My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 3 - Breath Of Fresh Air


I can see the urgency in Nick's eyes and I know that the time has come for the Navy Seal to take him over. It does not matter what I am going to say now, he is going back in. I know that it is bothering him that the bomber has injured and hurt so many lives while it is clear that he only came for Nick.

Then I watch him as he gets up from the bench to start walking to the hospital. I see him wince again from the pain in his leg.


He turns around and looks at me.

"I might not understand why you are going back in but I do need to ask you a favor?"

He turns back to me and gives me one of his cocky smiles.

"What can I do for the most beautiful woman in the world?"

"Unfortunately, in this case, flattery will not get you anywhere. I need you to get off that leg and get some crutches. You know what can happen to your leg if you keep on walking on it"

He looks down at his leg and I can see the frustration in his eyes.


I hate this damn leg. I wish that it was healed already. I have so much to do and I can not spend time walking around looking like a clown with crutches. But I know what is at stake and if I do not look after it, this drag of a leg will just give in and I will not have a leg anymore.

I sit down next to her on the bench and then I look deep into her eyes while I say.

"I will see if I can find some crutches when I get in the hospital. Thank you, for looking after me"

I give her a kiss on the cheek and then I make my way back into the hospital. I need to know what kind of enemy I am dealing with. The only way that I am going to figure that out is if I examine the bomb fragments.

So, I investigate everything in the hospital as far as I go and also look for crutches. I know that the hospital is a disaster right now and nobody will be able to help me get crutches. Not too far into the hospital, I see two crutches lying on the ground. I unwillingly take them to help me walk.

Finally, I can now do what I wanted to do. I look around for any kind of piece that might be left from the bomb. I still can not believe that the bomb was meant for me and so many innocent people got hurt in the process.

Then something catches my attention in the corner of my eye. It looks like the timer of the bomb made it through the blast. I bent down to pick it up and start to inspect it. I can not make out the writing but it looks very familiar. I quickly put it in my pocket and then make my way back to Kim.


I patiently wait for Nick to come back. I feel my body being consumed with exhaustion. I lay my head back against the bench just to close my eyes for a few seconds as I have never gone through an entire hospital to help everyone as far as I can.

Though it is not such a big hospital it is still a lot of work going through each and every patient. But it was not just the patients I had to help but also some of the doctors and nurses who became patients.

As I close my eyes and take a breather I hear a familiar voice calling my name. I have completely forgotten about what happened to me after the bomb has gone off and Nick asked me to marry him. I do not want to deal with this now, although I can hear the concern in her voice.

"Kim! Thank God! Are you okay?"

It is my mother or shall I say, my so-called mother. She probably heard about the bombing and now she is here see if she can lend a helping hand. No matter what I think about her, she has always been a good person at heart. She always helps the community where she could.

"What are you doing here?"

She comes to sit next to me but I quickly stand up making sure to keep a safe distance between us. I am still not happy with the fact that she did not tell me that I was adopted.

"Honey, I came to see if you were in the hospital. I was looking for you everywhere and Nick-"

I lift my hand up in the air as I do not want to hear her say anything anymore.

"Yes, Nick found me. He was the one that was looking for me. He is the only one that cares for me. Do not act as if you suddenly care"

"But honey, I always cared for you, and if you just give me a chance to explain-"

Once again I stop her from talking and then say to her.

"I do not have time for this, Nick is probably waiting for me. I have to go"

Nick is not waiting for me but I can not be here a second longer. I need to get away I can not deal with this right now. I make my way back to the hospital and I hope that Nick is finished. I can not help this frustration and sadness taking over my heart. Being tired is not really helping me right now and I can not deal with anything.

As I walk to the hospital I see Nick coming out of the hospital and my heart is so happy to see him.



I watch as Kim comes running up to me and I know that something is wrong.

"What is wrong, doc?"

I feel her arms embracing me tightly and I really want to know why she is holding so tightly onto me.

"Nothing...I just...want to go home with you..."

"Okay...your home?"

"No! I mean can't we just go to a motel?"

"Doc, what happened? We haven't yet talked about what happened with you and forest..."


I know that Nick deserves an explanation but right now at this minute, I am just too exhausted for anything. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster ever since I came back to this town. But right now, I just need his arms around me.

"I know that I need to tell you everything but can we just pretend for a little while that it's just you and me in the world? Can we just go to a motel room and just be with each other?"


I know exactly what she means. I know that we did not have a breath of fresh air ever since we came to this town and we just need to be together for a few seconds without anyone trying to bomb us or try to lay heavy burdens on our shoulders.

"I get that…I do, and I would love that. Let's go"

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