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After discussing with Xiao Yan, he and Nalan Yanran left, and I returned to the Dou Technique cabinet. The windows here are small, the interior is dark and dry, and there is a smell of dust, which is very choking.

The ceiling and walls are inlaid with one after another Moonstone, exuding surplus white light. I found a wooden shelf and sat down casually against the shelf. It was quiet and suitable for thinking.

“Liuhe Roaming Form Ruler ……”

Imitating the wind blowing through the woods, in essence, there is not much difference from the ebb and flow of the sea, but there is of course no sea near the Nalan Empire. There are at most a few large lakes, but the water is calm, and there is no big wave at all.

“Ai, this Dou Technique is a natural imitation of Heaven and Earth, and I have no inspiration at all …”

I sighed, Human Race pays attention to the nature of teaching. At the beginning, in ancient times, a mortal watched Heaven and Earth feel natural and imitated, so that with Dou Qi, Human Race has been strong since then.

But for me, there is no bird at all. What I understand is the human road, imitating Heaven and Earth naturally has a fart function!

What should I imitate?


Am I not a person, eat, drink, shit and piss sleep, who will not, I need to imitate others?

“Ai, I’m in a dead end again!”

I sighed, and picked up a roll of Dou Technique from my side, and turned it over. It was Earth Attribute Xuan Class low grade Attack Type Dou Technique-earth thorn technique.

Using the Earth Attribute Dou Qi of Dou Zhe within the body as a guide, a specific handprint is made, which resonates with the Earth Attribute energy in the earth to form a ground stab to attack the target.

“Dou Qi, handprint, earth, resonance …”

The earth is part of the nature of Heaven and Earth, which is not the same as “Liuhe Roaming Form Ruler”. Liuhe Roaming Form Ruler imitates Heaven and Earth, but this “ground thorn” borrows from Heaven and Earth …


I brows slightly wrinkle, looking at the Dou Technique scroll in my hand, looking thoughtful and saying: “I am a humane Dou Zong, human, living between Heaven and Earth, but separated from Heaven and Earth …”

“When I do Dou Technique, if I want to borrow from outside, I shouldn’t borrow from Heaven and Earth naturally, but from … people?”

Leverage people!

The sound of “hong” in my mind was like a split of aura, enlightenment of the whole person, and the fog covering my eyes was instantly dispelled!

Is n’t the trick [the vast sea of ​​people] borrowing from the 1000000 Human Race in Nalan City?

Although I borrowed only illusory’s “popularity”, these “popularity” came from other people!

“He he he he, really is riding a donkey to seek a donkey, obviously with the answer, have already created a humane Dou Technique, but still can’t understand it, can’t see through it, really …

“Stupid enough!”

The corner of my mouth gently lifted, and I was in a good mood. I threw the Dou Technique back to the original position, pats the hand, and once again appeared the Dou Technique Pavilion.

Ascend to the highest castle of Imperial Palace, I stand on it, looking down at the city of Nalan. When was the city built? It is impossible to test the station. I only know that it has been renamed several times, and it has been expanded, destroyed, and rebuilt numerous times.

However, I am not interested in the history of this ancient mottled city. What I am more concerned about is the 1000000 Human Race in the city.

With so many Human Races, what can I borrow from them?

“The human domain!”

Each Dou Zong can condense his own realm of Tao after passing through Heavenly Tribulation.

And my human domain is a little special, unlike the Dao of Fire domain of Venerable Tian Huo, which has no color, and illusory, become faintly discernible, maybe the weaker Dou Zong ca n’t sense it. presence?

I swept away the Spiritual Strength, and easily got the size of my own path-radius 100 45 feet 6 feet 2 inches!

This represents a little over 40% of my comprehended human road, which is also a characteristic of Dou Zong. You can see the height of a Dou Zong Realm by looking at the size of the road.

Through the blessing of the Tao, I looked at the city of Nalan again. At first glance, it was dirty. The breath of countless people was mixed together, which was extremely chaotic and dirty.

But it is precisely because of the popularity of the dirty, so I created the first human Dao Technique-a vast sea of ​​people.

“What can such a filthy popularity do besides hiding my own existence?”

I began to think about it, which required my divergent thinking.

When it comes to dirt, I quickly think of [septic pits]. If these huge popularity is a big septic pit, besides jumping in to hide myself, what is the use of this septic pit?

Disgusting others?

“Some truths, the popularity is chaotic and dirty, which is harmful to the cultivation of high-level Dou Zhe. I can bless these popularity on other Dou Zhe, even if I can’t kill the other party, it can also reduce the other party’s perception and make the other party’s cultivation speed change. Slow, from genius to waste! “

“Well, there’s still more. Dou Zhe’s Dou Qi is the most sophisticated. Can I force the people into the other’s Dou Qi and pollute the other’s Dou Qi?”

Once Dou Qi is contaminated, the Dou Technique formidable power will be greatly reduced, and the Dou Technique will be used if it fails, and the power will be wrong, forming a backlash and a damaged dantian!

Thinking of this, I can’t help but get excited, but the popularity has no harm to the low-level Dou Zhe’s cultivation. I had to experiment with the second idea first.

“Come here, bring me a team of death row prisoners with a cultivation base. I want to experiment with Dou Technique!”

I also don’t know what effect this Dou Technique just came up with. It’s not easy to experiment with the palace guards around me. I can only experiment on death row.

Came to a square, and soon, the death row I wanted came, a total of ten, the cultivation base is mostly Dou Zhe, Dou Shi, and there is only one charming woman is Da Dou Shi cultivation base.

There was also an elder from Nalan Clan. He looked at me and smiled as kindly as possible on his face, lowering his voice and saying:

“Ye’er, what do you want these death row prisoners to do? Now my Nalan Clan is an Imperial Family, and everybody must pay attention to a reputation …”

I glanced at him, and said angrily: “Why, what do you think I am a tyrannical person, do you like torture?”

“no no……”

He hurriedly waved his hand, although he is my elder, but Dou Qi Continent powerhouse is respected, I am the Dou Zong powerhouse that was not born in the empire for 1000 years, he is just a trifling Da Dou Shi, the two are like worlds apart, how dare he say more what? Immediately backed away, looking at Shiver coldly.

A death row prisoner was held in front of me. He was a bald man with a big face and flesh. He was tied up and thrown at my feet. His mouth was blocked intimately, and he could only make a loud voice, speechless.

Handprints are not complicated. There are only dozens of basic handprints. Just like programmers writing programs, they can be combined into countless secret arts with different effects through different arrangements.

I looked at the vast popularity in the city, and pinched out a “summon” handprint in my hands. Through the resonance of Dou Qi and the realm of man, those popularity began to respond to my summon and slowly gathered together.

The speed is slower, you can add a “fast” fingerprint.

The popularity density is too small, you must add a “solid” handprint ……

Countless information gathered in my mind. Based on my own experience, I continued to add, delete, and change the order of handprints. Finally, a popular person came to me by the satisfied summon, shrouded on the bald man under my feet.

There was no fear in his eyes, because he could not sense the presence of popularity, nor the energy gathering of Heaven and Earth. I just thought I was scratching my fingerprints out of thin air, and I was crazy …

The nearby Gong Wei could n’t see the popularity either, but they did n’t dare to think that I was going crazy, and only dared to say: “Young Master Ye is worthy of Dou Zong powerhouse. This kind of godlike means is not me at all and the others can see through . “

“This Dou Technique must be the rumored Tian Class Dou Technique. Although it is quietly silent now, once an attack occurs, it must be earth shattering and shocking the world!”

I coughed and looked down at the bald man under his feet. He stared at me too, his eyes fierce and fierce, struggling on the ground constantly, as if he was going to bite me!

It seems that I have been in prison for too long, and I do n’t even know who I am … Alas, I am too young, red lips, white teeth, handsome, and a harmless to humans and animals.

The strong popularity attracted by me haunted his body, but it didn’t penetrate into it. I immediately changed my hands and made a “hole-punching” handprint, then …

I was dumbfounded.

I saw countless popularity yanked straight into filaments, directly pierced the bald man’s body, like a 10000 arrow and hit him directly, and beat him into a sieve!

The fine blood beads oozed out of the skin, and the guy died without humming.


Sure enough, the gap between Dou Zong and Dou Zhe is too big. Although I carefully controlled the intensity, I did not use the energy of Dou Qi and Heaven and Earth, but the faint popularity, but I still accidentally killed people.

This experiment has undoubtedly failed.

My imaginary enemy is Dou Zong, which fluctuates up and down, maybe it is Dou Huang or Venerable, and I obviously impossible rely on “popularity” to poke them to death …

“Come here, drag the body down, and then escort the guy over.”

I waved at random, these people are all death row prisoners, whether they were beheaded by the executioner or stabbed to death by me, essentially not at all any difference.

Perhaps it was a kind of “glory” to be killed by my “great character” personally?

I remembered a story. In ancient times, a man who feared war and fled on his way to military service became a thief. Later, he was rewarded by the government and arrested.

The man said, “When I was a civilian, I was disciplined and law-abiding, but my life was worthless. Now that I am killing and robbing, a head is worth 7 tael of gold. Isn’t it laughable?”

Another death row was overwhelmed. It was a man with a Dou Shi cultivation base. His body was extraordinarily burly. He had cultivated the fleshy body and should not be easily killed.

I took a deep breath and suppressed my Dou Qi to the lowest intensity, then cautiously and carefully pinched out the “hole” handprint.

Shrouded’s popularity suddenly turned into a strand of fine needles, piercing the burly man with the body, and I was carefully controlled, and finally no one died.

But my soul has been covering him all the time, but at this time, I found that this person’s anger could not even pierce his bones, even though the force I used was too small, but also because the popularity itself was weak.

“Well, it seems that there must be another [enhanced] handprint here …”

Continue to read, although the popularity got into the burly man with the body, but it is still different from his Dou Qi entirely different, unable to fuse together.

I pinched out fingerprints such as [Fusion], [Dissipation], [Rotation], [Oscillation] and so on, but found that the effect was not great. The popularity and Dou Qi are still entirely different and cannot be fuse together.

It’s like throwing an iron needle into the water, no matter how I stir it, the iron needle or the iron needle, the water or the water, the 2 can’t fuse together …

Melt like ink dripping into clear water.

“Hi, how can I solve this problem?”

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