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In the cave, Fei Tian clone has no fleshy body. After being defeated by Xiao 9, the whole body shattered into Heaven and Earth. The energy dissipated and nothing was left.

Such a great enemy dissipated, letting me grow relaxed, and the escape along the way could finally sit down and take a breath.

“Qing Lin, what is this snake soul? Fei Tian said it is Ancient Heavenly Snake, but I remember that Ancient Heavenly Snake does not have 9 heads Ah!”

Qing Lin also looked blank, “Young Master, this may be a variant of Ancient Heavenly Snake. There is a large snake skeleton deep in the burrow. I found the small 9 from there. You look understood in the past.”

3 People walked deep into the cave, the terrain inside was higher, and the river didn’t spread in again. The rock wall all around didn’t look like a natural cave, but was dug by Dou Qi.

“Is it possible that this is the lair before 9?”

Going deep into the cave, a huge scarlet stone suddenly appeared in front of me. The scarlet stone was extremely flat, and a huge white skeleton was entrenched on it.

It seems to be the skeleton of the serpent race Magic Beast, but it diverged from the neck and neck, and there appeared nine monstrous and huge snake heads, one of which was facing me. The fangs were white, and the eyes were hollow, which scared me. jump!

“A big skeleton, if it is straightened, it looks like a huge zhang, right?”

I was full of marvels, the figure of thehundred zhang, 9 snake heads, just think of such a big thing hovering in the sky, is it not worse than the Divine Dragon?

It is worthy of 8th-Rank Magic Beast, comparable to the existence of Dou Sheng powerhouse!

“si si 嘶…”

Blackwater Xuanyin no longer speaks human words. Even though this huge snake bone has been dead for countless years, Jiwei is still there. This is the fear that is deep in her Bloodline.

Xiao 9 was on Qing Lin, she didn’t dare to join Qing Lin, she was shrinking to me at the moment, shiver coldly.

I hugged her in my arms for a while to appease, but the effect was not great. The Bloodline between Magic Beast and the level suppression were too great. If it was just a bone in front of me, I am afraid she would not stand steadily.

“Fei Tian clone can catch up, I am afraid that there is something wrong with what we took from Wind and Thunder North Pavilion …”

This Ancient Heavenly Snake was beautiful again before his death, and now he is dead, turning into a dead bone in the tomb. I still have to look at the moment. Before I just defeated a clone of Fei Tian, ​​Fei Tian’s body is still a big threat.

I will take out what I got from Wind and Thunder North Pavilion, there are more than ten Qi Method Dou Technique Secret Skills on the top of Scripture Pavilion, and Medicinal Pill armor from Qingfeng Building.

“Qing Lin, can you let Xiao 9 look at it and break the above small means?”

While inquiring, I looked closely at myself, but found nothing wrong, everything is normal, maybe my cultivation base is too low to see?

“Small 9, come out and help Young Master take a look.”

Qing Lin whispered, but the result was 9 not at all showing up, still shrinking to her within the body, she was anxious and shouted a few more words but throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, little 9 No response.

I was secretly strange, seeing Qing Lin crying in a hurry, and quickly asked aloud, “Qing Lin, what’s wrong?”

“Young Master, Xiao 9, it is not at all controlled by me, just attracted by Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils, and ran to me within the body … it does n’t listen to me now!”

“What, you didn’t control it ?!”

I was taken aback. I thought Xiao 9 was like Blackwater Xuanyin, which had been completely controlled by Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils. Or did it go to Qing Lin within the body?

“Fuck, shouldn’t it be something that wants to do something to you, reincarnated in someone else’s body?”

This old Remnant Soul note left over from ancient times, even voluntarily ran to Qing Lin within the body. It would be scary to think about it, wouldn’t it be the greedy Qing Lin body?

After all, Qing Lin has the enviable Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils!

Qing Lin was frightened, and his face was white. “No, No way? Reincarnated in someone else’s body and so on, I’m not a snake, shouldn’t I go find Xiaohei?”

“si si 嘶!”

I scratched my head distressedly, really wave after wave.

I thought it was a great opportunity, and 5-Star Dou Zong could wave it away. The result was an old Remnant Soul sliver with unclear intentions.

It’s really difficult to mix up outside, so hurry up and go to the entrance of the Snake-Person ancestral land. With Venerable Tian Huo and Wang Ping in, the situation should be much better. “

When I looked at the things received by Wind and Thunder North Pavilion, although I knew they might provoke Fei Tian, ​​I still couldn’t bear to throw them …

“The sea is vast!”

I whispered and added a layer of “the vast sea of ​​people” to these things. This move can blind even Heavenly Tribulation. No matter what means Fei Tian uses, should it be blinded as well?

After taking these things back into the Storage Ring, I thought about it and felt that it was a little unsafe, and once again put a “popular sea of ​​people” into the Storage Ring, and finally put another time on me, Qing Lin, Blackwater Xuanyin …

3 layers before and after, must be useful? !

After busy working on these, I greeted them and left, but Qing Lin suddenly hesitated, Liu Mei frowned, “Young Master, Xiao 9 said that this scarlet stone is condensed with spiritual liquid in the middle, which can quench the body, which has a great deal for me benefit……”

“Spiritual liquid?”

After learning that Xiao 9 was not under the control of Qing Lin, my vigilance against it reached its full value, especially now that I am attentive and stolen!

Spiritual Strength swept the scarlet stone, and I tried to infiltrate it, but I was surprised to find that the stone texture was extremely close. My Spiritual Strength was isolated and could not penetrate.

“Some doorways!”

I jumped forward and came to the middle of the scarlet stone, all around is the Ancient Heavenly Snake skeleton entwined together, huge and gloomy.

I ignored the bones, looked at the scarlet stones under the feet of my feet, and used the Fleshy body to hit it with brute force.


The scarlet stone was not hard, and it cracked down inch by inch with my fist.

I didn’t stay. I punched dozens of fists in succession. There were more and more stone cracks. My left hand, Dou Qi, rushed out, wrapped these rubbles, and threw them out.

Suddenly, the center of the scarlet stone was cut through by me, and the inside was hollow. There was a semi-solidified scarlet liquid naked and exposed. A long, majestic and vicious breast came along. Somehow familiar.

“Little 9 ?!”

I was stunned for a while, looked at the huge bones on the scarlet stone, and suddenly understood. At the beginning, Xiao 9 was probably not dying, but violent death.

He was seriously injured, and eventually died after escaping here, and the blood of his within the body flowed out of the wound, poured on this scarlet stone, and a pool of spiritual liquid was condensed in Shixin!

Qing Lin’s face showed a happy look, “Young Master, Xiao 9 didn’t lie to me, there really is spiritual liquid!”

I shook my head, but I felt something was wrong, especially the pool of spiritual liquid was probably condensed by the blood of Xiao 9, which made me more vigilant.

It made Qing Lin use this spiritual liquid to quench the body, what is the idea?

is it possible that is the transformation of the human body before the body possession. Will the Fleshy body Tempered of Qing Lin be stronger and more suitable for its body possession?

“No, won’t it be so scary …”

Qing Lin shrank her neck and was afraid again, but unfortunately Xiao 9 had already relied on her within the body, and she couldn’t leave.

“Young Master, if we don’t care about this spiritual liquid, let’s go quickly.”

I am reluctant because I can feel that this scarlet spiritual liquid contains extremely powerful energy, which is of great benefit to me. I can Tempered my fleshy body and make my fleshy body stronger!

Power, after coming to Central Plain, has been chased and killed by people, especially just killed by Fei Tian clone, especially Fei Tian itself is still a great threat …

I have never thought of craving power so much now!

“Qing Lin, Blackwater Xuanyin, you guys are my Custodian, this spiritual liquid … I’ll absorb it!”

I glanced at Qing Lin, as if I saw the little 9 hidden in her with the body, trifling died together, I do n’t know how many years, Ancient Heavenly Snake Remnant Soul, who has been swept into the garbage by history, how afraid? !

This spiritual liquid is absorbed by Lao Tzu, you come to bite me Ah!

clenched the teeth, I jumped into the scarlet spiritual liquid in the center of the scarlet stone, I am not simply above, although the spiritual liquid is likely to be transformed from the blood of the small 9, but there must be many coincidences and large Naturally, Xiao 9 estimates that these spiritual liquids have long been out of control and cannot do anything.

And the goal of Xiao 9 is most likely to be Qing Lin with Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils. Even if I absorb this pool of spiritual liquid, Xiao 9 will not change the target, I am still safe.

This pool of scarlet spiritual liquid is extremely viscous and is in a semi-solidified state. After I jumped in, I seemed to jump into the jelly. The movement of the body was greatly restricted … Although I have never eaten such a large jelly .

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