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“Human, how dare you bother me to sleep ?!”

High-level Magic Beast has opened intelligence, especially 7th-Rank Magic Beast, which is more capable of Human Transformation-but Magic Beast metamorphosis needs to suffer Thunder Calamity, so some 7th-Rank Magic Beast in order to avoid Thunder Calamity, it will not Deformed, still the appearance of beasts, this frost frost is probably like this.

It nestled on top of the peak, mouth wide open, exposing a huge white tooth, roared: “Go to death!” The words fell, it spewed a thorn of ice, blasted towards Venerable Tian Huo, sky -splitting sound bursts, formidable power horrible!

Venerable Tian Huo stands in the sky, his face does not change, Lang said with a smile: “old man has not worked with people for many years, today I will try your animal!”

A soul and a magic beast immediately made a battle at this 30,000 feet high altitude battle. The ice and the flames confronted each other. It was really powerful. The peak next to it cracked, and the mountains and rocks collapsed and rolled, just like an earthquake.

I stepped away from Xiao Yi Xian and Xiao Yan, looked at it in a distance, and exclaimed: “Tian Huo Senior is so good, this scene is not caused by Dou Huang’s fight!”

Xiao Yan slightly nodded, he has more red light wings behind him, probably he does n’t know where he got the Flying Dou Technique from? You can fly with Dou Ling cultivation base.

Suddenly, his eyebrows were filled, and he looked down towards a mountain top of about 1000 zhang high in the east, saying, “There is a Magic Beast over there, it should be the 5th-Rank Magic Beast.”

I looked down at him, and really saw the Magic Beast over there, pondered, and asked, “What should I do? Is it to expel, beheaded, or let it stay?”

“5th-Rank Magic Beast is a good thing, don’t waste Ah!”

Xiao Yan laughed loudly, and did not wait for me to talk, flew over directly, shouted: “When I go to behead it, kill 100, lest the nearby Magic Beasts all gather together, then we are in trouble! “

Suddenly, one fight became two fights, and the movement was even greater. During the bang, the low-level Magic Beast in the nearby mountain range scared 2 places to flee.

The high-end Magic Beast in the distance is gradually attracted. They are hovering in the distant sky, standing on the peak of the thousand zhang mountain, or diving in the valley, all watching the movement here.

However, in just a short time, nearly 20 fierce or violent Magic Beast eyes fell on me, making my heart tremble, feeling that the air around me had solidified and the pressure increased greatly.

“A lot of Magic Beast …”

I laughed bitterly. It is indeed the Magic Beast Mountain Range. Only here can we gather nearly 20 Dou Wang and Dou Huang Magic Beasts in a short time.

Fortunately, this is Frost Frost ’s territory. Frost Frost ’s territory is huge. The nearly 20 Magic Beasts came from outside its territory … Today ’s news It should n’t be expanded further, and attracted further high Come, Magic Beast?

“Xiao Yi Xian, you go to Northwest to keep guard, I go to Southwest to keep guard, don’t let these Magic Beasts come close and disturb Tian Huo Senior.”

I looked serious and said to Xiao Yi Xian. She hesitated a little and whispered, “You have just been promoted to Dou Huang … Shall we not separate?”

Is this to protect me by my side?

I was a little touched in my heart, but she still hooked the head. She could n’t protect me for a lifetime. “Xiao Yi Xian, I ’m already 9-Star Peak Dou Huang. The cultivation base is higher than you … I can do it! “

She pursed her lips, and when she saw that I had decided, she didn’t speak anymore. She flew to the Northwest position, but she could see that she was paying attention to me and making me warm.

I also flew to the Southwest position, but I did n’t start the battle as lightly as Xiao Yan. In fact, I have 6 Magic Beasts, 4 Dou Wang Magic Beasts, and 2 Dou Huang Magic Beasts. I really want to fight … …

I may not be an opponent.

However, my cultivation base is not fake. At this time, I flew in the air at 1000 zhang high. I ran out the breath of 9-Star Peak Dou Huang unscrupulously. They did n’t know my reality, and they were also quite fearful and dared not act rashly.

The two sides confronted each other silently. I did n’t dare to speak. The Magic Beast said that intelligence was turned on, but each and everyone was grumpy. If I talked inadvertently, it would be easy to react. It would be better to use the strength of red fruit directly Come deter them!

Most of my mind is used to guard against these 6 Magic Beasts, and my half mind is to observe 2 battlefields.

The battle strength of Xiao Yan ’s fellow was not really blown. Shua shua struck the 5th-Rank Magic Beast seriously and was chasing it.

But here is after all the Magic Beast Mountain Range, the home of Magic Beast. He saw him so arrogantly crazy in that direction. Two Magic Beast suddenly could n’t bear it, jumped out and besieged him, fighting to change.

And in Venerable Tian Huo, I looked up, the frost is not bad in strength, and it occupies a geographical position. The peak of 30,000 feet high is millions and millions of years of unresolved snow. Heaven and Earth is full of frost roads. Frost like a fish back in water.

But Venerable Tian Huo is Venerable after all, even if the strength has not been restored to Peak, the battle situation is little by little leaning towards him.

His entire body was flooded with Flame Avenue and turned into a ten thousand zhang red cloud. The wind could not blow down in the cold high altitude of 30,000 feet. The 10000 years of snow reflected in it gradually melted and gathered into dozens of streamlets to run towards the foot of the mountain. It is Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth! Want to get these snow watering, the vegetation at the foot of the mountain will flourish next year?


Bingshuang discovered that the human in front of him was too strong, and he was not an adversary. He roared in horror, his eyes fell in the vicinity of nearly 20 Magic Beasts, shouting:

“You things, don’t hurry me, or I will eat you back!”

Is this a threat?

I was stunned. This frost frost obviously wanted to call for help, but it seemed like a call for help there, shouldn’t it be a lure? Why is it threatening?

However, it turns out that this is the custom among Magic Beasts. They eat this set, and feel the horrible breath of the frost, which makes the animal’s heart tremble. With such a roar, nearly 20 high-level Magic Beasts no longer hesitate, and they all want to The battlefield is coming!

My six Magic Beasts in this direction also condensed their light wings and roared and flew. My eyelids fiercely jumped, but it was not easy to let them go to disturb the Venerable Tian Huo and had to brace oneself to welcome it.

“Everyone, this frost frost is not your father, why care about its life and death? Today it will die, it threatens you to ignore it.”

I lost to the behind with one hand and tried to reason with them, but what I got was a sharp azure wind blade, ten zhang or so, screaming at me!

“Gan …”

I quickly flicked the stature to avoid this wind blade, but then a black shadow projected on me, looking up, but a bird of magic Beast swooped towards me, the sharp claw flashing cold glow, Enough to crush the hardest rock of Magic Beast Mountain Range!

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