My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 9 - She Is My World


This woman just keeps on impressing me. I am waiting for her to say that she would rather stay with her family with who she just made up but then she goes and say something like that to me. I can not help as my hand finds its way around her waist.

I pull her close into me and make sure that her velvety soft lips find their way to mine. This is where her lips always should be and I want her to know that there is no one else in my world. I take a quick breath away from her lips, resting my forehead on hers, and say.

"Hmm…if I could take you here…right know…fuck, you are enough for me"


I feel his strong arms around me and I am instantly his all over again. He kisses me with so much passion that time just stands still in that moment. I can taste his kiss and it is filled with love for me. But when he has to physically remove himself from me to say those words to me, I can not stop myself from fall even deeper for him.

I can hear his breathing and it is clear that he is struggling to control his desire for me. I only know this because of the tingling feeling that I have for him between my thighs. He drives me insane and I will never stop loving him.

"I know exactly what you mean…"

Then I see out of the corner of my eye as my mother return. I really do not want to leave her now but there is just no way I am leaving Nick again, so soon. I quickly sit back in my chair and I watch as Nick is clearly in almost pain to restrain himself not to have his way with me. But he clears his throat and sits up straight, controlling himself with much difficulty.

"You love birds do not have to stop kissing on my count, please! Did you have enough time? Should I come back later?"

"We had enough time, thank you, mom"

She takes a seat with a big grin on her face and I wish I do not have to break her heart again but there is just no other way.

"Mom, something came up of which I wasn't aware of…"

"Oh? What is going on? You guys are not breaking up are you?!"

I can not help be laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement as that will never happen.

"No! God no! Calm down, mom. Nick and I have to go back to base. I do not know for how long…"

Then Nick jumps into the conversation.

"We should not be longer than a day, ma'am"

I watch my mom is almost shooting fire from her eyes while she zones into Nick.

"Nick, if you are going to be my future son-in-law that you should really learn to get off the ma'am wagon"

Nick does not scare easily but that had him rattled. I can not help but smile at him trying to not show him how I am actually laughing at him.

"Yes! Ma'am….I mean Deborah"

I take his hand under the table and I can see his appreciation for the comfort that I am giving him. Turn to my mom.

"So, then you have some time to organize the engagement party? We should be back in time for that at least"

We still talk a little while with my mom and then say our goodbyes. We get back to our room and pack our things for the trip, not long after my dad arrives in my car. We greet him, pack our bags and get ready to leave. As we are driving, we do not say a lot because both of us has a lot of things on our mind.


I do not know exactly what I am going to say when we get to the base. The Admiral won't let her stay. I should tell her about this before we arrive. It takes almost the entire trip for me to gather my courage to tell her. I just so desperately didn't want her to stay behind. I take a deep breath and say.

"Doc, there is something I need to say to you and quite frankly I am a bit scared to say it to you"

I see a smile on her beautiful face and then she answers me with that gentle voice that she only has for me.

"I think by now you should know that whatever you throw my way…I do not scare easily?"

I know this to be true. I have thrown a few things her way and she always managed to get through it and it usually looks so easy when she does it.

"You got me there. Okay, then I will just spill it. The Admiral did not approve of you coming along, but I have a good reason to take you with me. I do not want you to be alone again. I just know that we are just not…not…"

"Not good when we are separated…we need each other? Is that what you were going to say?"

She gets me in every way. She completes me. I put my hand on her leg and then say.

"That is exactly what I wanted to say. I love you so much"

"I love you too and don't worry about the Admiral. I will handle him"

She must have a set of steel balls because not anyone will just "handle" the Admiral. Now I do not only love her but I look up to her.

"You will handle the Admiral?"

"Yeah…you just watch and see"

I watch as she laughs and the beauty that I fell in love with just keeps making me fall harder for her. I laugh with her and say.

"Okay…guess we will just have to wait and see how you are going to "handle" him…"

The rest of the drive goes by fast as we laugh and chat like any other normal couple. This is what I want. I want us to love and laugh and be together.. She is my world.

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