My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 2 - All In A Day's Work


I take a deep breath as Nick asks me if I am ready. I am never really ready for any kind of casualty but I must say that I feel so much more ready with Nick by my side.

"I am ready"

He smiles at me and then opens the door. The scene that is unfolding before my eyes is something out of a horror show. I quickly run to the woman that is lying crushed under a slab of wood. A piece of the ceiling of the hospital room must have come loose. I watch as blood is starting to flow from under the wood.

"Nick, I need your help to remove this wood"

I have not even finished my sentence when he is already busy lifting the wood off the woman. It does not even take him more than a minute to get the heavy wood off of her. Once again I am completely amazed at the amount of strength and power that Nick possesses.

I turn my attention back to the woman and I see that she has a cut on her upper leg. The blood loss must have been too much. I have to suture you're her cut to stop the blood loss but right now I have to get pressure on the wound.

I then look around the room and I see a medicine cabinet.

"Nick, can you please go to that cabinet and wheel it closer to me?"

I have not even noticed it before but now I see that Nick is wincing as he walks on his leg. It is clear to me that he is in pain but he is not letting anyone know.


When I walk into the room I see the poor woman pinned down under a piece of ceiling. I do not even give Kim a chance to tell me to remove the ceiling as that is the first thing that comes to mind.

I watch ask she immediately goes into doctor mode and I can not help but feel extreme proudness. This woman right here is going to be my wife and I could not have asked for anyone better. I go to the medicine cabinet and I can not help as pain shoots through my leg as I am not walking with my crutches anymore.

I know that I am supposed to but in these circumstances, there is no time for things like that. We need to help as many people as we can. I watch as Kim starts to take out all the things that she needs and she guides my hands to put pressure on the wound. She is so completely in control and I can not help as it turns me on a little.

I never wanted a woman that can not stand her ground or would fall under pressure. This woman right here by my side is the only one that I want in my life. As I hold the pressure on the wound I can not help as my mind goes back to the bomber.

This guy has come for me as it was clear when he looked me straight in the eyes and said the words "you know what you did". I know that I did a lot of things in my life and that it can be several people that want to kill me. But never in my life did I think that anyone would find me.

I need to do some research of my own to find out what kind of bomb he used maybe this way I can see who I have offended so much. But I hate that this person came into my personal life and try to hurt the love of my life.

He made it very personal and I will make sure that he pays for what he just did. It breaks my heart to see other people that are suffering because of something that was meant for me. It is not fair to them or their families.


Suddenly I realized that Kim has been calling me and I did not even realize it. I was so busy trying to figure out who it was that I left reality for a minute.

"I am sorry what did you say?"


I am ready with the sutures and Nick is still holding pressure on the wound. I try to get his attention but it is clear that he is thinking of something that is upsetting to him. I can only imagine that this had something to do with the bombing and it is clearly bothering him.

"I said you can release the pressure now? I need to suture the wound?"

The woman is luckily passed out probably because of all the blood loss and we do not have to hear her screaming anymore. What I am about to do is going to be extremely painful. Then I watch as Nick lifts up the bed so that we can put the woman back on it. I can not help but feel some sort of satisfaction about what kind of team we make.

It is as if I do not have to say anything to him. He just knows the next step. It is clear that I made the right decision to marry this man standing in front of me. I finish the suture and we pick up the woman to put her back into her bed.

"Okay, there is nothing more we can do for her. Let's go to the next room. But before we go I need to ask you something and I need you to be dead honest with me"

Nick looks at me with a frown on his face and then says to me.

"Of course, what is it?"

"How is your leg really?"


Sometimes it is not such a good thing that someone knows you so well that you can not just give them a little white lie. I sigh loudly and say while I move closer to hold her hands.

"Listen doc, I need you not to worry about me right now and worry about the other casualties in this hospital. I will not lie, it is a bit painful but nothing I can not handle. Now, please let's go and please stay behind me, okay?"


Sometimes I really do not enjoy his proudness and how he puts other people's needs in front of himself. I don't know if I should see it as a weakness or something that is an asset to him.

With Nick walking in front of me, we make our way through the hospital and Nick helps where he can. It feels like I am back on deployment with all the casualties after the bombing on the ship. But this time the nurse next to me is much more of an eye-candy than the nurses that I had on the ship.

After hours and hours of helping as much as we can, we finally make our way out of the hospital. There isn't more that we can do than what we have already done and I feel as exhaustion starts to take its toll on me. We sit outside the hospital on a bench when Nick turns to me.

"I just want to say that I am extremely proud of you for what you have done today"

I can not help but smile at his kind words and then says to him.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help. I would have never been able to pick up half of the things that you have picked up in these few hours. So, I just actually wanted to thank you to you"

I can not help as I move closer to put my lips on this handsome man's face. I put my hand in his beautiful raven black hair and I can not believe that he is the man that is going to be next to me for the rest of my life.

" make every minute worthwhile to be next to you. Do you know that?"

I can not help but smile at his words and then pull him even closer to me.


I love the feeling of her body against mine but there is something that I need to do.

"Doc, I know that you must be exhausted. But I want you to just sit here for a little while longer. I need to go back in but this time on my own. Can you wait for me here?"


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