My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 10 - Extreme Proudness


We finally arrived at the base and I know that Kim said that she will handle the Admiral but I can not help feeling a bit nervous. I know the Admiral and I has become somewhat friends but I know not to defy him. I can but only hope that he will understand why I brought her along.

We get out of the car and once again Kim helps me to get out. I can honestly say that I can not wait for tomorrow because I want to get rid of these crutches. If I could burn them, it will bring me much satisfaction.

I can not help but hold Kim's hand while we walk to the base. I want the Admiral to see that we are a unit now and that we will not be separated.


I know what he is doing. He wants to show the Admiral that he does not want to leave my side. I love the way how he has completely immersed himself in me. From the moment that he asked me to marry him, he has changed into someone even more wonderful, that I will just keep on falling in love with.

He has changed my life on so many levels and I feel like I will stay in his debt forever. But on the other hand, I would not want it any other way. As we walk onto the base it is quiet. Everyone has gone away to their families and it seems that it is only the Admiral still on the base.

"So, why did he ask you to come here? Is it regarding the bombing?"

"Yes, I called him this morning as I found something in the hospital. And I have an idea who is after me but I need to confirm with the Admiral"

I can not help swallowing a little bit deeper at the thought of someone that wants to kill Nick but then again, he is putting his life on the line, on a daily basis and I have to get used to living a life like this. As we get close to his office I can feel Nick's hand shaking just a little.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine why?"

"No reason. Just making sure"

He kisses me on the cheek and then I hear him take a deep breath. Of course, he is not okay but he will never admit it to me. I do not expect my strong Navy Seal to admit whenever he feels unsure or scared.

That would be the reason why I have studied his expressions on his face so that I can know how to handle him the right way. He is never going to change the person that he is but I'm definitely going to help bring just a little bit more peace of mind.


I open the door, not sure of what to expect, and then I see the Admiral turning around on his chair to face us. I try and salute him with one hand and the other tightly gripping the crutch.

"Sir, Admiral, sir"

I watch him standing up and then look at Kim and then me and then he says.

"At ease, soldier"

Then he turns to Kim and says.

"Ah, Dr. McPherson, I did not think that you will grace us with your presence today?"

I turn to look at Kim and I do not see one hair standing up on her body. Then she answers the Admiral in the calmest voice as if he does not worry her at all.

"It is good to see you again, Admiral. I make it a priority to stay close to my patients when they are injured and definitely when they are one of the most important soldiers of your platoon?"

I can not help as I feel extreme proudness jumping up my heart for this woman that would be mine for the rest of my life. When she said that she would handle the Admiral, she really meant that she would handle him. I watch as he looks at the floor almost as if he did not expect her to say that.

"You are right, Dr. McPherson, Master Chief Roberts is the best of the best and he deserves the best care"

I then look at the Admiral and can not help but feel a bit of warmth coming from his side.

"Thank you, sir"

Then I watched as my fiance step forward to give him a handshake and say.

"But I see that you have business to attend to. So, I will be leaving you to do what you need to"

I watch as she turns around to me and then says softly in my ear.

"I'm going to my apartment and I'll see you back here in say, three hours?"

I kiss her on the cheek and then nod my head in agreement. I can not help but smile at the way that she handled herself.


I close the door behind me and I look at my hand that is shaking uncontrollably. I have the utmost respect for the Admiral and I know that he is my boss as well but I did not want Nick to see me stress about the meeting with the Admiral. I am the one that is supposed to bring him peace of mind and I can only do that when he can clearly see that I am in control.

Of course, I was not in control, at all. I felt as nervous as I felt the day that I board the ship for the first time. I take a deep breath and then make my way to my car. I must say that I'm going to enjoy seeing my apartment again.

I get to my apartment and as I walk to the door I see that the door is open. I feel my heart rate increasing rapidly and my breathing is shallow. I take my key in my hand and hold it like a knife. If I would find anyone on the other side of this door, I will make sure to pierce a vital organ.

I slowly open the door and my heart stops at what I see. My house has been destroyed. It looks like someone was looking for something and everything is on the floor broken. I instantly feel like I do not want to go into my apartment anymore. This was supposed to be my security. But I know that I need to check the rest of the rooms.

As I walk to my bedroom and open the door I see that my mattress has been slashed open.. Someone was looking for something.

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