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Time hastily, I have been in the small space of Venerable Tian Huo for more than ten days, and our two big eyes staring at small eyes have been waiting to die.

Venerable Tian Huo in a white robe, standing with his hand down, just like an expert outside the world, but his heart is more anxious than me, stroking an illusory beard and asking:

“… Little Brat, why haven’t the rescuers you said come yet?”

“That, it should be soon …”

I was hesitant when I spoke. Although this small space is located in the deepest part of lava, it is not necessary to catch more than ten days!

For such a long time, even if Cai Lin was really promoted to Dou Zong, with Elderly Qian and Bai in, she also shocked Jia Nan Academy and either died or escaped.

And the remaining Xiao Yi Xian, Ling Ying, Xiao Yan and Xun’er and the others, should lava to rescue me-Ling Ying left a mark on my soul, impossible said that lava is too wide, he can’t find it To me …

I curled my head slightly, looked around the space of all around white mist, thought for a moment, and said, “Old Senior, maybe this space shields my breath, so they ca n’t find me?”

“The old man didn’t cover your breath.”

Venerable Tian Huo said angrily that this small space was opened by him at the beginning, even if he only has a ray of Remnant Soul, he can still control this small space …

It’s useless just to control it.

“It seems that your doll has been abandoned, and no one will come to save you.”

Venerable Tian Huo sighed and seemed lonely than me. Naturally, he also has friends and relatives, but unfortunately, when he came here, he relied on his cultivation base, not at all to inform others.

As a result of his later death, he died here during the meditation and was trapped here for several hundred years, and no one came to rescue him.

Nowadays, I finally get into this small space. There may be outsiders to rescue him, and he can also escape from the trap. A long-settled heart naturally starts to beat again.

But withered for more than ten days, but did not wait for anyone, the external lava once again fell into 10000 ancient silence, how could he not despair?

With a long sigh, Yao Tian Huo fluttered his illusory body like a solitary soul, unbound ghost, turned into a white mist and reattached to the bone, disappeared.

I was alone in the small space. I raised my hand and touched my nose, somewhat grudgingly, and some envy. Yao Tian Huo had some bones anyway. I was ascended by Cai Lin …

Looking down the corner and squatting, I looked towards the outside lava through the white mist space. Perhaps it was Cai Lin ’s case that ended. The lizardman who attracted her to gather again was scattered in the lava. There was a nest of lizardman living near the small space. Fortunately, they could not enter here.

Xiao Yi Xian, why hasn’t she come to me yet … is it possible that Poison Pill’s cultivation has setback? hope everything is fine.

What about Ling Ying? Forget it, this old fellow is Xun’er after all, unreliable. But Xiao Yan and Sister Yanran are getting better, he can’t save himself from death? He has Old Yao in his body, so it should be no problem for me to come down to lava …

I was thinking about something in my mind. I was naturally afraid of death, and I was looking forward to someone to save me. But after so many days of waiting, I was also desperate.

What happened above?

What was the final result, did Xiao Yi Xian successfully become Poison Pill? Does Cai Lin have a breakthrough to Dou Zong? Did she die or escape?

What if I was really stuck here, waiting to die here, what would happen to the Canadian Empire?

3 Although the balance of the land has been established, it has not yet stabilized. Jia Ma Imperial Family has been jumping up and down, and Yun Shan old man is also restless. Perhaps after my death is confirmed, the Canadian Empire will be in chaos again.

Of course, it is also possible that according to my expectations, the three parties will form a balance and check and balance each other to survive until a new variable appears-I hope that I will not die.

At least, that was the last thing I left in this World.

Yao Tian Huo hid in his bones, I shrank in the corner, and once again fell into a silence in the small space, did not become lively because of my arrival, as if the indifferently despair is the eternal theme here.

Time has passed again, I can’t remember how many days have passed, maybe I didn’t count it. In this space where there is no rising sun and falling moon, it is very laborious to judge the ebbing of time.

Until this day, I felt something meandering and icy cold in my body, which stimulated me to wake up from the state of being confused, and looked in a panic, almost not scaring me.

I saw a Seven-Color Little Snake about a few inches long, about the size of an earthworm, crawling on my body!

For a while I forgot how this living creature wriggled on my soul, just yelled in horror:

“Snake, there are snakes!”

I jumped from the corner, swept the Seven-Color Little Snake off, and even stepped back to calm down. I am normally a little bit afraid of snakes, not to mention waking up from a sleepy sleep, and suddenly see a snake crawling on you? !

Venerable Tian Huo was awakened by my new neighbor who blasted hu hu, even if he didn’t care about me, when I was still the only intelligent creature that could communicate with him.

“What are you talking about?”

He floated out of the bones and looked at Seven-Color Little Snake, suddenly his eyes narrowed, a moment of contemplation, whispered:

“It has 7 colors, its pupil is slightly purple, its body is fragrant, and its power is heavenly … This little snake turned out to be a legendary Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python?”

what? !

I was taken aback by Venerable Tian Huo, Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python? How familiar is this name? Is it Cai Lin?

I looked at the Seven-Color Little Snake in front of me for a while. It was small in size, with tiny scales in 7 colors. Smell it carefully, and there was indeed a fresh smell in my body.

But it floated in front of my eyes out of thin air. There was no slaughter breath in her slightly purple pupil. Although she was as elegant and proud as Cai Lin, she also had purity and cleanness that she did not have.

This is … Evolutionary failure, stupid by Thunder Calamity?

The state in front of me soon reminded me that she seemed to be the same as before. Although she successfully evolved into Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python, she was also seriously injured. Soul fell into a deep sleep, and this Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python again A new soul was born …

So, do you want to kill the entire Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python and the two souls together, or just wipe out Cai Lin’s soul and leave the Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python and its soul?

“Old Senior, this is a great opportunity. This Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python is 7th-Rank Magic Beast, enough to match Dou Zong powerhouse.”

“Although it is only a larvae now, but with a little cultivation, it can take us out of here and back to the ground!”

Soon, I gave up the idea of ​​completely erasing Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python. In this dilemma, it is the only thing that can save me out.

“It’s just that this Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python within the body is a bit bad, and you have to ask Senior to wipe it out …”

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