Hi readers!

Thank you for following the story of Nick and Kim from the first book My Navy Seal. I will be writing this book in the first-person.



I open my eyes slowly. I can not hear anything except the buzzing sound in my ears. I look around me but all I see are small flakes of paper falling from the sky. It is almost like someone threw ash in the air which is making its way back to earth.

I am trying to remember what happened but all I can recall is that Nick asked me to marry him. I remember how I felt as emotions of joy and extreme love filled my heart. But after that, it all is but only a blur.

Every time I close my eyes to wink, it is as if I am taking a picture of what I am seeing. I am laying on my back and I see is a dust cloud is covering everything around me. I can not make a lot of things out as nothing is clear to see. I am a little bit confused and do not understand exactly what happened.

I turn to the left and I see that the bed on which I was lying, is now on the ground on its side next to me. It is as if it was used as some sort of shield. Then I feel something heavy on top of me. I look down and I see that Nick is lying on me. It is almost as if he was protecting me from something.


I need to know if he is okay. So, I lift up my hands to touch him in the hopes for a response but as I lift up my hand extreme pain shoots through my wrist. I must have hurt my wrist in some way. Then I lift up my other hand touching him on his back.


I feel a soft touch on my back and I know who it is. I am so happy to feel her touch as I was wondering if we will make it through the blast. The last thing that I remember is holding tight onto her and rolling on the ground while putting the bed between us and the bomber. Then everything went black.

I quickly roll of Kim and make sure that there are no injuries on her body and then I say to her.

"Kim, are you okay?"

I see her smiling at me and I am so glad that she is okay. Then she says in the most gentle voice.

"I am okay and you?"

Then it is as if I realized that maybe I should check myself for any injuries. I move my arms and legs figuring out if everything is still working properly. Except for a few bumps and scratches I am fine and the usual leg that is in a bit of pain.

It is probably because I was jumping to get some cover from the blast and I had to use my leg. I pull myself closer to Kim and then kiss her softly on the cheek. Then I say to her.

"I am fine. I am glad you are okay. Just stay down here for me, okay?"

I watch as she nods her head in agreement and I know by now that she listens when I tell her to do something in situations like this. She has always been a good partner in almost everything that we did together.

I slowly stand up and analyze my surroundings as I do not know if there is another bomber or somebody that is checking if we are dead. I wish that I had my gun with me but I will do what I can, to save us. As I look over the bed I only see destruction and no people in sight.

I stand up and hop on my one leg over to the door to see if I can see any enemies waiting for us. But I see nothing. I still struggling to hear what is going on around me because of the buzzing sound in my ear.

I then go back to Kim once I have secured our surroundings and then I help her upright. I take her by the hands and then I hear her moan.


"What is wrong? Are you hurt?"

"Yeah, do not worry. I think it is just my wrist but I will be fine. How is your leg?"

"Do not worry about it. It is still the same"


As Nick helps me to stand up it is as if my hearing returns to me and what I hear almost brings tears to my eyes. I listen as people scream and sirens ringing loudly. I need to go and help those people because the doctor in me can not just stand here and do nothing.

"Nick, we need to go and help those people"

I have not even finished my sentence yet when I see him walking out the door, holding my hand. It is clear to me that we are thinking the same thing and now, more than ever, I know that he is the one I want to be with for the rest of my life.

Then it is as if I remember that he asked me a very important question and I have not given him an answer yet. I pull Nick's hand back slightly to make him stop for a while and then I say.

"Nick, you asked me to marry you? Did that really happened?"

I watch you as his face turns into pure joy and then he smiles while he says.

"Yes, doc…yes, that really happened"


I watch as this beautiful woman asks me if I have really asked her to marry me. I can not help as I answer her with complete enthusiasm and excitement. Just the thought of maybe being married to her completes me in every part of my life.

I never had one doubt that she could probably be my soulmate but there is a nervousness that is residing within my being as I wonder if she feels the same way. Then I watch as her face turns into even a more exquisite woman than what she already is, with the blush playing on her face.

"Then, I would like to answer you now because our lives seem to be somewhat unpredictable but when I answer you. I want you to know that this is the only thing that I am a hundred percent sure of... Nick Roberts, yes...yes...I will marry you. I will marry you over and over again"

I can not contain my excitement anymore as I do not care to stand on my leg or not. I pick her up and hug her tightly while covering her with butterfly kisses. Then I stop in the midst of me holding her tight and then say to her.

"Is this for real? You are not playing with me?"


Excitement is bubbling over in my heart as I feel Nick's strong arms around me. I could not be happier than in this moment right now. There is no other man that I want in my life. He has completed me in ways that no one else has ever done for me.

Then as I feel as he puts me down and I see the doubt in his eyes. This man must have gone through a few bad relationships for him to doubt what I just said to him. But I am not going to make him doubt any longer.

"Nick, I want you to look at me and really look at me. There is no other man in this world that I want to marry, but you and you alone. So, when I made the decision and said yes to you. It means nothing else except one big fat, yes!"

Then I see that cocky smile appearing on his face and I can not help but kiss his lips letting him know exactly how sure I am. Suddenly, I hear another scream coming from the room next to ours. I know that I do not have time for this little piece of heaven that I find myself in now. We need to go and help the other people.

"I love you so much, soldier"

"God, I love you even more…"

Then as if he is reading my mind, he gives me one last unforgettable kiss on my lips and asks.

"Are you ready?"

He takes my hand to lead me to the room next door.


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