. The last Thunder Calamity broke through the sky and rushed to Cai Lin. They didn’t hack the Refining Qi tower to the sky, so they did nothing, at best they were a bit tired.

Xiao Yi Xian looked around all around, but didn’t find the person he wanted to see most at this time, could not help asking, “What about Nalan Ye?”

It ’s okay not to mention, as soon as I mention Nalan Ye, Hu Gan suddenly coldly snorted, looking at Xiao Yi Xian, said solemnly:

“We treat him as a guest of honor and invite him to join Inner Academy as a guest, but he is good and messes up our Jia Nan Academy!”

On the side, Xiao Yan quickly played the round and explained the specific situation with Xiao Yi Xian. Xiao Yi Xian Hearing this body flicked, almost didn’t fall to the ground, and ignored everyone else, went straight down to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower!

Hu Gan also cares about Su Qian’s affairs, and arranges the next business, and also follows some elders behind Xiao Yi Xian, faintly said:

“The guy at Nalan Ye is best not dead. He made me Jia Nan Academy like this, so he must give us an explanation!”

“If it were not for your use, could Medusa lurk to the bottom of the Refining Qi tower?”

If Medusa didn’t lurk to the bottom of the tower and didn’t hook up with Fallen Heart Flame, where could she have the confidence to murder Nalan Ye?

Xiao Yi Xian step one stopped, body stopped, did not look back, said with a touch of resentment: “If Nalan Ye is dead … I will not let you go!”

Hu Gan almost laughed, it was Nalan Ye himself nurturing a tiger to invite calamity, now it’s a bad backlash, why did they become Jia Nan Academy’s fault? Women are really unreasonable.

He hated the house and the Ukrainian, because of the matter of Nalan Ye, he did not have any good feelings for these Canadian Empire people. Seeing Xiao Yi Xian had no intention of reasoning, he simply coldly snorted and said:

“The old man will have to see, why didn’t you let us go. I was born in Jia Nan Academy for 1000 years, and I’m not afraid of you having a Woeful Poison Body.”

Xiao Yi Xian didn’t say anything. She kept her head down and went down to the Refining Qi Tower. At this time, she had Nalan Ye in her heart, and she had no intention of talking more with outsiders.

“Old Ling, can you sense where Nalan Ye is now?”

At this time, Nalan Ye had already infiltrated the deep lava and ran into that small space to isolate the inside and outside. Ordinary Dou Huang and even Dou Zong powerhouse could no longer sense his breath.

Among the people present, only Ling Ying can vaguely sense his position with the imprint of Nalan Ye soul.

Ling Ying asked nodded to agree, but suddenly, there was a very hidden wave in the space around his ears. No one was aware of it, and only one voice came into his ears with an angry voice:

“Nalan Ye, let him stay in lava all his life!”

This voice … is from Young Miss?

Ling Ying was shocked for a while, Young Miss has always been calm and elegant. No matter what happened, Mount Tai collapsed and face doesn’t change. How could she be so rare today?

How could this Nalan Ye offend Young Miss?

On the other side, it is Gu Clan Dou Zong Gu Xu who can use such secret and subtle means to accurately convey Xun’er’s words to Ling Ying’s ears, but make others unaware.

Inner Academy of Canaan, on a hillside, the anger on Xun’er’s face is still unabated, the small face of panting with rage is like a goldfish, 2 bulging, extremely cute.

She looked at Gu Xu in front of her, clenching one’s teeth and said: “Gu Xu elder, we really want to return to the family now? At the beginning we said yes … Xiao Yan big brother is now in Canaan Inner Academy, not yet If it stabilizes, if I leave suddenly, he … “

Gu Xu shook his head and said, “Nalan Ye is too noisy and will attract the attention of nearby forces and Soul Palace, so it is easy to reveal your identity.”

“Jia Nan Academy is no longer safe, you must rush back to the clan before Soul Palace finds you.”

Xun’er’s face suddenly showed a deep sorrow, she looked up at the Canaan Inner Academy not far away, and gritted her teeth, resentfully thinking that if Nalan Ye was killed earlier, he would not get it at Jia Nan Academy. So many things forced her to leave Xiao Yan big brother’s side early?

“I want to meet Xiao Yan big brother again …”



“No sense.”

Ling Ying pretends to feel something, and then looks at the head. Although he doesn’t understand why Young Miss made such an order, he still obeyed.

“The old man has known about Queen Medusa for a long time, and previously only felt that Queen Medusa ’s breath was at the bottom of the Refining Qi tower, so I guessed that Nalan Ye was also at the bottom of the Refining Qi tower, but he did not know his specific situation. . “

Xiao Yi Xian’s complexion changed, his heart was anxious, and then he waited slowly to go down slowly. The wings of Condense Dou Qi flew directly from the hole in the middle of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, which was the previous Nalan Ye diving into the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower The bottom path.

This caused Hu Gan to scream quickly, that is to retain the power to guide Fallen Heart Flame, where can we allow such chaos?

But Xiao Yi Xian would n’t listen to him naturally. She flew straight down, the straightest line between 2 o’clock was the shortest. She did n’t need to walk around the winding stairs, she flew down several floors in a blink of an eye, and it was only an instant matter to cross the 9th floor .

Suddenly, in the hollow of the 9th floor, there was a Sky Entrance Refineing Qi Tower and the Cave Entrance of the lava underground. Suddenly a silhouette rushed up, and almost did not collide with Xiao Yi Xian, but it was Su Qian.

“It’s you?”

Su Qian is a little embarrassed at this time, because Fallen Heart Flame is in lava, the power is endless, but still playing undying, or that Heavenly Flame has no life or death at all.

And Su Qian is indeed a living Dou Zhe. The longer he entangles with Fallen Heart Flame, the more he falls. After he broke up Fallen Heart Flame again, he took the opportunity to return to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

He looked at Xiao Yi Xian in front of him and saw her purpose at a glance, waved her hand, and stopped her actions, said solemnly:

“Little girl, here is my Jia Nan Academy, I can’t allow you to break into.”

Xiao Yi Xian fluttered her wings over Su Qian with a cold face. At such anxious moments, she had no good words for a Dou Zong powerhouse.

“I’m going down to find someone, and I’m asking Senior to let it go!”

“If you are looking for Nalan Ye, he may be dead. I didn’t at all feel his breath before.”

Su Qian’s temperament is quite good, and she explained the sentence with Xiao Yi Xian, but this is not what she wants to listen to, her face is more cold, coldly said:

“He will not die, I will go down to find him.”

Su Qian shook her head, just about to say something. Suddenly, a fire raged in the 9th floor cavity below him. Indeed Fallen Heart Flame was killed, violently burning and trying to rush out of the Refining Qi Tower.

“Evil creature, dare to impudent again!”

Su Qian furiously shouted, looking headed towards Hu Gan and other elders who have arrived, and shouted loudly: “Everyone is in formation. In the past, we left this entrance to evacuate the fire of Fallen Heart Flame, but didn’t expect these days It will cause such disasters. “

“Today I will completely block this entrance to prevent future trouble!”

“No, Nalan Ye is still below, how can you seal the entrance?”

Xiao Yi Xian immediately looked away, accompanied by a whisper, Dou Qi ran around her body suddenly, gray black Dou Qi pervaded the body surface.

With Poison Pill as the center, her control of her own poison Dou Qi has reached a Peak. Although the cultivation base has not increased, the battle strength has increased a lot.

But no matter how powerful a Dou Huang is, unless it is like Xiao Yan, how can it match a Dou Zong and 20-30 Dou Wang Dou Huang?

Hu Gan was pulling his beard, and the words were full of threats, “Xiao Yi Xian, Nalan Ye is dead, you should not mistake yourself.”

“Hu Headmaster …”

Follow Xiao Yan to look around, on the one hand is the intimate brother, and on the other is the respected Academy Headmaster, sometimes not knowing what to do.

“Xiao Yan, do you think Nalan Ye trifling Da Dou Shi cultivation base can survive this situation?”

Hu Gan asked again, Xiao Yan hesitated suddenly. In this case, Nalan Ye had a zero chance of surviving, and he could not help being silent.

On the other side, under the leadership of Su Qian, more than 20 elders joined forces and had already blocked Fallen Heart Flame under the tower.

Then, they began to form an array, and at the same time towed the magical formation inscribed on the tower body of the Refining Qi tower. The majestic Heaven and Earth energy was pulled and began to converge in the hollow of the 9th floor tower body, turning into a layer of extremely thickened The actual light barrier must completely isolate Canaan Inner Academy from the underground lava.

Xiao Yi Xian looked like heavy, running Dou Qi and attacked the light barrier, but was blocked by Hu Gan. He could only watch Su Qian completely block the entrance!

She couldn’t bear to scream, it was full of sorrow, she finally became Poison Pill, and finally controlled the Woeful Poison Body, she had to go out of the secret room to share happiness with him, but now how can things become like this? !

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