
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Going back to the Star Meteor Pavilion mountain gate, the news that Star Meteor Pavilion won the first prize at the Four-Way Pavilion Grand Meeting spreads. Everyone knows that the missing three-year-old Qing Luan Senior Sister suddenly returned, killing the others in the first round. Three Pavilion’s Seeded Contestant, who won the championship in one fell swoop, was extremely strong, and there were cheers all over the mountain.

After a busy day in Heavenly Star City, everyone was tired. Venerable Feng called Star Meteor Pavilion a group of elders to talk about it for a while, and announced that all disciplines in the door would be rewarded for a month of “monthly payment”, and then dismissed the elders and were alone. Came to a small courtyard in the door.

This is the hospitality courtyard where Xiao Yi Xian, Zi Yan and the others stayed temporarily, and Mu Qing Luan is also here to host us.


Seeing that Venerable Feng suddenly arrived, Mu Qing Luan was like a student who was mistaken and found by Teacher. He suddenly released my hand and stood up.

Venerable Feng nodded, but his heart is gloomy. Until now, where can he not see Mu Qing Luan’s thoughts?

“Damn it, this Smelly Brat dare to abduct Lao Tzu ’s discipline. If you are really Yao Chen ’s disciple, the old man is an admit defeat, but if you want to conspiracy, Lao Tzu will not break your leg, Throw mountainside to keep you for life! “

Venerable Feng secretly gritted his teeth, sat down on the stone bench in front of me, and extended the hand, “Boy, bring it.”

“What is it?”

I blinked and looked at the old fellow with an unfathomable mystery look. I did n’t drink a few sips of tea. What did you suddenly run for? I didn’t take your Star Meteor Pavilion or anything.

“Trust Ah!”

Venerable Feng is coldly snorted, “old man is going to pick up that Xiao Yan here, do n’t you want to write a letter to old man?”


Xiao Yan is now in the Nalan empire, where is my site. Star Meteor Pavilion has many powerhouses. The people of Star Meteor Pavilion ran to Nalan empire to pick up Xiao Yan. If something happened on the way, it would be me who suffered.

I immediately wrote a letter to Star Meteor Pavilion to explain the situation, let the Nalan Empire cooperate with Star Meteor Pavilion’s actions, and let Xiao Yan feel at ease, don’t worry.


I put on the large seal that monitors the left envoy. I blew the wet ink, stuffed it into the envelope, and handed it to Venerable Feng. It was inexplicable to give people an “introduction letter.”

“hehe, Senior Feng, kid has a small thing to ask for, and Senior Wang can agree.”

Venerable Feng received the letter and raised his eyelids. “Let me talk about what happened first.”

“hehe, little things, little things.”

I rubbed my hands, some sorry said: “I ’m not leaving the Nalan empire for almost three years and have n’t gone back. I want to write a few Feng Family books to go back. There are also some things I want to send back. Since Senior wants to send someone Go to the Nalan Empire and help me bring it back together? “

This is actually the case?

Venerable Feng gave me a surprised look, didn’t expect me to be so value emotion, value friendship, and immediately nodded agreed.

I was delighted for a while, facing Venerable Feng with a lot of gratitude. Last time I was too rushed, and only let Qing Lin carry a few words of speech. How is that enough?

Entering the room of the other court, opening the pen and paper on the case, Xiao Yi Xian was studying ink on the side. After I brushed my thoughts, I quickly wrote a pen, Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran, Xiao Mei Er, Xiao Yu, Yun Yun, Nalan Sun Er, Nalan Jie, Hai Bodong, Ya Fei …

When I finished writing, I counted down, and I actually wrote more than a dozen letters. On the case, it was a thick stack. The time has passed for more than an hour, and it was almost dark outside.

“It’s so late?”

I whispered, it ’s definitely not enough to have a letter alone, and a gift must be prepared by one person!

In Central Plain, I searched several warehouses and got a lot of good things. Many of them were useless to me. After all, I was already Dou Zong powerhouse, but they were just right for Xiao Yan.

“With these things, Nalan Jie may be able to promote Dou Huang, the cultivation speed of Sister Yanran, Meier, Xiao Yu is too slow, and they are also very helpful to them, and Yun Yun … well, I hope she can Promote Dou Zong. “

Everyone needs me to worry about this!

Xiao Yi Xian slightly smiled, discussing with me, who should prepare what kind of gift, this kind of feeling is very good, two people write a home book together, send it to relatives and friends who are far away from hundred and fifty Going to a gift is like …


Xiao Yi Xian pretty face blushed, bowed his head in shame.

When all the work is done, another hour has passed, the sky has completely darkened, and stars and moon appear in the night sky.

“Same as in Small World, Sun, Moon and Stars here are all Great World projections, not true.”

I was out of the room side by side with Xiao Yi Xian, and looked up at the star moon in the sky, and I saw the problem at a glance. This is also normal. This small space is only a hundred miles away. Where can I accommodate the real Sun, Moon and Stars?

You have to support it!

“I said you brat is too procrastinating, can it take so long to write a family book?”

Venable Feng, who waited until dark in the afternoon, said a little uncomfortably. If he were Dou Zhe, he would have been accustomed to meditating all year round. He had excellent patience and might have left his sleeves early.

“Hehe, Senior forgive me, there are many kids in the family, so it takes a little longer.”

I handed over a Storage Ring, and the letter and gifts were put in it. Venerable Feng reached out and took it, laughed, “We can start to go to Yao Chen when Xiao Yan takes over.”

I was a little stunned, “Senior Feng, the Nalan Empire is far away in the northwest territory, but it will take a while to go back and forth. Ca n’t we go to rescue Old Yao first?”

“This is natural, but we do n’t know where Yao Chen is being held by Soul Palace. The old man intends to send someone to pick up Xiao Yan and send someone to search for the whereabouts of Yao Chen.”

I curl one’s lip and know that Venerable Feng is an excuse. In the final analysis, I still don’t trust me. In fact, I probably know where Old Yao is being detained-Central Plains, Western Region, a Soul Palace Side named “Hades” Branch Palace!

Old Yao was imprisoned here before, but was later alarmed by Xiao Yan and transferred to a Soul Palace Side-Branch Palace in the Mountain Range of the Undead.

It ’s just that I ca n’t tell the information, otherwise I ca n’t explain why I know the information.

when the time comes is likely to cause Venerable Feng ’s vigilance, and some unnecessary misunderstandings, if you treat me as a Soul Palace spy, and capture me to be assassinated or tortured, it ’s funny!

“In this case, Senior Feng is asked to find out as soon as possible, and if it is possible, Pill Tower may be able to find it together. Old Yao was originally the Alchemist of the name shakes the whole world. I think there are many old friends in Pill Tower. . ”

“That group of Alchemist contacts is not what we can compare. It’s much faster than us to find someone.”

In fact, the whereabouts of Old Yao in the past were investigated by Xiao Yan through Pill Tower. As a force with the same name as Soul Palace, the heritage of Pill Tower is obviously not comparable to that of a small Star Meteor Pavilion.

Venerable Feng looking thoughtful, “Return to the old man and go to Pill Tower in person. If you can move them together, the hope of saving Yao Chen is much greater.”

“There are also those powerhouses that had been favored by Yao Chen. They can also be found together to rescue Yao Chen and attack the Side-Branch Palace of Soul Palace … this is a hard fight!”

Finally, Venerable Feng took the Storage Ring and turned away, but did not walk out a few steps, and suddenly looked back, looking at Mu Qing Luan, who did not mean to leave, with a sullen face.

“Qing Luan, today’s Grand Meeting game, you worked hard, don’t you go back to rest soon?”

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