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“oh la la ……”

The huge rock wall was smashed by Blackwater Xuanyin and collapsed, revealing a huge burrow, the river in the underground channel poured into it, oh la la sounded.

“Qing Lin, what is calling you?”

I shouted anxiously, Fei Tian clone followed right behind, the whole body thunderbolt crackle sounded, and the lightning flash of the deep purple flashed the entire underground river channel, just like the god of thunder in the sky.

Both of his hands pinch tactics, one after another The little thunder python keeps blasting, hitting me within the body Qi and blood tumbling, and a mouthful of blood pouring into my throat, fishy and sweet, I swallowed it by force .

Lightning flash interlaced, the underground river was white, Qing Lin squeezed the skirt angle with both hands, the pretty face was also anxious with 10000 points, his eyes wide, looking at the cave exposed behind the rock wall.

“Young Master, that thing is deep in the grotto, Xiao Hei, let’s go in quickly and walk to the left, in that direction!”

Blackwater Xuanyin escaped from the surface of the river and flew directly from the sky. If the arrow of the string rushed into the dark and unknown cave, now we can only pin our hopes on something that does not know what.

“I hope it works …”

I am sighed, it is better than the hard fight between me and Blackwater Xuanyin and Fei Tian clone. If hard fight, odds are too low!

“He he he he, have you escaped, and have not died quickly!”

Fei Tian clone suddenly stopped the stature and stood above the river channel out of thin air. Purple Dou Qi violently fluctuated violently. Two thunder dragons appeared on his arms. He wrapped his arm as a pillar, and the dragon tail was hidden on the 2 shoulders. Aimed at me.

When two thunder dragons appeared around the column, my scalp tingled, and my instinct told me to escape, escape! This move can’t stop it, it’s death!

The 2 thunder dragons became clearer, the dragon head was proud, Dragon Claw was dreadful, and draconic scales were as vivid as real. 2 thunder dragons reappeared in the world. Breath also soared from 2-Star Dou Zong to 3-Star Dou Zong, and also On the rise.

“Do your uncle!”

He can no longer be charged, otherwise he will be destroyed in one stroke! I let out a long roar and flew towards Fei Tian clone.

“Qing Lin, you go first, I will hold him back!”

Deep purple lightning flash is extremely dazzling. I squinted slightly, but my heart was very cool. Although this Fei Tian is just a clone, I have 5-Star Dou Zong battle strength, and I am only 1-star Dou Zong. Can’t beat hard …

It seems to be a coincidence.

“Red dust billowing!”

With one finger, the “popularity” hua hua stored in the Storage Ring gushed out and turned into a strand of oxen needles that could not be seen by soul. Hiding the sky and covering the earth pierced towards Fei Tian clone.

If this move works, Fei Tian clone will lose control, and Dou Qi backlash will definitely hurt him!

“Well, what is it?”

But I underestimated a 7-Star Dou Zong, even if it was just a clone.

He frowned, and soon noticed that something was wrong in the air in front of him. Although he saw nothing, he felt threatened.

“Hmph, sneaky means, but some demons and monsters, look at me 10000 thunder!”

Fei Tian clone One heart 2 use, and then apply a Dou Technique, with the body Thunder Attribute Dou Qi The vibration continues, there is a great voice of “dong! Dong! Dong!” Outside the body, like thunder and drum sound , Reverberating in the underground river, shocked by 4 waves on the river.

But in my eyes, I saw that the oxen needles stabbed at him were shattered and dissipated into a disordered popularity.

Red dust billowed, was unto the front to unravel!

My face is white, “Red Dust Rolling” is an extremely important humane Dou Technique, has always been unfavorable, didn’t expect was turned to unravel today.

“7-Star Dou Zong, it really kills people!”

My face was full of bitter smiles. At this time, Fei Tian clone may be because of anger, or maybe self-confidence, before the charge accumulation was completed, the attack was launched in advance.

His left arm was shocked, the thunder dragon wrapped around his arm came out of his hand, and his body continued to grow in size while rushing towards me, blinking from the length of his arm to several zhang long, the whole body of Lehman shining, the breath of breath was 4- Star Dou Zong battle strength!

I’m just 1-star Dou Zong …

“Electric Fire Thunder Car!”

In the lightning flash, I was extremely crazy, clenched my left fist, wrapped around the light purple thunderbolt, and punched the thunder dragon with a punch, but the result was not unexpected, and was directly hit into the cave.

Indistinctly, I heard a series of crisp sounds, but my ribs were broken, and a large mouthful of blood spurted from the corners of my mouth, but the blood was evaporated and cleaned by the high pressure thunderbolt on the surface of the thunder dragon. As a ray of green smoke scattered.


The purple thunder dragon raised his head high and looked down at me. There were no feelings in the eyes of the crystal purple. He slammed his head towards me, and his body had not yet arrived. The scattered and scattered Rayman had already charged me. Pain, large pieces of skin cracked and blackened.

Just when I was desperate, a whisper suddenly sounded in the depths of the cave, again Qing Lin!

“Do not hurt Young Master!”

The thunder dragon looks like an oversized energy-saving lamp. The dazzling lightning flash illuminates the whole cave. I turned my head stiffly, but I saw the white lightning flash shining, Qing Lin flew in a green skirt, and a huge float appeared. The snake shadow, or the snake shadow of 9 heads, a total of 8 green snake eyes overlooking the thunder dragon, cold and indifferent.

Damn, where did this snake shadow come from Qing Lin?

It won’t be here!

Qing Lin pretty face is full of anger, extreme anger, the onion jade index finger is pointing at the thunder dragon in front of me, and I do n’t know what is going on. The thunder dragon at 4-Star battle strength in front of me collapses It shattered and instantly transformed into a huge Heaven and Earth energy dissipated in the cave.

“Too, too great …”

I ’m stupefied. This move is a bit over, Qing Lin, she is only 4-Star Dou Huang, actually killed a 4-Star Dou Zong level thunder dragon in seconds?

Xiao Yan is also absolutely this!

“Young Master, are you okay?”

Qing Lin flew over, Ruyan threw herself into my arms, looked at the scars all over me, and began to tears in the corners of his eyes, and could not wipe the tears with his small hands.

“Wu wu wu, Young Master, you are injured, don’t die Ah!” Said, she took out a bunch of Medicinal Pill from the Storage Ring, and then put it in my mouth to feed me.

I glanced at Medicinal Pill, and my face changed abruptly. “That red Medicinal Pill is Poison Pill, right?”

Qing Lin looked down, suddenly jumped up in a panic, his hands were sloppy, “Here, this is Poison Pill used by Linger Senior Sister for my body protection, Young Master, I will take it away!”

“Who broke my thunder dragon!”

Fei Tian clone roared, rushed into the cave, his eyes immediately locked on the 9-headed snake phantom behind Qing Lin, his face changed suddenly, and his face was astonished expression.

“This, this kind of breath, turned out to be Ancient Heavenly Snake?”

Ancient Heavenly Snake is the ancestor of Nine Underworld Python, one of the three Magic Beast clans. It is said that the first ancestor of Ancient Heavenly Snake on Dou Qi Continent is the emperor-level Magic Beast, and the other Ancient Heavenly Snake, as long as they are adults Both are 3th-Rank Magic Beast, comparable to Human Race Dou Sheng powerhouse!

Suddenly seeing the existence of an Ancient Heavenly Snake at this time, Fei Tian clone could not be tolerated.

But soon he came back to his senses, coldly snorted and said: “Ancient Heavenly Snake has long been extinct, this Ancient Heavenly Snake is just a ray of Remnant Soul.”

“The things that have been swept into the pile of old papers have dared to run out for sin, and today this soul flew away and scattered you, completely destroying your ancient Heavenly Snake family!”

I hurriedly served 2 Medicinal Pills, forcing Qing Lin to block behind, looking back at the 9-headed snake phantom, didn’t expect turned out to be legendary Ancient Heavenly Snake?

“Qing Lin, can this snake soul do?”

Ancient Heavenly Snake’s name is so big, now it is just a strand of Remnant Soul. Feng Huang is not as good as a chicken. Can it do Fei Tian clone?

Qing Lin nodded, pretty face full of self-confidence, “Young Master, I think Xiao 9 can do it!”

Small, small 9?

I was speechless for a while, such a majestic ancient Nine-Headed Heavenly Snake … Qing Lin, can you take the name level and get worse?

“Then go on.”

Qing Lin nodded, raised his hand to Fei Tian clone, shouted: “Go on, small 9!”

Xiao 9 nine heads sizzled, the stature flicked, and even shrunk to less than the size of a chopstick, detached from Qing Lin behind, and flew towards Fei Tian like an arrow from the string.

Fei Tian clone roared, thunder dragon flew out of his right arm, fully 5-Star Dou Zong battle strength, flew to the small 9, Dragon Claw grim, aggressive!

But Xiao 9 didn’t fight thunder dragon at all, and after a sham shot, he directly plunged into Fei Tian clone within the body, and even launched the most fierce, mysterious and cruel soul battle with him.

The battle of souls is usually difficult to be good, cannot escape, and has no draw. It is often necessary to end with the soul flew away and scattered on one side. It is an unending battle as soon as the battle begins!

I was shocked and relieved. Xiao 9 was just a ray of Remnant Soul. There was no Dou Qi at all. Choosing the battle of soul was the best way to do it.

A snake soul and a clone immediately launched a soul war in this cave. Perhaps there was not enough Spiritual Strength. The 5-Star battle strength thunder dragon was out of control and broke into Heaven and Earth energy.

The water in the channel is still pouring back into the grotto, hua hua rang, and it has spread to the feet of Qing Lin and me. The river is cold, soaking the shoes and socks of the two of us.

Blackwater Xuanyin does not know when it has turned into a human form, the whole body is not in an inch, barefoot stepping out of the deep cave on the water flower, the 7-foot-high lovable body is hiding in Qing Lin behind less than 6 feet, looking head towards the head Tian clone seems a little funny.

Is this afraid of small 9?

I was stunned for a while, and yes, Blackwater Xuanyin is only 7th-Rank Magic Beast, still a genus of snakes, and it ’s normal to be afraid of Ancient Heavenly Snake …

But you can’t run out without wearing clothes!

I touched my nose and took a long indigo dress from the Storage Ring to put on her. She turned her head violently and threw her tongue at me for a while.

“si si 嘶!”

I glared at him, “Speak human!”


“Then you have to wear clothes!”

Blackwater Xuanyin resisted a bit, rubbing against me, but I was forced to put on a long skirt to cover up the lithe and graceful lovable body of the tempting crime.

At this time, the battle between Xiao 9 and Fei Tian clone’s soul was finally over, Xiao 9 flew back to Qing Lin within the body, and Fei Tian clone was destroyed, and the place collapsed into a ray of Heaven and Earth energy disappeared without a trace.

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