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“Just stab!”

In the panic, I subconsciously shouted this move. I learned this Dou Technique not at all, but I used it subconsciously, probably from Cai Lin?

This is a soul Dou Technique, my Spiritual Strength quickly assembles, condenses into a sharp blade, and the red feather eagle fiercely sprinting from the sky!


Chi Yudiao wailed in response, and the cry was full of pain and sorrow!

This “Zhushen” does not attack the fleshy body, only the soul. My Spiritual Strength is 9-Star Peak Dou Huang, and this red feather eagle is only 5th-Rank Magic Beast. Where can I bear my attack?

It bleeds at the moment, the whole body is exhausted, its wings flapping wildly, on the verge of collapse, it has to drift sideways and fall.

I was overjoyed, and I had to make another hit in a hurry, but another wind blade hit me, so I could only avoid it again and stop the offensive.

Looking around, there was already a Silver Wolf rushing in front of me, with purple rays of light flashing on his paws, and a claw mixed with a thunderbolt arc photographed at me, actually a 6th-Rank silver thunder wolf!


I could n’t bear to swear, I ’m already Thunder Attribute Dou Zhe, but I do n’t have Fleshy body, Thunder Attribute Dou Qi, and I do n’t think about Venerable Tian Huo ’s avenue of comprehension. The soul body is now restrained by thunderbolt and cannot be stopped!

“Teng Snake in the fog!”

This is another Movement Dou Technique learned from Cai Lin, but this is a special “Magic Beast Dou Technique”, it must be “snake state” in order to be exhibited.

Fortunately, I am just a soul body now, the shape is not fixed, and the stature turns into a soul giant snake, and it is successfully exhibited.

During the stature walk, my flight trajectory was extremely bizarre. I successfully avoided the attack of the Silver Thunder Wolf, and also went around its behind. The soul snake tail flicked like a heaven punishment giant whip, fiercely pumped on its waist!

As the so-called “copper head iron tail tofu waist”, for canines, the waist is their weakness, and this silver thunder wolf is no exception.

I was fiercely whipped, it suddenly screamed, my delicate body was forcibly pumped out in the air and moved out ten zhang or so far, and there was more blood flowing out of the corner of my mouth!


But at this moment, I couldn’t be happy, another wind blade struck on the side, which annoyed me suddenly, how many wind blades? Is it still over? !

I stared at it and found that it was a 5th-Rank phoenix snake with a slender body and blue scales, but a pair of brightly colored meat wings on its back, like Feng Huang wings, this is it origin of name.

Just on its forehead, I also saw a silver horn. Although the horn is not big, it still shocked me. This turned out to be a 5th-Rank Peak phoenix snake? !

As long as the silver horn is fully grown, will it evolve into a 6th-Rank phoenix?

I loudly shouts, Spiritual Strength is running, and I condense a thorny thorn, moved towards the phoenix snake lasing away.

Spiritual Strength is invisible and colorless, but this phoenix snake seems to be able to sense the existence of a thorny thorn, perhaps it is also only keen on danger … It has a gorgeous double wings, and it is also a Wind Attribute Magic Beast. Stature flashed suddenly to the side, avoiding this blame and let me feel cold.

Suddenly, another huge black figure jumped up on the ground, and it collapsed from the hill of 3 hundred zhang high to 1000 zhang high, and came over me!

I heart startled and looked closely, but found that it was actually a 5th-Rank iron-armed ape, 2 arms were unusually heavy, and they were holding a fist with a big sandbag and hitting my fiercely hammer.

If the hammer is solid this time, I’m afraid I have to be a fool by it? !

I quickly used the “Teng Snake in the Fog” method. My body flew through a strange trajectory in the air, successfully avoiding this fist, but there was a sudden sudden lightning flash from the side.

fast! fast! fast!

The speed of lightning is too fast. I ca n’t even dodge it anymore. I was chopped up by this purple lightning. That taste … I feel like a fierce ghost struck by lightning. Not a little soul body!

“Ah! ”

I couldn’t bear to scream, but the combat experience I copied from Cai Lin surged from my mind, forcing me to stop screaming, biting my teeth and holding back the pain, and letting the whole mind calm down quickly.

My Spiritual Strength permeated the surroundings, sensing the situation in my battlefield, 2 heads 6th-Rank Magic Beast, 4 heads 5th-Rank Magic Beast, only 4 shots were shot at this time, and I was injured …

Although it was only a minor injury and not a life, the situation is not optimistic. Fortunately, I just want to hold them down and wait for the Venerable Tian Huo to get rid of the frost, and free up my hands. None of these Magic Beasts can run, and they all have to die!

Magic Beast is a treasure, not to mention the high-end Magic Beast? Once the 6 high-level Magic Beasts are all beheaded, this trip can be described as full of gains, with great benefits!

Thinking of the huge benefits afterwards, I immediately reinvigorated and stature swam away again, swooping down to the iron-armed ape that had fallen back to the ground.

This iron-armed great ape is a 5th-Rank Magic Beast, and of course it can fly, but the habit of the ape monkey still makes it used to stay on the ground instead of flying in the sky. It looked up and saw me dive down, and began to thump his chest to demonstrate to me roar.

“Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi …”

At this time, another 6th-Rank Magic Beast steel bristle was finally shot. This 6th-Rank steel bristle was similar to a porcupine and was covered with spikes.

Seeing me dive, it is squatting on a hill, its sturdy body is like an anti-aircraft machine gun, and it shoots out the spurs on the back, like a burst of arrows raining down my head!


I yelled, Cai Lin would attack Dou Technique more, but most of me ca n’t use it, because I do n’t have Dou Qi, and only one soul Dou Technique can be used-Zhushen Thorn!

But this Dou Technique obviously has weaknesses. It was previously struck by the phoenix snake. Of the 6 Magic Beasts, I was sure to attack only the heavy iron-armed ape that looked at it. In order to attack it, I can only brace oneself continued to rush towards the ground.

Dense “Arrow Rain” blasted, I transported the “Teng Snake in the Fog” to avoid the right flash, but still inevitably suffered a few.

If it is an ordinary arrow, that’s all, I am now a soul body, and I am not afraid of common things at all. But the “Arrow” of this steel mane contains Dou Qi, and every time I hit me, the contained Dou Qi broke out within my body, although it was not fatal, but it also hurt my tears. Almost flowing out.

Fortunately, at this moment, I finally dived from 1000 zhang high air to hundred percent zhang high air, the distance of hundred percent zhang high, which is the best attack distance of the jabber.

I dived all the way down, and I had been brewing the stab thorn. At this time, the stab thorn has been charging for a long time, and the formidable power is terrifying!

I’m furiously shouted, the shot of the gods stimulates me to shoot out, and in the middle of an iron-armed ape!

It wailed sorrowfully. 7 A jet of blood was ejected from the hood. The hill-like burly body fell straight, crushing a few large trees, and the earth and rocks flew away.

Magic Beast’s attack came too intensive, only a short pause when launching the attack, the shot “Arrow Rain”, a ten-zhang or so long azure wind blade, and a “lightning net” flashing purple light. Coming at me!

Rich death breath assaults the senses, so I have no time to see if the Iron-armed Ape is dead or alive? He made a sharp turn in a hurry, hiding away from the back of a huge mountain side.

If it weren’t for my soul body, I felt that just because of the overload of this sharp turn, it would make me spit out old blood!

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