
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“This old undying one!”

I looked at the bright moonlight far away and walked behind Venerable Feng behind, Mu Qing Luan, who was moving away, cursed in a whisper.

Although Mu Qing Luan stays, nothing will happen, but this old fellow’s tube is so wide, and his hands are so long, it still makes me uncomfortable.

“Nalan Ye, this is Star Meteor Pavilion, and Mu Qing Luan lives here, which has a bad influence on her.”

Xiao Yi Xian comfortably whispered, but Mu Qing Luan, who looked down at her head and left her head in despair, was slightly raised at the corner of her mouth, looking very happy.

In the three years of the Snake-Person ancestry, her relationship with Mu Qing Luan was really good. The two grew vegetables together and weeded together. They also lived with me in a palace at night, and they had a good relationship with each other.

But now that it ’s out, naturally it ’s time to go back to each house, and Qing Lin and Cai Lin each and everyone are gone, so Mu Qing Luan should go too!

I looked around the other courtyard and suddenly found something was wrong, “What about Zi Yan that girl? Why is it missing.”

“She, it is estimated that she was bored in the other courtyard and went out to play.” Xiao Yi Xian replied.

“Will that happen?”

“In Zi Yan’s cultivation base, the accident should also be caused by the person of Star Meteor Pavilion.”

“I ’m just worried about the Star Meteor Pavilion ’s accident Ah!”

I blinked, looked towards Xiao Yi Xian, and said seriously: “We eat Star Meteor Pavilion now, drink Star Meteor Pavilion, and hurt their people again, isn’t it good?”

Especially Venerable Feng is still doubting my identity.

Xiao Yi Xian Liu Mei twitched, suddenly looked towards the gate of the other courtyard, “Someone is here … not Zi Yan.”

Under the cool moonlight, someone came slowly outside the courtyard, dressed in Star Meteor Pavilion disciple azure robe, with a sword in the corner of his eyes, walking in a hurry, a tall and thin man, fiercely looking at me “You are Nalan Ye?”

My heart startled, I would n’t say anything. What happened to Zi Yan so quickly at Star Meteor Pavilion, the other party came to the door?

“That … I did n’t ask for an extra dinner.”

The visitor was stunned, “I am not here to deliver dinner.”

“I don’t know a petite little girl named Zi Yan!”

“Who is Zi Yan?”

The comrade was stunned again, and immediately reacted. Fly into a rage out of humiliation stared at me, “Nalan Ye, you do n’t say anything about this, I ’m here to find you!”

This man lifts the head, the moonlight of silver white shines on his face, not anyone else, but Kong Fang.

He came here very early, but because Mu Qing Luan had been staying in the other courtyard, and even Venerable Feng came over in person, Kong Fang could only wait.

Until now, Venerable Feng and Mu Qing Luan have left, this guy only jumped out.

“Come on, let me see what you are capable of, and actually turn Qing Luan Senior Sister into cheating!”

Kong Fang coldly snorted, with a sound of “qi”, a flash of cold light flashed, he pulled out a long sword around his waist, staring at me fiercely, “I will beat you, and then tell Qing Luan Senior Sister, like You guys with oily noodles are not good enough for her! “

Oil … oil noodles? !

My face shivered. From childhood, after so many years, it was the first time someone used this word to describe me. It really is …

Does this boast how handsome I am?

“Do you like Qing Luan Junior Sister?”

I looked him up and down a bit, but it was somewhat unexpected. With the talent and appearance of Mu Qing Luan, it stands to reason that the status of Star Meteor Pavilion is like Feng Qing Er of Wind and Thunder Pavilion. A large group of male disciple loves.

“Why do you think you beat me, you can make Qing Luan Junior Sister like you?”

I looked at Kong Fang unfathomable mystery. “Frankly, I just met Qing Luan Junior Sister three years ago. I was often hit on the ground. This time I came to Star Meteor Pavilion. The reason is also to meet the enemy and escape. “

“Look, I’m not invincible. There are many people who can beat me. I’m often beaten and battered and exhausted, but …”

“Qing Luan Junior Sister has never turned her head to like the person who beat me. She has always been by my side, taking care of me carefully.”

I stood down, looking at this guy indifferently, “So even if you beat me, Qing Luan Junior Sister will not like you. This fight is meaningless, you should leave now … “

I’m still busy eating dinner!

I have been writing letters before, preparing gifts, and then talking to Venerable Feng, and my gu gu called early. Finally, Venerable Feng was sent away. As a result, you ran again and again, sincerely want to starve me, right? ?

“Oh, you are such a waste!”

Kong Fang sarcastically looked at me, instead of being influenced by my path, he was unsatisfied with contempt, “I am often beaten by someone? What qualifications do you like as waste wood and Qing Luan Senior Sister? “

“You must have deceived Qing Luan Senior Sister with rhetoric, I will break your leg, let you kneel in front of Qing Luan Senior Sister, let her see your true face thoroughly!”

Me 😕 ? ?

Are you sick?

I do n’t understand your reasoning, do you?

Look for a fight!

“A trifling 1-star Dou Zong, if you don’t give Old Feng a face, Laozi slapped you early, and dare to keep pushing me in front of me?”

I laughed angrily, since the truth is unclear, I can only do it.

Well, just do n’t kill me.

Neither can I start first.

“Kong Fang, what do you think you are, do you think Qing Luan Junior Sister does n’t like me, and will look at you? Tell you, Qing Luan Junior Sister does n’t marry forever and will never like you. Such a person! “

“you are courting death!”

The words seemed to speak of Kong Fang ’s pain point, his face instantly languished, he roared, stature rushed towards me, his long sword was cut, divided into three, and turned into three sword light at the same time towards me Chop.

This guy still has some things.

Unfortunately, this sword technique is much worse than Tang Ying of Myriad Sword Pavilion!

I am too lazy to use the nine-section copper mace, eyes slightly narrowed, watching the three sword lights cut tightly, purple Dou Qi gushing from within the body, condensing into a layer of Dou Qi defense on the right hand arm, Then quickly a finger pointed.

“bang! bang! bang!”

Three crisp sounds, along with my a finger pointed, three sword lights shattered at the same time.

Kong Fang was startled and looked at me like hell, “You, how did you unravel me this move!”

“Such a poor sword technique, to unravel is to unravel, what’s good to make a fuss about nothing?”

My coldly smiled, I do n’t have any feelings for the guy who came to you, Mu Qing Luan is not your fiancee, let alone me and Mu Qing Luan, I am Mu Qing Luan rolling sheets, and mind your own business?

Dare to come here to find me happy!

“Snake Bend!”

My right hand was wrapped around Thunder Strength, and I punched a punch towards Kong Fang ’s face. He hurriedly waved his sword to block it, but he saw lightning flash, and I suddenly appeared beside him. A punch fiercely hit his waist. There was a scream like a pig killing under the night sky.

ps: It ’s gone tonight, just three chapters.

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