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“Young Master, how do we catch it?”

Qing Lin Spiritual Strength has swept through 4 squares, and no ground horses have been found. The ancient beast ’s breath can be easily distinguished from the environment.

I took out a jade bottle and put 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid into the bottle with Dou Qi, “According to the book, the ground horse is not at all attacking power, but is very good at escape, and travels through the soil extremely fast, breath also The perfect fuse with the earth can’t be found by Dou Zhe. “

This 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid is really a lot. I filled two jade bottles in a row to fill it up, but this thing is not very useful to me, it can only be used to speed up the healing of the wound. .

“Therefore, unless you are Earth Attribute Dou Zhe, you cannot use brute force, you have to be smart.”

Shaking the jade bottle, I said with a smile: “Qing Lin, have you ever caught a fish? Next, we will put down the bait and catch the ground horse!”

This land horse normally lives in Zhilin, feeds on lingzhi mushrooms, and occasionally runs to 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid to play in the bath.

Now that 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid has been taken away by me, there is only one place where the ground horse will appear-this piece of Chi Lin!

I poured a bottle of 9 Earth Sovereign spiritual liquid into a small bowl, and placed the small bowl on the edge of the Lingyue mushroom king of Yinyue, and pulled Qing Lin away from Zhilin.

“Next, just wait quietly.”

Let Qing Lin be in charge of staring, and I sat cross-legged and started to heal.

This time I was badly injured. In addition to the snake venom of Jin Jin drowning the silver snake, my right arm was severed, and my back, shoulders, left calf, etc. were all traumatized in different shades. Meridian and soul were also damaged. All need recuperation.

One after another, Medicinal Pill with different medicinal efficacy came down one after another. The pure medical power turned away within my body, I meditated with close eyes, and guided the medical power to heal the wound, and the injury began to gradually recover.



North Sky City, Korean War.

As Hong Xiao Tian killed the corpse of Han Family Asura, the battle had already set the result. The advantages of Hong Family gradually accumulated, and the battle situation did not change without the departure of Hong Xiao Tian.


A Han Family Dou Huang, who was still majestic before, spurt a mouthful of blood, but it is too much of the Medicinal Pill under the service. At this time, the body has reached the limit, and it ca n’t support such a huge medical power. Fleshy body begins. collapse.

At this time, if the violent medicinal power is immediately discharged outside the body, and then take the healing Medicinal Pill, get a good bed repair, maybe you can save it.

But at this time it was time for 2 families to fight, where did they retreat?

Hong Li was holding Xueliang’s big sword and was fighting with Han Chi. The Dou Qi, who was sternly murdered, soared into the sky, and his face was particularly fierce.

“Hahahaha, Han Chi, you Han Family can’t do it anymore, just go and bury for my son! Elders, kill!”

“Haha, kill, North Sky City is destined to be my Hong Family!”

The elders of Hong Family cheered in unison and walked away, and anyone can see that Han Family is already an arrow at the end of its flight and cannot be worn.

As long as you persist for a while, hold down the elders of Han Family, they don’t need them to do it. The backlash of Medicinal Pill can kill all of them.

The medicine is 30% poisonous, and Medicinal Pill can’t be eaten casually!

Han Yue is holding a long sword and fighting with two Hong Family elders. There are a lot of scars on the lovable body. The blood is stained with red clothes, and the eyes of water are full of sadness and despair.

Hong Family is close to 20 elders. At this time, 7 or 8 people have died, but Han Family has only died 4 or 5 people. In terms of casualties, Han Family has the advantage, but this is only the advantage brought by Medicinal Pill.

In a moment, the Medicinal Pill effect ends, and all elders of the entire Han Family can’t escape death!

“Family Head, what should we do? What should Han Family do!”

All Han Family elder realized that something was wrong, and there was a touch of grief on his face, but there was nothing he could do. No matter how they roared, they could not change the situation. Hong Family elder was not a weak hand.

Looking at Han Chi, not only the elder battlefield in the sky, but also the Dou Zhe battlefield on the ground, the Han Family number 1000 Dou Zhe is no longer supported, and it can’t withstand Hong Family Dou Zhe’s mad attack, losing all the way.

“Ah! ”

His eyes were bloodshot, roar towards the sky, the voice was full of sorrow, Han Family in North Sky City inheritance 1000 years, didn’t expect finally ruined in his hands!

“Escape, escape, all escape from North Sky City, as long as we can escape one, we can rebuild Han Family elsewhere, Han Family will not be extinct …”

Han Chi’s voice was low and hoarse, but although everyone could hear clearly, Han Family elder hesitated for a while. On the ground battlefield, the remnant Dou Zhe belonging to Han Family is like a river bank, and all of them are turning around to escape for 1000 miles, and all the streets and alleys of the city are scattered.

“Haha, do you still want to escape? The Hong Family belongs to me, they chase me, don’t let a Han Family run away, I want you all to be buried with my son!” Hong Li hissed.

“Hong Li, die!”

Han Chi’s eyes chilled, his hands pinched, and suddenly his with the body’s blood was burning, Dou Qi was burning, even soul was burning!

And the breath on him is also constantly skyrocketing, and the last bang, even crossed the barrier and reached the level of Dou Zong!

“Wax torch turns into ash”, a kind of explosive Secret Skill that burns all the power of Dou Zhe into power. Until the end, all the Fleshy body soul of Dou Zhe burned to a ray of smoke, and the soul returned to the dark …


Han Chi brandished his sword light, and his sword light fell like a meteor, with the fiery red burning everything and press forward, killing Hong Li!

Hong Li’s scalp is numb. He is only 9-Star Peak Dou Huang. Although there is also a desperate outbreak of Secret Skill, he is in the upper hand. Who wants to work hard with Han Chi?

“Hide! Hide! Hide!”

Death ’s breath assaults the senses, Hong Li ’s heart was frightened, all out revolving his body, and finally avoided the sword by a few centimetres. The sword light crossed from his left and fell into the North Sky City below. Rows of houses collapsed and flames rose.

“Yue Er, Xue Er, and you elders, Han Family has reached the point where they are today, all of me are useless as Clan Leaders …”

Han Chi’s tone was sad, but there was no fear of death, and he sighed, “Here is blocked by me, you leave quickly, find another place to rebuild Han Family.”

Han Yue’s eyes were red, bloodshot eyes were raised, and he cried, “Dad, it’s Yue Er’s fault. If it weren’t me … If I married Hong Chen, I wouldn’t kill him, everything will not be like this!”

“The heart of Hong Family is well known to passersby. Hong Family marries you in the end just to encroach on my Han Family. Without Dou Zong powerhouse sitting in town, my Han Family will not escape this robbery after all.”

Han Chi shook his head, a smile appeared on his face, “Yue Er, don’t be annoyed. I haven’t been selling women for life for 1000 years in Han Family inheritance … you will have to cultivate well, repair Dou Zong, and revive Han Family! “


Han Yue screamed, two tears were flowing on the beautiful face, mixed feelings in her heart, and the crying was silent.

“Go away, dad can’t hold it long.”

Han Chi turned around, turned his back to Han Yue, attacked azure clothes and fought against the elders of Hong Family alone.

“Never let the people of Han Family run away, otherwise I will be my Hong Family scourge in the future!”

Hong Li looked terrified and shouted: “Hong Lai elder, stopped Han Chi. The others followed me around Han Chi and killed them!”

Hong Lai is a gray-haired old man. Dou Huang has been around for 200 years. This year he is 100 7 13 years old, cultivation base 6-Star Dou Huang.

At this point, Hong Li was sighed, and he sighed and looked at the vicissitudes of life. “The old man is old, and he will make the last contribution to clan today. I hope Hong Family’s juniors will strengthen themselves, and the family Clan Leader will survive!”

When the words fell, a large amount of Medicinal Pill fell into the stomach, and then he also displayed Secret Skill, pointing to the battlefield of corpses everywhere across the field, and immediately the boundless blood rolled up and poured into him within the body.

This Secret Skill is to increase the strength by drawing Dou Zhe’s blood. At this time, Dou Zhe who died on the battlefield below is not only above 1000? Massive blood flowed into him within the body, the cultivation base surged from 6-Star Dou Huang to half-step Dou Zong in an instant, the breath became bloody and weird, Hong Lai and Han Chi slapped together.

Hong Li shouted and took more than a dozen Hong Family elder to bypass the 2 player battlefield and killed Han Family elder.

Some Han Family elder chose to escape to the distant sky, leaving a light and shadow in the sky; some left behind to block Hong Family elder, burning into flames and shining the sky.


Han Yue Han Xue 2 Sisters meet together, Han Xue looks at Han Chi who is fighting with blood, tears flash in the corners of his eyes.

Han Yue was also full of sorrow. At this time, she pulled the younger sister and flew to the sky far away, “Xue Er, let’s go fast, and after successfully cultivating it in the future, we must come back to revenge for Han Family, for father … to commemorate!”

Hong Li looked at the Han Family who had fled, and looked away from the others. He directly locked the sister Han Yue Han Xue 4 and flew across the body with a terrible face.

“Han Yue, kill me and want to escape? Leave your life!”

Han Yue face changed, Han Xue is just Dou Wang cultivation base, taking her with Hong Li who can’t fly at 9-Star Peak Dou Huang …

“Xue Er, hurry up!”

Han Yue released Han Xue’s hand and held her behind her with a sword. Han Xue sees tears flowing, father, elder sister, each and everyone, relatives and elders all choose to stay, only she is the most useless, has been running away!

“Elder sister, I don’t …”


Han Yue raised her eyebrows, and the cold yell interrupted Han Xue’s crying, pushing her to fly far away into the sky, and she greeted Hong Li with a sword.

“Broken 7 knives!”

Seeing the enemy who killed his son, Hong Li did not have any show mercy, and his first shot was Dou Technique at the bottom of the box.

7 blades of decapitation, a total of 7 blades, the blade is like the sea breaking the waves, endlessly, it is stronger than a blade, until the 7th blade is out, it is enough to cut a city!

Xueliang’s blade light suddenly appeared in the sky. Han Yue, who was stabbed, couldn’t open her eyes. She twitched and ran her strongest Dou Technique, greeted her with a sword.






Han Yue deserved to be a genius, even blocking Hong Li’s 4th sword, but after the 4th sword, her sword collapsed and flew out, Hong Li’s 5th sword fell, and she cut off her neck and neck.

Just like in the morning she wielded a sword and cut down the first level of Hong Chen, the blood of the beauty was no different from that of the genius.

The remnant sun is like blood, and the long day is finally over.

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