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“Old fellow, don’t give me big words here!”

In the cave, I was holding the bottle and looked at Chen Yun soul with unsightly eyes. “So, how can we solve the snake poison of the golden snake?”

Chen Yun ’s previous one, but I heard it clearly. Since he said this, I am afraid that there are other ways of detoxification in this silver moon Zhilin!

“Ha ha!”

Chen Yun looked at me, just sneered 2 times, and did not reply at all. He can cultivate to Dou Zong, naturally he is not stupid, nor will he believe anything about me, he just wants to take me to die together.

And he apparently succeeded, and was poisoned by the gold snake drowning the silver snake. I was already in danger. At this time, flustered and exasperated threatened: “old fellow, you believe or not I killed you?”

“Ha ha!”

“Don’t you want to live?”

“Ha ha!”

“Tell me the method of detoxification, I must let you go!”

“Huh … Ah!”

The light purple thunderbolt in my palm surged, spreading along the bottle, interrupting Chen Yun’s sneer and making him groan.

Oh your uncle!

Fiercely ravaged him, I put away the Storage Ring, and looked down at this large piece of silvery moonlight shimmering with dim light. His face lost his previous joy, and he fell down.

“Young Master, your poison is all right. I have Medicinal Pill here …” Qing Lin looked worried, his face timid.

I shook my head. Qing Lin was neither Xiao Yi Xian nor Xiao Yan, and it did not help my poison.

Now Xiao Yi Xian people do n’t know where, if I ca n’t find a way to detoxify, I can only go back to the Nalan Empire and find Xiao Yan …… After cutting off my right arm, I do n’t have much toxin in the body and should be able to support By the time I return to the Nalan Empire.

“Lingzhi mushroom, Yinyuezhilin, Jinjin drowning silver snake …” I sit cross-legged, whistling while thinking about the injury.

I ’m not ignorant and incompetent. I usually read some miscellaneous books and have an understanding of lingzhi mushroom. So-what is the connection between Yinyue lingzhi mushroom and Jinjin dripping silver snake?

2 One is a plant, one is an animal, one is spiritual medicine, and the other is a poison …

Qing Lin stood next to me, frowning and thinking, but she didn’t know what her little brainhead was, what could she think of?

The pit suddenly fell into silence, except for the wriggling sound of the Blackwater Xuanyin snake, the scale armor rubbing on the ground.

“I remembered it!”

After a long time, I remembered a travel book that I had seen before, and my eyes lighted up and clapped the palm of my hand yelled: “Only magic can fight the devil … Uh, no, only ancient beast can deal with ancient beast!”

Qing Lin looked surprised, “Young Master, what do you think of?”


My face is full of excitement, Chen Yun said that there is only one solution to the golden snake, otherwise the Dou Sheng powerhouse is helpless, but this is for the current Dou Zhe world, if it is ancient?

The Dima is just like the golden snake, and it belongs to the ancient beast. It has endless magical powers, powerful medical power, and can solve 10000 poisons in the world!

It is just this ancient beast, which is almost invisible in the world today, and only one trace can be seen in Ancient Ruins who occasionally came out.

This invitation to Venerable’s inheritance should be regarded as Ancient Ruins, right?

Okay, I do n’t know the age of Venerable, but according to the travel notes, the horses live in Zhilin. The more the spiritual qi is, the larger the Zhilin is, the more likely it is to exist. Ground horse.

With such a large piece of Yinyuezhilin in front of me, there are 1000 lingzhi mushrooms on it.

“Ai, Di Ma?”

Qing Lin understood that as long as he found the ground horse, he could cure my poison, and he shouted happily, “Grab the ground horse, grab the ground horse ~”


I stopped Qing Lin’s cry, and Spiritual Strength covered this piece of Yinyuezhilin, which grew a small hill, and felt it carefully.

But in the end, my Spiritual Strength penetrated deep into the soil at every foot, and sensed countless insects such as ants, spiders, earthworms, but still didn’t notice the breath of the ground horse.

Qing Lin was also looking for it. Spiritual Strength swept through 4 squares and also found nothing. Liu Mei frowned slightly, lowering her voice and saying, “Young Master, why didn’t I find it?”

My face is a little unsightly. It stands to reason that if the ancient beast such as the earth horse really exists, the breath should be as conspicuous as the moon in the night sky. Impossible can hide my feelings …

Unless it actively hides, or does not exist at all.

“It may have temporarily left Zhilin and hid elsewhere in the burrow, but the ground horses need Zhilin to survive. It will not leave this burrow easily … Qing Lin, how big is this burrow?”

The ancient beasts such as gold snakes and silver horses can’t open intelligence. The cultivation base is even higher. The intelligence is also similar to ordinary Wild Beast, with more spirituality at most.

Of course, this also depends on the specific race, such as Nine Underworld Python, Heavenly Demon Phoenix, Ancient Void Dragon, which can also be regarded as an ancient beast, but they can all turn on intelligence and become human.

“This cave is quite big …”

Qing Lin bit his finger for a moment and suddenly remembered something, “Young Master, what does that ground horse look like? I’ve seen a small thing before, maybe it’s a ground horse.”

“The ground horse looks very much like a normal horse. It has four legs. It is very small, only the size of a human palm. The color should be white with a little golden light.”

I said something ambiguous, because I do n’t remember very clearly. It seems that I really want to read more books in the future. They are all Dou Zong powerhouse. It is also an Old Ancestor Fang in Dou Qi Continent. Why is the knowledge and vision so shallow?

That ’s like Chen Yun, an old fellow who knows so much!

“Putting it that way, I might have seen it.”

Qing Lin looked serious, took me to climb the back of the Blackwater Xuanyin snake, and drilled deep into the cave.

The area here is very large. There are mosses and mushrooms along the way, and there are not many traces of human survival. The huge body of the Blackwater Xuanyin snake swims past, and immediately presses these mosses and mushrooms into a pile of colorful pulp, leaving The obvious route.

After walking a little deeper, there gradually appeared an open stone room, either covered with dust or covered with moss.

In the end, Qing Lin took me to a corner. The two sides were smooth rock walls. At the corner below the rock wall was a small rock pool with some milk-white liquid.

Qing Lin pointed to the small pond, “I saw a white Little Brat bathing in it before, so cute, but it ran away as soon as I saw it.”

She also had a little regret in her tone. Sure enough, women like cute things, but I was dumbfounded again.

“9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid ?!”

I turned my head and looked at Qing Lin with complicated eyes. Did n’t you say that you have accepted the invitation of Venerable inheritance, why are there so many good things left here?

How do you accept inheritance? !

No, wait for the poison to be solved, I must search the entire inheritance again …… Ah no, check it again and fill in the vacancies for Qing Lin!

She was frightened by my eyes and shrank her head. Na Na said, “Sorry, Young Master, do you also want to take a shower with this spiritual liquid? But these spiritual liquids have been used by that Little Brat and are already dirty … … “

“Dirty ?!”

I was ridiculed by Qing Lin. 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid is more precious than the Core Quenching Body Milk Xiao Yan has obtained. It has the effect of washing bones and marrow.

If Dou Zhe of 9-Star Dou Wang Peak can take a few drops during breakthrough Dou Huang, the success rate of promotion can be improved a little, and it will also have a strong effect on Dou Huang.

So this 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid, not to mention just being bathed by the ground horse, even if I pull the urine into it and mix it evenly before throwing it out, it will also provoke a group of Dou Wang Dou Huang to break the head fight!

“So precious?”

Qing Lin was startled, and said with a small spit tongue: “In Heaven Snake House, Linger Senior Sister used this spiritual liquid to bathe me, I thought it was very cheap.”


Say I am dignified Dou Zong powerhouse, supervising the left envoy, Lord of a Country, why is it always shown off by a Dou Huang little girl? !

“Forget it…”

I wailed helplessly, squatting down by the pool, and observed: “There are footprints on the side, it should look like 4 legs, so small, and the shape is like a horseshoe mark … I guess it is really possible to horse!”

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