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“Dou Technique, humane …”

Time hastily passed, and several days have passed since I was promoted to Dou Zong. Because of Cai Lin’s words, the past few days I was thinking about how to create my own humanitarian Dou Technique, but after a few days, I have no clue.

I wandered in the Dou Technique pavilion at the Nalan Imperial Palace, and my mood was a little irritable. Looking at the rows of Dou Technique in front of me, I just felt that they were densely packed and messed up. It was so annoying!

“Legendary, Princess and Prince Consort have returned to the Imperial Palace. Your Majesty invites you to the banquet.”

At this time, someone suddenly came to report that the princess and Prince Consort naturally referred to Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan. According to the etiquette, after the princess married her ninth day, she was going back to the Imperial Palace with Prince Consort to meet the emperor, called “Quing”.

“Well, it’s been 9 days so soon?”

I was a little surprised, the past few days I have been holding back in the Dou Technique cabinet, and I really do n’t remember the Taiqing days. I have been promoted to Dou Zong for 9 days now?

In this Dou Technique pavilion, I have been staying for several days, but I have no clue about humane Dou Technique, it is better to relax first, combine work and rest …

Immediately, I left the Dou Technique Pavilion and walked all the way to the banquet place. Today is a sunny day, sun shone brightly, bright light, much better than the dim and dry environment in the Dou Technique pavilion.

There are also those passing by maids with good faces and wearing thin silk dresses, which make the figure more slim and light, just like a butterfly wearing flowers, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

“Haha, Sister Yanran, brother-in-law, how are you doing lately?”

I walked into the great hall. Today is a family feast. There are clansman of Nalan Clan. There are not many people. I saw Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan at a glance. The two of them are juniors.

“Brother Ye.”

Nalan Yanran turned slightly nodded towards me. She had her bun tied up, and the clothes she wore were more calm and dignified than before, but she was only a 20-year-old girl after all, with a pretty face.

So she has both the charm of a woman and the purity of a young girl. The so-called “coexistence of purity and charm” is probably the case.

I picked up a glass of wine and said with a smile: “I wish you all old-fashioned and old-fashioned sons, and I respect you.”

She heard “Early Child”, the pretty face was slightly red, and she lowered her head to pick up the glass. Xiao Yan grinned, as if some of the proud of one’s success, high-spirited and vigorous.

After all, Nalan Yanran was originally the genius that the entire empire was paying attention to, Misty Cloud Sect Young Master, and now it is also an imperial princess, supervising the elder sister of the left envoy, so many heads are added together …

Being able to get this kind of Nalan Yanran, even Xiao Yan, would be complacent with his current vision.

The two of them were sitting in a seat. The two toasted together. After a toast to me, they drank their heads up and drank. It was a bit of immeasurably self-satisfied.



One hour later, after everyone changed their cups and changed their cups and dishes, the family feast went away. Not to mention those old fellows, I went out to the Great Hall with Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan and wandered around the Imperial Palace.

We came to a garden, where many red roses were planted. They looked like ordinary roses from a distance, but when we walked in, we could find their peculiarities.

They are extraordinarily gorgeous in color, shrouded with a lot of silver white spots on the flowers under the sun, as if they have life, sometimes they float in the wind and sometimes stop on the petals.

“Wow! So beautiful.”

Nalan Yanran was slightly surprised that she was not very familiar with this Imperial Palace and had never seen such flowers. Seeing this, Xiao Yan on the side immediately coughed and explained:

“Yanran, this is a starlight rose, a nice medicinal ingredient, and the petal juice is helpful to the Medicinal Pill’s Rong Dan below Tier Two … usually grows deep in the forest. Didn’t expect it here too.”

Is it still a medicinal ingredient?

Looking at this into a large piece, there are at least a few 1000 roses of starlight, I was a little surprised, I always thought that this thing is just an ornamental plant, didn’t expect can also take refining pills, Jia Ma Imperial Family’s background is not bad.

“Brother-in-law is really experienced and knowledgeable!”

“Haha, this is nothing. This starlight rose can be recognized by any Alchemist apprentice.”

Xiao Yan touched his nose and looked at me, long sighed then said, “Everyone has their own field of specialisation, neither you nor Yanran are Alchemist, it’s normal if you don’t recognize … Are you already Dou Zong?” He has some Said enviously.

I shook the head, a bit of sadness appeared on my face, and said with emotion: “I was lucky to become Dou Zong, but Dou Zong … also has Dou Zong’s trouble Ah!”

Nalan Yanran turned his head and stared at me where Xiao Yan couldn’t see, as if I thought I was pretending to be 13 …

I ’m really wrong, what did I pretend?

I really have a problem!

The girl turned out, Yanran, how many days did she marry, but when I heard that, I did n’t come to comfort me, but stared at me … Net will maintain Xiao Yan!

“What’s the problem with your cultivation?”

Xiao Yan asked with some interest, he thought he was a peerless genius, but in 4 to 5 years, from Wu Tan City’s small waste cultivation success Dou Wang, he also married Nalan Yanran, it is simply [feeling that life has been Reached the climax]!

Absolutely didn’t expect, I am a few months younger than him, but already advanced by leaps and bounds, throwing him out of ten or eight streets, stepping into the aloof and remote, unmatched Dou The realm of Zong!

This made him inevitably depressed. He could only indulge in the newly-married Yaner, and indulge himself in Wenxiang nephrite, but when I met me today, the frustrated and decadent feeling came up again.

I talked about his troubles with him again. He pondered for a moment and said, “Do you create a Dou Technique? Although I don’t understand what humanity is, I have also created a Dou Technique. Maybe you can have Inspired. “

“Oh, what is Dou Technique?”

“Liuhe Roaming Form Ruler!”

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, turned over and took out the Heavy Xuan Ruler in the Storage Ring, and came to the square on the side, said with a smile: “This is what I once overlooked the woods on the top of the mountain, I saw the wind blowing, and countless treetops swaying, Forming one after another is felt by the stronger and stronger tree waves, and I will show it to you here. “

He stood still in the square, calmed for a moment, and suddenly moved, because it was for me to demonstrate, the speed was not fast, it was swept very slowly, and suddenly a wave of air was shot slowly.

“Hu! Call! Call …”

Xiao Yan did not stop, the heavy Heavy Xuan Ruler continued to wave out, one after another, the waves continued to blow out, one was stronger than the other, roaring in the square, flying sand running stone in the blowing field, far away The trees and trees hunted.

I stood by the square and watched quietly, as if I saw the scene depicted by Xiao Yan. The wind blew through the woods, and the countless emerald green treetops shook in the same direction, forming a huge tree wave Head, spread to the end of the woods.

But I still feel a little estranged, but I feel that I am not clear. I can’t help but move my footsteps from the side of the square to the front of Xiao Yan to face the Liuhe Roaming Form Ruler.


Xiao Yan was taken aback, and I shook my head slightly, instructing him to continue. With my current Fleshy body strength, just standing and letting him hammer, he probably wouldn’t move me.

“Okay, I’m going to work hard. If you can’t stand it, just shout.”

He also got angry, and gritted his teeth. It was no longer a slow and formless power demonstration. With the stature moving, Heavy Xuan Ruler moved from slow to fast, waving the sky and shadows, and the waves of the air shot suddenly violently.

“chi! chi! chi! ”

A dark spiral was formed in the air wave, and a powerful air blade with formidable power struck the ground, splitting the white jade stone brick into 4 cracks, and wrapped in the air wave and screamed at me.

I did not use Dou Qi to resist, so I stood quietly in front of Xiao Yan, alone, letting countless attacks fall.

The luxurious robe on my body was instantly torn and turned into a rotten cloth, but my fleshy body was not hurt.

Countless gravel hit me, and it won’t break my skin.

Countless air blades came out and cut my hair.

Countless dark spins acted on me, desperately squeezing my fleshy body, but it seemed to be massaging me.

“Look, the one who takes the black ruler is Prince Consort. This Dou Technique formidable power is really strong. It is said that he has become Dou Wang!”

“You are so young that Dou Wang is strong, so only a princess can match him, alas, if I can …”

“Hey, a group of guys who have no sight, do you know who the person in that blast is? Young Master Ye!”

“What, it turns out to be Young Master Ye? No wonder under such a powerful attack, completely motionless!”

The movement here was so great that it attracted a group of maids and palace guards who whispered. There are even a few old fellows of Nalan Clan, holding their beards and saying:

“Xiao Yan, this little doll is good, but it’s far worse than Ye’er!”

Xiao Yan expression looked at me in the air wave complicatedly, and no one knew the formidable power of this move better than him. Didn’t expect I didn’t even have Dou Qi, so I stopped it.

“Is this the power of Dou Zong …”

There was a bit of bitterness in the corner of his mouth, but he couldn’t help but put away Heavy Xuan Ruler and sighed: “Nalan Ye, I’m not as good as you.”

I waved out a cloak to cover my body, said with a laugh: “Xiao Yan, did you admit defeat?”

“How can it be?”

There was a slack smile on Xiao Yan’s lips. He said that he was going to Central Plains to retrieve Xun’er. How could he concede defeat in this little Nalan empire?

“Nalan Ye, although I am not as good as you now, I will surpass you one day sooner or later!”

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